-my $pc90msgid = 0;
-sub nextpc90
- $pc90msgid = 0 if $pc90msgid > 9999;
- return $pc90msgid++;
-sub mungepc90
- unless ($_[0] =~ /^PC9\d/) {
- my $id = nextpc90();
- return "PC90^$main::mycall^$id^" . $_[0];
- }
- return $_[0];
-sub mungepc91
- unless ($_[1] =~ /^PC9\d/) {
- my $id = nextpc90();
- return "PC91^$main::mycall^$id^$_[0]^" . $_[1];
- }
- return $_[1];
# This is the normal pcxx despatcher
- # handle PC90 frames in a special way.
- #
- # PC90 frames are normal frames that that are wrapped in inside a PC90
- # The extra fields are "originating node" and a sequence number.
- # The sequence number is checked against the nodes 'last one' to see if
- # it is a duplicate and, if so, is dropped at this stage; before any
- # other processing.
- #
- # This is done here simply for efficiency. Adding another function would
- # add more copying and so on.
- #
my $origin = $self->{call};
- if ($pcno >= 90) {
- $origin = $field[1];
- if ($origin eq $main::mycall) {
- dbg("PCPROT: loop dupe") if isdbg('chanerr');
- return;
- }
- $self->user->wantpc90(1) unless $self->user->wantpc90 || $origin ne $self->{call};
- my $seq = $field[2];
- my $node = Route::Node::get($origin);
- if ($node) {
- if (my $lid = $node->lid) {
- my $cmp = $seq >= $lid ? $seq : $seq + 9999;
- if ($cmp <= $lid) {
- dbg("PCPROT: sequence dupe $seq ($cmp) <= $lid") if isdbg('chanerr');
- return;
- }
- }
- $node->lid($seq);
- }
- # do a recheck on the contents of the PC90
- if ($pcno >= 90) {
- shift @field;
- shift @field;
- shift @field;
- $origin = shift @field if $pcno == 91;
- ($pcno) = $field[0] =~ /^PC(\d\d)/; # just get the number
- unless (defined $pcno && $pcno >= 10 && $pcno <= 89) {
- dbg("PCPROT: unknown protocol") if isdbg('chanerr');
- return;
- }
- # check for and dump bad protocol messages
- my $n = check($pcno, @field);
- if ($n) {
- dbg("PCPROT: bad field $n, dumped (" . parray($checklist[$pcno-10]) . ")") if isdbg('chanerr');
- return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($pcno == 16 || $pcno == 17 || $pcno == 19 || $pcno == 21) {
- $line = mungepc91($origin, $line);
- } else {
- $line = mungepc90($line);
- }
- }
no strict 'subs';
my $sub = "handle_$pcno";
use Script;
use DXProt;
use Verify;
+use Thingy;
use strict;
sub init
my $user = DXUser->get($main::mycall);
- $DXProt::myprot_version += $main::version*100;
+ $DXProt::myprot_version += ($main::version - 1 + 0.52)*100;
$main::me = QXProt->new($main::mycall, 0, $user);
$main::me->{here} = 1;
$main::me->{state} = "indifferent";
my $self = shift;
- $self->send($self->genI);
+ my $t = Thingy::Route->new_node_connect($main::mycall, $main::mycall, nextmsgid(), $self->{call});
+ $t->add;
sub normal
- my ($sort, $tonode, $fromnode, $msgid, $incs);
- return unless ($sort, $tonode, $fromnode, $msgid, $incs) = $_[1] =~ /^QX([A-Z])\^(\*|[-A-Z0-9]+)\^([-A-Z0-9]+)\^([0-9A-F]{1,4})\^.*\^([0-9A-F]{2})$/;
- $msgid = hex $msgid;
- my $noderef = Route::Node::get($fromnode);
- $noderef = Route::Node::new($fromnode) unless $noderef;
- my $il = length $incs;
- my $cs = sprintf("%02X", unpack("%32C*", substr($_[1], 0, length($_[1]) - ($il+1))) & 255);
- if ($incs ne $cs) {
- dbg("QXPROT: Checksum fail in: $incs ne calc: $cs" ) if isdbg('chanerr');
- return;
- }
- return unless $noderef->newid($msgid);
- $_[0]->handle($sort, $tonode, $fromnode, $msgid, $_[1]);
- return;
-sub handle
- no strict 'subs';
- my $self = shift;
- my $sort = shift;
- my $sub = "handle$sort";
- $self->$sub(@_) if $self->can($sub);
- return;
+ # Although this is called the 'QX' Protocol, this is historical
+ # I am simply using this module to save a bit of time.
+ #
+ return unless my ($tonode, $fromnode, $class, $msgid, $hoptime, $rest) =
+ $_[1] =~ /^([^,]+,){5,5}:(.*)$/;
-sub gen
- no strict 'subs';
my $self = shift;
- my $sort = shift;
- my $sub = "gen$sort";
- $self->$sub(@_) if $self->can($sub);
+ # add this interface's hop time to the one passed
+ my $newhoptime = $self->{pingave} >= 999 ?
+ $hoptime+10 : ($hoptime + int($self->{pingave}*10));
+ # split up the 'rest' which are 'a=b' pairs separated by commas
+ # and create a new thingy based on the class passed (if known)
+ # ignore pairs with a leading '_'.
