1. implemented first cut at non blocking connect
2. removed memory leakage in connects
+3. add link IP address if available on who
1. minor changes to the admin manual to reflect differences in distibutions
thanks to pa3ezl (g0vgs)
my $dxchan;
my @out;
-push @out, " Callsign Type Started Name Ave RTT";
+push @out, " Callsign Type Started Name Ave RTT Link";
foreach $dxchan ( sort {$a->call cmp $b->call} DXChannel::get_all ) {
my $call = $dxchan->call();
$sort = "AK1A" if $dxchan->is_ak1a;
my $name = $dxchan->user->name || " ";
- my $ping = $dxchan->is_node && $dxchan != $DXProt::me ? sprintf("%8.2f", $dxchan->pingave) : "";
- push @out, sprintf "%10s $type $sort $t %-18.18s $ping", $call, $name;
+ my $ping = $dxchan->is_node && $dxchan != $DXProt::me ? sprintf("%5.2f", $dxchan->pingave) : " ";
+ my $conn = $dxchan->conn;
+ my $ip = $conn->{peerhost} || '' if $conn;
+ push @out, sprintf "%10s $type $sort $t %-10.10s $ping $ip", $call, $name;
return (1, @out)
# set up the basic channel info
# is there one already connected to me - locally?
my $user = DXUser->get($call);
- if ($sort ne 'O' && Msg->conns($call)) {
+ my $dxchan = DXChannel->get($call);
+ if ($dxchan) {
my $mess = DXM::msg($lang, ($user && $user->is_node) ? 'concluster' : 'conother', $call, $main::mycall);
already_conn($conn, $call, $mess);
# create the channel
- my $dxchan;
$dxchan = DXCommandmode->new($call, $conn, $user) if $user->is_user;
$dxchan = DXProt->new($call, $conn, $user) if $user->is_node;
$dxchan = BBS->new($call, $conn, $user) if $user->is_bbs;