+1. set/page 0 switches off paging
1. It appears that for ages now, not enough PC19 and PC16s are being sent
if you have more than one of them. Sigh..
my $self = shift;
my $l = shift;
-$l = 20 if $l == 0;
-$l = 10 if $l < 10;
+$l = 10 if $l < 10 && $l > 0;
return (1, $self->msg('pagelth', $l));
@inqueue = (); # the main input queue, an array of hashes
$systime = 0; # the time now (in seconds)
-$version = "1.47"; # the version no of the software
+$version = "1.48"; # the version no of the software
$starttime = 0; # the starting time of the cluster
#@outstanding_connects = (); # list of outstanding connects
@listeners = (); # list of listeners