sat5 => 'need nnnnn.AMSAT in subject to load keps from this message',
satnf => 'Satellite $_[0] unknown',
satdisc => '-----',
+ set => '$_[0] enabled for $_[1]',
sethop1 => 'usage: set/hops <call> ann|spots|wwv|wcy <no of hops>',
sethop2 => '$_[0] hops set on $_[1]$_[2] for $_[3]',
sethop3 => 'No hops set for $_[0]',
talknh => 'Sorry $_[0] is not online at the moment',
talkprompt => 'Talk ($_[0])>',
talkstart => 'Starting talking to you',
+ unset => '$_[0] disabled for $_[1]',
unsethop1 => 'usage: unset/hops <call> ann|spots|wwv|wcy',
unsethop2 => 'hops unset on $_[1] for $_[0]',
usernf => '*** User record for $_[0] not found ***',