my $call = $via ? $via : $to;
my $clref = Route::get($call); # try an exact call
my $dxchan = $clref->dxchan if $clref;
-return (1, $self->msg('e7', $call)) unless $dxchan;
+#return (1, $self->msg('e7', $call)) unless $dxchan;
return (1, $self->msg('e28')) unless $self->registered || $to eq $main::myalias;
+# default the 'via'
+$via ||= '*';
# if there is a line send it, otherwise add this call to the talk list
# and set talk mode for command mode
if ($line) {
$self->badcount(($self->badcount||0) + @bad);
LogDbg('DXCommand', "$self->{call} swore: $line (with words:" . join(',', @bad) . ")");
} else {
- $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $line) if $dxchan;
+ $main::me->normal(DXProt::pc93($to, $self->call, $via, $line));
} else {
my $s = $to;
my $ref = $self->talklist;
if ($ref) {
unless (grep { $_ eq $s } @$ref) {
- $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $self->msg('talkstart'));
+ $main::me->normal(DXProt::pc93($to, $self->call, $via, $self->msg('talkstart')));
push @$ref, $s;
} else {
$self->talklist([ $s ]);
- $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $self->msg('talkstart'));
+ $main::me->normal(DXProt::pc93($to, $self->call, $via, $self->msg('talkstart')));
push @out, $self->msg('talkinst');