X-Git-Url: http://dxcluster.org/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=Changes;h=caf0ae37a177a16e081f301663c3b62780e137c3;hb=47bc13ac2b52dd67972c24017d7f6a41ac601611;hp=071292191a6e9c305825b0fd3a1184372c72d0ea;hpb=72568e838d146250a78fea19bd4bbafc760e6a49;p=spider.git diff --git a/Changes b/Changes index 07129219..caf0ae37 100644 --- a/Changes +++ b/Changes @@ -1,11 +1,158 @@ +25Oct01======================================================================= +1. added unset/password command to allow sysops (only) to completely delete +and remove a user's password. +2. make 'read' increment the 'no of times read' for all messages. +3. give a read receipt for everybody that reads a message so marked. +4. enhance set/email so that if you set email address(es) with this command +it will send any messages to your callsign as they come in. unset/email +will disable forwarding. This probably only works for unix systems. To enable +this feature you need to download Mail::Send from CPAN and install it. +(http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Mail/Mail-Tools-1.40.tar.gz). If you +don't want this then it should work without. +24Oct01======================================================================= +1. added (un)set/register, show/registered commands which when a 'set/var +$main::reqreg = 1' is done in the startup script will require users to +be 'registered' in order for them to have 'write' access to the node. Non- +registered users will only be allowed to TALK or SEND PRIVATE to the cluster +sysop callsign. +2. Added password interrogation to the ExtMsg connections. If a user comes +in via telnet and this is being done with the internal listener and a pass- +word has been set for that user - he will be asked for it. You can force +a password interrogation (for ALL users) with a 'set/var $main::passwdreq = 1' +in the node's startup script. It is anticipated that if you are using +registration you will also issue passwords to those registered users. +3. set/password has been changed so that users already with passwords can +change them. +4. A non-registered user will get the /spider/data/motd_nor file instead of +the motd on login. +5. made the BadWord regexes slightly less aggressive WARNING this may let +some constructions thru, but hopefully will also allow more legitimate +foreign (mainly) things thru as well. +19Oct01======================================================================= +1. Allow DELETE (0x7f) for backspace in console.pl +2. redo prefix table using latest cty.dat +14Oct01======================================================================= +1. Add the shortform SH/ST like display to sh/user to make it more +AK1A compatible (G0RDI+G4PDQ pace). +12Oct01======================================================================= +1. make del nnn delete messages again (fix system Aliases file) +2. substr the subject so that the dup works for stuff coming back via AK1A +09Oct01======================================================================= +1. change Aliases to allow shutdown as a command again. If you have changed +/spider/cmd/Aliases and you update from CVS you may find it better to remove +this file and then do another 'cvs update'. Otherwise you may get conflicts +and the Aliase file will not load properly. The cvs update will recreate +the (now) missing file. +2. Remove the 'please don't use XXXX on here' messages to prevent people +from exploring the 'bad words space'. Three bad words will still disconnect +without warning. +3. Sending dx spots/announces with bad words will succeed - but only back to +the sender. These two mods are designed to annoy the perpitrators of the +sort of filth as much as possible whilst not inconveniencing 'normal' users. +4. Add expunge feature to kill. Deleting messages now marks a msg for +deletion two days hence. To have the old behaviour, do a 'kill exp' or use +the standard alias "expunge". This will cause the message to be deleted at +the next queue message cycle. +5. Put in prototype echo handling for direct connections using ExtMsg and +Listeners.pm. +6. fix msgs to g1tlh-2 (as opposed to g1tlh) +04Oct01======================================================================= +1. allow a residence time of (default) 2 days before actually deleting a msg. +2. reduce the number R: lines on a bull from a bbs to 2 (the origin and the +last port of call). +3. ignore deleted messages for queuing purposes +4. store deleted status across restarts! +5. make callsign checking more rigorous +6. dup check PC49 (kill full) +7. improved the regex matching of badwords (more efficient, better coverage) +8. added default badword and badw_regex tables (as .issue files) which will +activate unless there is one there already. It will NOT overwrite an existing +file - so if you change it your changes will remain intact. +03Oct01======================================================================= +1. don't allow @WWW to become a 'TO' field... +2. handle @gb7tlh.