1. first cut at outgoing ax25 /external program connects
+2. slight change of interface to connect
1. implemented first cut at non blocking connect
2. removed memory leakage in connects
use DXDebug;
use IO::File;
use IO::Socket;
+use IPC::Open2;
use vars qw(@ISA $deftimeout);
dbg('connect', "***Connect Failed to $host $port $!");
} elsif ($sort eq 'ax25' || $sort eq 'prog') {
- my $pid = fork();
- if (defined $pid) {
- if (!$pid) {
- # in child, unset warnings, disable debugging and general clean up from us
- $^W = 0;
- eval "{ package DB; sub DB {} }";
- DXChannel::closeall();
- for (@main::listeners) {
- $_->close_server;
- }
- unless ($^O =~ /^MS/) {
- alarm(0);
- }
- exec "$line" or dbg('cron', "exec '$line' failed $!");
+ $conn->{sock} = new IO::File;
+ if ($conn->{sock}) {
+ my $outfd = fileno($conn->{sock});
+ my $out = new IO::File ">&$outfd";
+ if ($conn->{pid} = open2($conn->{sock}, $out, $line)) {
+ $conn->{csort} = $sort;
+ $conn->{lineend} = "\cM" if $sort eq 'ax25';
+ dbg('connect', "started $line");
+ } else {
+ dbg('connect', "can't start $line $!");
- dbg('connect', "program $sort $line started");
- $conn->{pid} = $pid;
- $conn->{csort} = $sort;
- $conn->{lineend} = "\cM" if $sort eq 'ax25';
} else {
- dbg('connect', "can't $sort fork for $line $!");
+ dbg('connect', "can't start $line $!");
} else {
dbg('err', "invalid type of connection ($sort)");
blocking($sock, 0);
my $ip = gethostbyname($to_host);
- my $r = $sock->connect($to_port, $ip);
+# my $r = $sock->connect($to_port, $ip);
+ my $r = connect($sock, pack_sockaddr_in($to_port, $ip));
unless ($r) {
return undef unless $! == EINPROGRESS;