+1. added sh/sun command kindly supplied by Steve K9AN.
+2. allow ^Z on its own on a line to terminate a message
1. added spoofing (mk1 version) for sysops, useful for those little jobs like
reseting a user's qra locator and such like "spoof g7brn set/qra jo02lq".
%alias = (
'?' => [
- '^\?', 'apropos', 'apropos',
+ '^\?', 'apropos help', 'apropos',
'a' => [
'^ann.*/full', 'announce full', 'announce',
my $in;
+$line = 'help' unless $line;
$line =~ s/\W//og; # remove dubious characters
my $include;
my @out;
# this is naff but it will work for now
-$line = "help" if !$line;
+$line = "help" unless $line;
my $lang = $self->lang;
$lang = 'en' if !$lang;
--- /dev/null
+# show sunrise and sunset times for each callsign or prefix entered
+# 1999/11/9 Steve Franke K9AN
+my ($self, $line) = @_;
+my @list = split /\s+/, $line;
+my $l;
+my @out;
+my ($lat, $lon); # lats and longs in radians
+my ($sec, $min, $hr, $day, $month, $yr) = (gmtime($main::systime))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
+$yr += 1900;
+foreach $l (@list) {
+ # prefixes --->
+ my @ans = Prefix::extract($l);
+ next if !@ans;
+ my $pre = shift @ans;
+ my $a;
+ foreach $a (@ans) {
+ $lat = $a->{lat};
+ $lon = $a->{long};
+ $lat *= $d2r;
+ $lon *= -$d2r;
+ my $string=Sun::riseset($yr,$month,$day,$lat,$lon);
+ push @out,sprintf("%-2s %s %s",$pre,$a->name(),$string);
+ $l="";
+ }
+return (1, @out);
use Carp;
use Minimuf;
use DXDb;
+use Sun;
use strict;
use vars qw(%Cache %cmd_cache $errstr %aliases $scriptbase);
$self->{consort} = $line; # save the connection type
# set some necessary flags on the user if they are connecting
- $self->{beep} = $self->{wwv} = $self->{wx} = $self->{talk} = $self->{ann} = $self->{here} = $self->{dx} = 1;
- # $self->prompt() if $self->{state} =~ /^prompt/o;
+ $self->{beep} = $user->wantbeep;
+ $self->{ann} = $user->wantann;
+ $self->{wwv} = $user->wantwwv;
+ $self->{talk} = $user->wanttalk;
+ $self->{wx} = $user->wantwx;
+ $self->{dx} = $user->wantdx;
+ $self->{here} = 1;
# add yourself to the database
my $node = DXNode->get($main::mycall) or die "$main::mycall not allocated in DXNode database";
} elsif ($self->state eq 'sendbody') {
confess "local var gone missing" if !ref $self->{loc};
my $loc = $self->{loc};
- if ($line eq "\032" || uc $line eq "/EX") {
+ if ($line eq "\032" || $line eq '%1A' || uc $line eq "/EX") {
my $to;
if (@{$loc->{lines}} > 0) {
- if (!$self->{isolate}) {
+ unless ($self->{isolate}) {
broadcast_ak1a($line, $self); # send it to everyone but me
if ($t >= $dxchan->pc50_t + $DXProt::pc50_interval) {
- }
+ }
my $key;
hmsgno => '0,Highest Msgno',
group => '0,Access Group,parray', # used to create a group of users/nodes for some purpose or other
isolate => '9,Isolate network,yesno',
+ wantbeep => '0,Rec Beep,yesno',
+ wantann => '0,Rec Announce,yesno',
+ wantwwv => '0,Rec WWV,yesno',
+ wanttalk => '0,Rec Talk,yesno',
+ wantwx => '0,Rec WX,yesno',
+ wantdx => '0,Rec DX Spots,yesno',
no strict;
confess "Non-existant field '$AUTOLOAD'" if !$valid{$name};
if (@_) {
$self->{$name} = shift;
- # $self->put();
return $self->{$name};
my $self = shift;
@_ ? $self->{'sort'} = shift : $self->{'sort'} ;
+# some accessors
+sub _want
+ my $n = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $s = "want$n";
+ return $self->{$n} = shift if @_;
+ return defined $self->{$n} ? $self->{$n} : 1;
+sub wantbeep
+ return _want('beep', @_);
+sub wantann
+ return _want('ann', @_);
+sub wantwwv
+ return _want('wwv', @_);
+sub wantwx
+ return _want('wx', @_);
+sub wantdx
+ return _want('dx', @_);
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# The subroutines "julian_day" and "riseset" written by
+# Steve Franke, November 1999.
