#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # A GTK based console program # # Copyright (c) 2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH # # $Id$ # # search local then perl directories BEGIN { # root of directory tree for this system $root = "/spider"; $root = $ENV{'DXSPIDER_ROOT'} if $ENV{'DXSPIDER_ROOT'}; unshift @INC, "$root/perl"; # this IS the right way round! unshift @INC, "$root/local"; } use strict; use vars qw(@modules); @modules = (); # is the list of modules that need init calling # on them. It is set up by each 'use'ed module # that has Gtk stuff in it use DXVars; use IO::Socket::INET; use Gtk qw(-init); use Text; use DebugHandler; # # main initialisation # my $call = uc shift @ARGV if @ARGV; $call = uc $main::myalias unless $call; my ($scall, $ssid) = split /-/, $call; $ssid = undef unless $ssid && $ssid =~ /^\d+$/; if ($ssid) { $ssid = 15 if $ssid > 15; $call = "$scall-$ssid"; } die "You cannot connect as your cluster callsign ($main::mycall)\n" if $call eq $main::mycall; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$main::clusteraddr, PeerPort=>$main::clusterport); die "Cannot connect to $main::clusteraddr/$main::clusterport ($!)\n" unless $sock; sendmsg('A', 'local'); sendmsg('G', '2'); sendmsg('I', 'set/page 500'); sendmsg('I', 'set/nobeep'); # # start of GTK stuff # # main window my $main = new Gtk::Window('toplevel'); $main->set_default_size(600, 600); $main->set_policy(0, 1, 0); $main->signal_connect('destroy', sub { Gtk->exit(0); }); $main->signal_connect('delete_event', sub { Gtk->exit(0); }); $main->set_title("gtkconsole - The DXSpider Console - $call"); # the main vbox my $vbox = new Gtk::VBox(0, 1); $vbox->border_width(1); $main->add($vbox); $vbox->show; # the menu bar my @menu = ( {path => '/_File', type => ''}, {path => '/_File/Quit', callback => sub {Gtk->exit(0)}}, {path => '/_Help', type => ''}, {path => '/_Help/About'}, ); my $accel = new Gtk::AccelGroup(); my $itemf = new Gtk::ItemFactory('Gtk::MenuBar', '
', $accel); $itemf->create_items(@menu); $main->add_accel_group($accel); my $menu = $itemf->get_widget('
'); $vbox->pack_start($menu, 0, 1, 0); $menu->show; # create a vertically paned window and stick it in the bottom of the screen my $paned = new Gtk::VPaned; $vbox->pack_end($paned, 1, 1, 0); my $top = new Text(1); my $toplist = $top->text; $toplist->set_editable(0); $paned->pack1($top, 1, 1); # add the handler for incoming messages from the node my $tophandler = Gtk::Gdk->input_add($sock->fileno, ['read'], \&tophandler, $sock); my $rbuf = ""; # used in handler # the bottom handler my $bot = new Text(1); my $botlist = $bot->text; $botlist->set_editable(1); $botlist->signal_connect('activate', \&bothandler); $botlist->can_focus(1); $botlist->can_default(1); $botlist->grab_focus; $botlist->grab_default; $toplist->{signalid} = $toplist->signal_connect(insert_text => \&doinsert); $paned->pack2($bot, 0, 1); $paned->show; # the main loop $main->show_all; Gtk->main; # # handlers # sub doinsert { my ($self, $text) = @_; # we temporarily block this handler to avoid recursion $self->signal_handler_block($self->{signalid}); my $pos = $self->insert($self->{font}, undef, undef, $text); $self->signal_handler_unblock($self->{signalid}); # we already inserted the text if it was valid: no need # for the self to process this signal emission $self->signal_emit_stop_by_name('insert-text'); $self->signal_emit('activate') if $text eq "\n"; 1; } sub bothandler { my ($self, $data) = @_; my ($msg) = $self->get_chars =~ /([^\n]*)\r?\n$/; $msg ||= ''; senddata($msg); } sub tophandler { my ($socket, $fd, $flags) = @_; if ($flags->{read}) { my $offset = length $rbuf; my $l = sysread($socket, $rbuf, 1024, $offset); if (defined $l) { my $freeze; if ($l) { while ($rbuf =~ s/^([^\015\012]*)\015?\012//) { my $msg = $1; $msg =~ s/\%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg; $msg =~ s/[\x00-\x08\x0a-\x19\x1b-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/./g; # immutable CSI sequence + control characters $toplist->freeze unless $freeze++; handlemsg($msg); } if ($freeze) { $toplist->thaw; $toplist->vadj->set_value($toplist->vadj->upper); $toplist->vadj->value_changed; } } else { Gtk->exit(0); } } else { Gtk->exit(0); } } } sub handlemsg { my $msg = shift; my ($sort, $call, $line) = $msg =~ /^(\w)([^\|]+)\|(.*)$/; if ($sort eq 'D') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'X') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'Y') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'V') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'N') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'W') { $toplist->insert($toplist->{font}, undef, undef, "$line\n"); } elsif ($sort eq 'Z') { Gtk->exit(0); } } # # subroutine # sub senddata { my $msg = shift; sendmsg('I', $msg); } sub sendmsg { my ($let, $msg) = @_; $msg =~ s/([\%\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg; $sock->print("$let$call|$msg\n"); }