--- /dev/null
+# Package to handle US Callsign -> City, State translations
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+use strict;
+use DXVars;
+use DB_File;
+use File::Copy;
+use DXDebug;
+use Compress::Zlib;
+use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
+$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
+$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ || (0,0));
+$main::build += $VERSION;
+$main::branch += $BRANCH;
+use vars qw(%db $present);
+my $dbfn = "$main::data/usdb.v1";
+sub init
+ end();
+ tie %db, 'DB_File', $dbfn and $present = 1;
+sub end
+ return unless $present;
+ untie %db;
+ undef $present;
+sub get
+ return () unless $present;
+ my $ctyn = $db{$_[0]};
+ my @s = split /\|/, $db{$ctyn} if $ctyn;
+ return @s;
+sub getstate
+ return () unless $present;
+ my @s = get($_[0]);
+ return @s ? $s[1] : undef;
+sub getcity
+ return () unless $present;
+ my @s = get($_[0]);
+ return @s ? $s[0] : undef;
+# load in / update an existing DB with a standard format (GZIPPED)
+# "raw" file.
+# Note that this removes and overwrites the existing DB file
+# You will need to init again after doing this
+sub load
+ # create the new output file
+ my $a = new DB_File::BTREEINFO;
+ $a->{psize} = 4096 * 2;
+ my $s;
+ if ($s = -s $dbfn && $s > 1024 * 1024) {
+ $a->{cachesize} = int(($s / (1024*1024)) / 2) * 1024 * 1024;
+ }
+ my %dbn;
+ if (-e $dbfn ) {
+ syscopy($dbfn, "$dbfn.new") or return "cannot copy $dbfn -> $dbfn.new $!";
+ }
+ tie %dbn, 'DB_File', "$dbfn.new", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0664, $a or return "cannot tie $dbfn.new $!";
+ # now write away all the files
+ for (@_) {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my $f = gzopen($fn, "r") or return "Cannot open $fn $!";
+ while ($f->gzreadline) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($call, $city, $state) = split /\|/;
+ # lookup the city
+ my $s = "$city|$state";
+ my $ctyn = $dbn{$s};
+ unless ($ctyn) {
+ my $no = $dbn{'##'} || 1;
+ $ctyn = "#$no";
+ $dbn{$s} = $ctyn;
+ $dbn{$ctyn} = $s;
+ $no++;
+ $dbn{'##'} = "$no";
+ }
+ $dbn{$call} = $ctyn;
+ }
+ $f->gzclose;
+ }
+ untie %dbn;
+ rename "$dbfn.new", $dbfn;
--- /dev/null
+# create a USDB file from a standard raw file (which is GZIPPED BTW)
+# This will overwrite and remove any existing usdb file, but it will
+# copy the old one first and update that.
+use strict;
+# make sure that modules are searched in the order local then perl
+ # root of directory tree for this system
+ use vars qw($root);
+ $root = "/spider";
+ unshift @INC, "$root/local";
+use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
+$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
+$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ || (0,0));
+$main::build += $VERSION;
+$main::branch += $BRANCH;
+use DXVars;
+use USDB;
+die "no input (usdbraw?) files specified\n" unless @ARGV;
--- /dev/null
+# Something to create my subset of the US call book data,
+# in my flat file form, either from the main data base or
+# else the daily updates.
+# You can get the main database from:
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/complete/l_amat.zip
+# The daily data bases are available as a set of seven from here:-
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_sat.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_sun.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_mon.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_tue.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_wed.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_thu.zip
+# http://wireless.fcc.gov/uls/data/daily/l_am_fri.zip
+# this program expects one or more zip files containing the call book
+# data as arguments.
+# Copyright (c) 2002 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+# make sure that modules are searched in the order local then perl
+ # root of directory tree for this system
+ use vars qw($root);
+ $root = "/spider";
+ unshift @INC, "$root/local";
+use vars qw($VERSION $BRANCH);
+$VERSION = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ );
+$BRANCH = sprintf( "%d.%03d", q$Revision$ =~ /\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ || (0,0));
+$main::build += $VERSION;
+$main::branch += $BRANCH;
+use DXVars;
+use Archive::Zip qw(:ERROR_CODES);
+use Archive::Zip::MemberRead;
+use IO::File;
+use Compress::Zlib;
+my $blksize = 1024 * 1024;
+my $dbrawfn = "$main::data/usdbraw";
+rename "$dbrawfn.oo", "$dbrawfn.ooo";
+rename "$dbrawfn.o", "$dbrawfn.oo";
+rename "$dbrawfn", "$dbrawfn.o";
+my $gzfh = gzopen($dbrawfn, "wb9") or die "Cannot open $dbrawfn $!";
+my $ctycount;
+foreach my $argv (@ARGV) {
+ my $zip = new Archive::Zip($argv) or die "Cannot open $argv $!\n";
+ print "Doing $argv\n";
+ handleEN($zip, $argv);
+ handleAM($zip, $argv);
+ handleHS($zip, $argv);
+print "$ctycount Cities found\n";
+sub handleEN
+ my ($zip, $argv) = @_;
+ my $mname = "EN.dat";
+ my $ofn = "$main::data/$mname";
+ print " Handling EN records, unzipping";
+ if ($zip->extractMember($mname, $ofn) == AZ_OK) {
+ my $fh = new IO::File "$ofn" or die "Cannot open $ofn $!";
+ if ($fh) {
+ print ", storing";
+ my $count;
+ my $buf;
+ while (my $l = $fh->getline) {
+ $l =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
+ my ($rt,$usi,$ulsfn,$ebfno,$call,$type,$lid,$name,$first,$middle,$last,$suffix,
+ $phone,$fax,$email,$street,$city,$state,$zip,$pobox,$attl,$sgin,$frn) = split /\|/, $l;
+ my $rec = uc join '|', $call,$city,$state if $city && $state;
+ $buf .= "$rec\n";
+ if (length $buf > $blksize) {
+ $gzfh->gzwrite($buf);
+ undef $buf;
+ }
+ my $c = uc "$city|$state";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if (length $buf > $blksize) {
+ $gzfh->gzwrite($buf);
+ }
+ print ", $count records\n";
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ unlink $ofn;
+ } else {
+ print "EN missing in $argv\n";
+ return;
+ }
+sub handleAM
+sub handleHS