+# The formulas used to calculate sunrise and sunset times
+# are described in Chapters 7, 12, 15, and 25 of
+# Astronomical Algorithms, Second Edition
+# by Jean Meeus, 1998
+# Published by Willmann-Bell, Inc.
+# P.O. Box 35025, Richmond, Virginia 23235
+package Sun;
+use POSIX;
+require Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw($pi $d2r $r2d );
+use strict;
+use vars qw($pi $d2r $r2d );
+$pi = 3.141592653589;
+$d2r = ($pi/180);
+$r2d = (180/$pi);
+sub julian_day
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $month = shift;
+ my $day = shift;
+ my $julianday;
+ $year=$year-1 if( $month <= 2 );
+ $month=$month+12 if( $month <= 2);
+ $julianday = int(365.25*($year+4716)+int(30.6001*($month+1)))+$day-13-1524.5;
+ return $julianday;
+sub riseset
+ my $year = shift;
+ my $month = shift;
+ my $day = shift;
+ my $lat = shift;
+ my $lon = shift;
+ my $julianday;
+ $julianday=julian_day($year,$month,$day);
+ my $tt = ($julianday-2451545)/36525.;
+ my $theta0=280.46061837+360.98564736629*($julianday-2451545.0)+
+ 0.000387933*($tt^2)-($tt^3)/38710000;
+ $theta0=$theta0-int($theta0/360)*360;
+ $theta0=$theta0+360 if( $theta0 < 0 );
+ my $L0 = 280.46646+36000.76983*$tt+0.0003032*($tt^2);
+ $L0=$L0-int($L0/360)*360;
+ $L0=$L0+360 if( $L0 < 0 );
+ my $M = 357.52911 + 35999.05029*$tt-0.0001537*($tt^2);
+ $M=$M-int($M/360)*360;
+ $M=$M+360 if( $M < 0 );
+ my $C = (1.914602 - 0.004817*$tt-0.000014*($tt^2))*sin($M*$d2r) +
+ (0.019993 - 0.000101*$tt)*sin(2*$M*$d2r) +
+ 0.000289*sin(3*$M*$d2r);
+ my $OMEGA = 125.04 - 1934.136*$tt;
+ my $lambda=$L0+$C-0.00569-0.00478*sin($OMEGA*$d2r);
+ my $epsilon = 23+26./60.+21.448/(60.*60.);
+ my $alpha=atan2(cos($epsilon*$d2r)*sin($lambda*$d2r),cos($lambda*$d2r))*$r2d;
+ $alpha = $alpha-int($alpha/360)*360;
+ $alpha=$alpha+360 if ( $alpha < 0 );
+ my $delta=asin(sin($epsilon*$d2r)*sin($lambda*$d2r))*$r2d;
+ $delta = $delta-int($delta/360)*360;
+ $delta = $delta+360 if ( $delta < 0 );
+ my $arg = (sin(-.8333*$d2r)-sin($lat)*sin($delta*$d2r))/(cos($lat)*cos($delta*$d2r));
+ my $argtest = tan($lat)*tan($delta*$d2r);
+ if ( $argtest < -1. ) {
+ return sprintf("Sun doesn't rise.");
+ }
+ if ( $argtest > 1. ) {
+ return sprintf("Sun doesn't set.");
+ }
+ my $H0 = acos($arg)*$r2d;
+ my $transit = ($alpha + $lon*$r2d - $theta0)/360.;
+ $transit=$transit+1 if( $transit < 0 );
+ $transit=$transit-1 if( $transit > 1 );
+ my $rise = $transit - $H0/360.;
+ $rise=$rise+1 if( $rise < 0 );
+ $rise=$rise-1 if( $rise > 1 );
+ my $set = $transit + $H0/360.;
+ $set=$set+1 if( $set < 0 );
+ $set=$set-1 if( $set > 1 );
+ return sprintf("Sunrise: %2.2d%2.2dZ Sunset: %2.2d%2.2dZ",int($rise*24),
+ ($rise*24-int($rise*24))*60.,
+ int($set*24),($set*24-int($set*24))*60.);
@inqueue = (); # the main input queue, an array of hashes
$systime = 0; # the time now (in seconds)
-$version = "1.34"; # the version no of the software
+$version = "1.35"; # the version no of the software
$starttime = 0; # the starting time of the cluster
$lockfn = "cluster.lock"; # lock file name