#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use v5.10.1; use Mojolicious::Lite; use Loop; use Debug; use SMGLog; our $dlog; # the day log our $loop; # the Davis VP2 driver helper debug_start => sub { dbginit(); if (@ARGV) { dbgadd(@ARGV); } dbgadd('chan'); dbg '***'; dbg "*** starting $0"; dbg '***'; }; helper debug_stop => sub { dbg '***'; dbg "*** ending $0"; dbg '***'; }; helper loop_start => sub { $loop = Loop->new; $loop->start; }; helper loop_stop => sub { $loop->stop; }; helper dlog_start => sub { $dlog = SMGLog->new("day"); }; helper dlog_stop => sub { $dlog->close; }; # setup base route any '/' => sub { my $c = shift; $c->render('index'); }; # WebSocket weather service websocket '/weather_data' => sub { my $c = shift; # Opened $c->app->log->debug('WebSocket opened.'); dbg 'WebSocket opened' if isdbg 'chan'; # Increase inactivity timeout for connection a bit $c->inactivity_timeout(60*60); # Incoming message $c->on( message => sub { my ($c, $msg) = @_; dbg "websocket: $msg" if isdbg 'chan'; }, json => sub { my ($c, $msg) = @_; dbg "websocket: $msg" if isdbg 'chan'; } ); # Closed $c->on(finish => sub { my ($c, $code, $reason) = @_; $c->app->log->debug("WebSocket closed with status $code."); dbg 'WebSocket closed with status $code' if isdbg 'chan'; }); $c->render; }; app->debug_start; app->dlog_start; app->loop_start; app->start; app->loop_stop; app->dlog_stop; app->debug_stop; exit 0; __DATA__ @@ index.html.ep DWeather