#35.eu type addresses as well +02Oct01======================================================================= +1. fixed the 'ever lengthening msg' syndrome and probably made the whole +thing more reliable at the same time. +2. do some restructuring of the msg system and upissue the version no. +3. fix @xxxx syntax for bbs input +01Oct01======================================================================= +1. made login info not the default +2. change the looping protoection for PC16/17/19/21 and also be more rigorous +in who we accept which PC16/17/21's from. +3. fix MAJOR disconnect bug introduced accidentally in the NP work. +4. Try each badword with an S on the end as well and also check for 'f.u c' +type things as well (this only works for a few wellknown english ones). +5. Go back to the old way of caching commands (but without the silly warnings +because I know better what I am doing now). This allows symbolic debugging +of commands again without coredumps. Hurrah! +6. Add badword handling for messages. Users will get rude messages back if +they try to send naughty words in msgs. Incoming messages with badwords will +be dropped on receipt and their contents logged. +7. and if you swear 3 or more times you are unceremoniously logged out. +30Sep01======================================================================= +1. made some small bug fixes in rspf checking and also messages. +23Sep01======================================================================= +1. I have incorporated Steve's (K9AN) lastest sh/sun and sh/moon stuff which +copes much better with some of the end effects that occur in these calc- +ulations. You can now also see up to a year into the past or future. The +results compare favourably with the US Naval Obs (unlike certain other +software's output which "I would not want to use their results to aim my +moon rocket..."). It also fixes some ambiguity about which day the results +are actually for. +21Sep01======================================================================= +1. fix set/lockout so that it is possible to lock out all SSIDs except those +specifically unlocked and so that you don't need to lock the non-SSID call in +order to lock an SSID call. So set/lock g1tlh will lock out all instances of +g1tlh, g1tlh-1, g1tlh-15 etc except (for instance) unset/lock g1tlh-9. +2. show/lock allows partial callsign matching so sh/lock gb7 will only show +GB7* calls that are locked. +3. Had a grand shift around for the start of NP. +19Sep01======================================================================= +1. put in some rudimentory rsfp checking for various things +2. tried to do some fixes on console.pl - YOU WILL REQUIRE Curses 1.06 from +CPAN (perl -MCPAN -eshell, then at cpan> install Curses). +17Sep01======================================================================= +1. Fixed help and apropos commands so that they default to english if +the language is not english and help in the 'not english' language isn't +available. +2. added some help text for sh/newc. +15Sep01======================================================================= +1. released 1.48 +2. found 1st bug, fixed unset/logininfo reseting itself after logout +14Sep01======================================================================= +1. added the start of script files on login/startup. You can now add +commands (for example to set variables) to a file called +/spider/scripts/startup. You can also put in scripts for a callsign which +will be executed when that callsign logs on. A sample script is in the +directory (you did remember to do cvs update -d?). User settable versions +of this will happen when the general mechanism for doing that is available. +2. Added set/unset/anntalk commands. If you unset/anntalk then you will +no longer see many of the of talk like announces. Unfortunately you may +miss the odd useful one as well (but since everything is repeated many times +you probably won't :-) +3. centralise the invalid callsign check so that g1tlh1 and similar calls +will not be allowed to login anymore. +4. Fiddle with the lockout mechanism so that set/login g1tlh also locks out +g1tlh-1 -> g1tlh-15 UNLESS one of these is specifically unlocked. +5. Make sh/log only show stuff that sh/ann, sh/talk, sh/rcmd doesn't. +6. Make the scripts look for user and node_default files if there isn't a +more specific one. +7. add the blank command which prints nn blank lines (default 1), this cmd +can also print lines of characters: see help for examples. 13Sep01======================================================================= 1. did some work on making talk more intelligent and fixed a>b problem. 2. fixed a nasty problem on input when being hit with full buffers of data (eg at init time with large lists of node/users on fast links). 3. fixed realtime input filter changing. 4. added announce->talk conversion for routable calls when announces of the -form 'to g1tlh hello' or 'g1tlh hello' appear. This also suppresses similar -announces for users whose callsign is not the one in the announce. +form 'to g1tlh hello', 't g1tlh hello' or 'g1tlh hello' appear. +This also suppresses similar announces for users whose callsign is not the +one in the announce. +5. Change the badwords interface to be the same as baddx, badspotter et al. +added set/badword, unset/badword and show/badword. This routine will auto +convert (and delete afterwards) the old badwords file. +6. fix intermittant bullitin mail forwarding? 11Sep01======================================================================= 1. added IP address logging of connections 10Sep01=======================================================================