+ my @par = map {/^_/ ? split(/=/,$_,2) : ()} split /,/, $rest;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $pkg = "Thingy::${class}";
+ my $t = $pkg->new(_tonode=>$tonode, _fromnode=>$fromnode,
+ _msgid=>$msgid, _hoptime=>$newhoptime,
+ _newdata=>$rest, _inon=>$self->{call},
+ @par) if defined *$pkg && $pkg->can('new');
+ $t->add if $t;
my $last_node_update = 0;
-my $node_update_interval = 60*15;
+my $node_update_interval = 60*60;
sub process
if ($main::systime >= $last_node_update+$node_update_interval) {
-# sendallnodes();
-# sendallusers();
$last_node_update = $main::systime;
sub disconnect
my $self = shift;
+ my $t = Thingy::Route->new_node_disconnect($main::mycall, $main::mycall, nextmsgid(), $self->{call});
+ $t->add;
my $msgid = 1;
-sub frame
+sub nextmsgid
- my $sort = shift;
- my $to = shift || "*";
- my $ht;
- $ht = sprintf "%X", $msgid;
- my $line = join '^', "QX$sort", $to, $main::mycall, $ht, @_;
- my $cs = sprintf "%02X", unpack("%32C*", $line) & 255;
- $msgid = 1 if ++$msgid > 0xffff;
- return "$line^$cs";
+ my $r = $msgid;
+ $msgid = 1 if ++$msgid > 99999;
+ return $r;
-sub handleI
+sub node_update
- my $self = shift;
- my @f = split /\^/, $_[3];
- if ($self->passphrase && $f[7] && $f[8]) {
- my $inv = Verify->new($f[7]);
- unless ($inv->verify($f[8], $main::me->user->passphrase, $main::mycall, $self->call)) {
- $self->sendnow('D','Sorry...');
- $self->disconnect;
- }
- $self->{verified} = 1;
- } else {
- $self->{verified} = 0;
- }
- if ($self->{outbound}) {
- $self->send($self->genI);
- }
- if ($self->{sort} ne 'S' && $f[4] eq 'DXSpider') {
- $self->{user}->{sort} = $self->{sort} = 'S';
- $self->{user}->{priv} = $self->{priv} = 1 unless $self->{priv};
- }
- $self->{version} = $f[5];
- $self->{build} = $f[6];
- $self->state('init1');
- $self->{lastping} = 0;
+ my $t = Thingy::Route->new_node_update(nextmsgid());
+ $t->add if $t;
-sub genI
- my $self = shift;
- my @out = ('I', $self->call, "DXSpider", ($main::version + 53) * 100, $main::build);
- if (my $pass = $self->user->passphrase) {
- my $inp = Verify->new;
- push @out, $inp->challenge, $inp->response($pass, $self->call, $main::mycall);
- }
- return frame(@out);
-sub handleR
-sub genR
-sub handleP
-sub genP
-sub gen2
- my $self = shift;
- my $node = shift;
- my $sort = shift;
- my @out;
- my $dxchan;
- while (@_) {
- my $str = '';
- for (; @_ && length $str <= 230;) {
- my $ref = shift;
- my $call = $ref->call;
- my $flag = 0;
- $flag += 1 if $ref->here;
- $flag += 2 if $ref->conf;
- if ($ref->is_node) {
- my $ping = int($ref->pingave * 10);
- $str .= "^N$flag$call,$ping";
- my $v = $ref->build || $ref->version;
- $str .= ",$v" if defined $v;
- } else {
- $str .= "^U$flag$call";
- }
- }
- push @out, $str if $str;
- }
- my $n = @out;
- my $h = get_hops(90);
- @out = map { sprintf "PC90^%s^%X^%s%d%s^%s^", $node->call, $main::systime, $sort, --$n, $_, $h } @out;
- return @out;
--- /dev/null
+# Generate route Thingies
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+package Thingy::Route;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
+$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
+$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ || (0,0));
+$main::build += $VERSION;
+$main::branch += $BRANCH;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Thingy);
+# this is node connect
+sub new_node_connect
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $fromnode = shift;
+ my $inon = shift;
+ my $msgid = shift;
+ my $t = $pkg->SUPER::new(_fromnode=>$fromnode, _msgid=>$msgid,
+ _inon=>$inon,
+ t=>'nc', n=>join('|', @_));
+ return $t;
+# this is node disconnect
+sub new_node_disconnect
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $fromnode = shift;
+ my $inon = shift;
+ my $msgid = shift;
+ my $t = $pkg->SUPER::new(_fromnode=>$fromnode, _msgid=>$msgid,
+ _inon=>$inon,
+ t=>'nd', n=>join('|', @_));
+ return $t;
+# a full node update
+sub new_node_update
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $msgid = shift;
+ my @nodes = grep {$_ ne $main::mycall} DXChannel::get_all_node_calls();
+ my @users = DXChannel::get_all_user_calls();
+ my $t = $pkg->SUPER::new(_msgid=>$msgid, t=>'nu',
+ id=>"DXSpider $main::version $main::build",
+ n=>join('|', @nodes), u=>join('|', @users));
+ return $t;
+sub normal