$foreground = COLOR_BLACK();
$background = COLOR_WHITE();
@colors = (
- [ '^DX de [\-A-Z0-9]+:\s+(14[45]\d\d\d|5[01]\d\d\d)', COLOR_PAIR(1) ],
+ [ '^DX de [\-A-Z0-9]+:\s+([57][01]\d\d\d\.|\d\d\d\d\d\d+.)', COLOR_PAIR(1) ],
[ '^DX', COLOR_PAIR(5) ],
[ '^To', COLOR_PAIR(3) ],
[ '^WWV', COLOR_PAIR(4) ],
$foreground = COLOR_WHITE();
$background = COLOR_BLACK();
@colors = (
- [ '^DX de [\-\w]+:\s+(14[45]\d\d\d|5[01]\d\d\d)', COLOR_PAIR(1) ],
+ [ '^DX de [\-A-Z0-9]+:\s+([57][01]\d\d\d\.|\d\d\d\d\d\d+.)', COLOR_PAIR(1) ],
[ '^DX', COLOR_PAIR(4) ],
[ '^To', COLOR_PAIR(3) ],
[ '^WWV', COLOR_PAIR(5) ],
use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $pc11_dup_age $pc23_dup_age
%spotdup %wwvdup $last_hour %pings %rcmds
%nodehops @baddx $baddxfn $pc12_dup_age
- %anndup $allowzero $pc12_dup_lth);
+ %anndup $allowzero $pc12_dup_lth $decode_dk0wcy);
$me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
+$decode_dk0wcy = undef; # if set use this callsign to decode announces from the EU WWV data beacon
$pc11_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc11
$pc23_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc23
$pc11_dup_age = 24*3600; # the maximum time to keep the spot dup list for
$anndup{$dupkey} = $main::systime;
- # global ann filtering
+ # global ann filtering on INPUT
my ($filter, $hops) = Filter::it($self->{annfilter}, @field[1..6], $self->{call} ) if $self->{annfilter};
if ($self->{annfilter} && !$filter) {
dbg('chan', "Rejected by filter");
Log('ann', $target, $field[1], $text);
+ if ($decode_dk0wcy && $field[1] eq $decode_dk0wcy) {
+ my ($hour, $k, $next, $a, $r, $sfi) = $field[3] =~ /^Aurora Beacon\s+(\d+)UTC,\s+Kiel\s+K=(\d+),.*ed\s+K=(\d+),\s+A=(\d+),\s+R=(\d+),\s+SFI=(\d+),/;
+ my $wwv = Geomag::update($main::systime, $hour, $sfi, $a, $k, "R=$r, Next K=$next", $decode_dk0wcy, $field[5], $r);
+ }
return if $field[2] eq $main::mycall; # it's routed to me
} else {
route($field[2], $line);
my $sfi = unpad($field[3]);
my $k = unpad($field[4]);
my $i = unpad($field[5]);
+ my $r = $field[6] =~ /R=(\d+)/ || 0;
my $dupkey = "$d.$sfi$k$i";
if ($wwvdup{$dupkey}) {
dbg('chan', "Dup WWV Spot ignored\n");
- if ($d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age || $d > $main::systime + 900 || $field[2] < 0 || $field[2] > 23) {
+ if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 900 || $field[2] < 0 || $field[2] > 23) {
dbg('chan', "WWV Date ($field[1] $field[2]) out of range");
$wwvdup{$dupkey} = $d;
$field[6] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
- my $wwv = Geomag::update($d, $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8]);
+ my $wwv = Geomag::update($d, $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8], $r);
- my $r;
+ my $rep;
eval {
- $r = Local::wwv($self, $field[1], $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8]);
+ $rep = Local::wwv($self, $field[1], $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8], $r);
# dbg('local', "Local::wwv2 error $@") if $@;
- return if $r;
+ return if $rep;
# DON'T be silly and send on PC27s!
return if $pcno == 27;
# spots
if ($field[3] > 0) {
- my @in = reverse Spot::search(1, undef, undef, 0, $field[3]-1);
+ my @in = reverse Spot::search(1, undef, undef, 0, $field[3]);
my $in;
foreach $in (@in) {
$self->send(pc26(@{$in}[0..4], $field[2]));
use Carp;
use strict;
-use vars qw($date $sfi $k $a $forecast @allowed @denied $fp $node $from);
+use vars qw($date $sfi $k $a $r $forecast @allowed @denied $fp $node $from);
$fp = 0; # the DXLog fcb
$date = 0; # the unix time of the WWV (notional)
$sfi = 0; # the current SFI value
$k = 0; # the current K value
$a = 0; # the current A value
+$r = 0; # the current R value
$forecast = ""; # the current geomagnetic forecast
$node = ""; # originating node
$from = ""; # who this came from
print $fh "\$sfi = $sfi;\n";
print $fh "\$a = $a;\n";
print $fh "\$k = $k;\n";
+ print $fh "\$r = $r;\n";
print $fh "\$from = '$from';\n";
print $fh "\$node = '$node';\n";
print $fh "\@denied = qw(", join(' ', @denied), ");\n" if @denied > 0;
close $fh;
# log it
- $fp->writeunix($date, "$from^$date^$sfi^$a^$k^$forecast^$node");
+ $fp->writeunix($date, "$from^$date^$sfi^$a^$k^$forecast^$node^$r");
# update WWV info in one go (usually from a PC23)
sub update
- my ($mydate, $mytime, $mysfi, $mya, $myk, $myforecast, $myfrom, $mynode) = @_;
+ my ($mydate, $mytime, $mysfi, $mya, $myk, $myforecast, $myfrom, $mynode, $myr) = @_;
if ((@allowed && grep {$_ eq $from} @allowed) ||
(@denied && !grep {$_ eq $from} @denied) ||
(@allowed == 0 && @denied == 0)) {
# my $trydate = cltounix($mydate, sprintf("%02d18Z", $mytime));
if ($mydate >= $date) {
$sfi = 0 + $mysfi;
+ $r = 0 + $myr unless !$r && $myk == $k;
$k = 0 + $myk;
$a = 0 + $mya;
$forecast = $myforecast;
@_ ? $k = shift : $k ;
+sub r
+ @_ ? $r = shift : $r ;
sub a
@_ ? $a = shift : $a ;
@_ ? $forecast = shift : $forecast ;
# print some items from the log backwards in time