$bandsfn = "$main::data/bands.pl";
%valid = (
+ band => '0,BAND,parraypairs',
+ beacon => '0,BEACON,parraypairs',
cw => '0,CW,parraypairs',
- ssb => '0,SSB,parraypairs',
data => '0,DATA,parraypairs',
- sstv => '0,SSTV,parraypairs',
+ fax => '0,FAX,parraypairs',
fstv => '0,FSTV,parraypairs',
- rtty => '0,RTTY,parraypairs',
- pactor => '0,PACTOR,parraypairs',
packet => '0,PACKET,parraypairs',
+ pactor => '0,PACTOR,parraypairs',
repeater => '0,REPEATER,parraypairs',
- fax => '0,FAX,parraypairs',
- beacon => '0,BEACON,parraypairs',
- band => '0,BAND,parraypairs',
+ rtty => '0,RTTY,parraypairs',
+ ssb => '0,SSB,parraypairs',
+ sstv => '0,SSTV,parraypairs',
# load the band data
%avail = (); # The hash contains a list of all the databases
%valid = (
accesst => '9,Last Accs Time,atime',
+ allowread => '9,Allowed read,parray',
+ allowupd => '9,Allow upd,parray',
+ atemplate => '9,App Templates,parray',
+ cal => '0,No Key txt',
+ chain => '0,Search these,parray',
createt => '9,Create Time,atime',
- lastt => '9,Last Upd Time,atime',
- name => '0,Name',
db => '9,DB Tied hash',
- remote => '0,Remote Database',
- pre => '0,Heading txt',
- post => '0,Tail txt',
- chain => '0,Search these,parray',
- disable => '0,Disabled?,yesno',
- nf => '0,Not Found txt',
- cal => '0,No Key txt',
- allowread => '9,Allowed read,parray',
denyread => '9,Deny read,parray',
- allowupd => '9,Allow upd,parray',
denyupd => '9,Deny upd,parray',
+ disable => '0,Disabled?,yesno',
fwdupd => '9,Forw upd to,parray',
- template => '9,Upd Templates,parray',
- te => '9,End Upd txt',
- tae => '9,End App txt',
- atemplate => '9,App Templates,parray',
help => '0,Help txt,parray',
+ lastt => '9,Last Upd Time,atime',
localcmd => '0,Local Command',
+ name => '0,Name',
+ nf => '0,Not Found txt',
+ post => '0,Tail txt',
+ pre => '0,Heading txt',
+ remote => '0,Remote Database',
+ tae => '9,End App txt',
+ te => '9,End Upd txt',
+ template => '9,Upd Templates,parray',
$lastprocesstime = time;
%valid = (
- fromnode => '5,From Node',
- tonode => '5,To Node',
- to => '0,To',
- from => '0,From',
- t => '0,Msg Time,cldatetime',
- private => '5,Private,yesno',
- subject => '0,Subject',
- linesreq => '0,Lines per Gob',
- rrreq => '5,Read Confirm,yesno',
- origin => '0,Origin',
- lines => '5,Data',
- stream => '9,Stream No',
+ 'read' => '5,Times read',
count => '5,Gob Linecnt',
+ delete => '5,Awaiting Delete,yesno',
+ deletetime => '5,Deletion Time,cldatetime',
file => '5,File?,yesno',
+ from => '0,From',
+ fromnode => '5,From Node',
gotit => '5,Got it Nodes,parray',
- lines => '5,Lines,parray',
- 'read' => '5,Times read',
- size => '0,Size',
- msgno => '0,Msgno',
keep => '0,Keep this?,yesno',
lastt => '5,Last processed,cldatetime',
+ lines => '5,Data',
+ lines => '5,Lines,parray',
+ linesreq => '0,Lines per Gob',
+ msgno => '0,Msgno',
+ origin => '0,Origin',
+ private => '5,Private,yesno',
+ rrreq => '5,Read Confirm,yesno',
+ size => '0,Size',
+ stream => '9,Stream No',
+ subject => '0,Subject',
+ t => '0,Msg Time,cldatetime',
+ to => '0,To',
+ tonode => '5,To Node',
waitt => '5,Wait until,cldatetime',
- delete => '5,Awaiting Delete,yesno',
- deletetime => '5,Deletion Time,cldatetime',
# fix up the default sendmail if available
my %valid = (
+ city => '0,City',
+ cont => '0,Continent',
+ cq => '0,CQ',
+ dxcc => '0,DXCC',
+ itu => '0,ITU',
lat => '0,Latitude,slat',
long => '0,Longitude,slong',
- dxcc => '0,DXCC',
name => '0,Name',
- itu => '0,ITU',
- cq => '0,CQ',
state => '0,State',
- city => '0,City',
utcoff => '0,UTC offset',
- cont => '0,Continent',
+++ /dev/null
-# Base class for OO version of all protocol stuff
-package Prot;
-use strict;
-use DXUtil;
-use DXDebug;
-use vars qw(%valid);
-%valid = (
- fromnode => '0,From Node',
- tonode => '0,To Node',
- vianode => '0,Via Node',
- origin => '0,Original Node',
- tocall => '0,To Callsign',
- fromcall => '0,From Callsign',
- hops => '0,No. of hops',
- text => '0,Text',
- datetime => '0,Date/Time,atime',
- freq => '0,Frequency',
- dxcall => '0,DX Callsign',
- sort => '0,Sort',
- hereflag => '0,Here?,yesno',
- talkflag => '0,Talk mode',
- bellflag => '0,Bell?',
- privflag => '0,Private?,yesno',
- rrflag => '0,RR Req.?,yesno',
- sysopflag => '0,Sysop flag',
- dxcount => '0,DX Count',
- wwvcount => '0,WWV Count',
- version => '0,Node Version',
- nodelist => '0,Node List,parray',
- );
-sub new
- my $pkg = shift;
- my $sort = shift;
- my $self = bless { sort => $sort }, $pkg;
- return $self;
- no strict;
- my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
- return if $name =~ /::DESTROY$/;
- $name =~ s/^.*:://o;
- confess "Non-existant field '$AUTOLOAD'" if !$valid{$name};
- *$AUTOLOAD = sub {@_ > 1 ? $_[0]->{$name} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{$name}};
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
use vars qw(%list %valid $filterdef $maxlevel);
%valid = (
- parent => '0,Parent Calls,parray',
call => "0,Callsign",
- flags => "0,Flags,phex",
+ city => '0,City',
+ cq => '0,CQ Zone',
dxcc => '0,Country Code',
+ flags => "0,Flags,phex",
+ ip => '0,IP Address',
itu => '0,ITU Zone',
- cq => '0,CQ Zone',
+ parent => '0,Parent Calls,parray',
state => '0,State',
- city => '0,City',
- ip => '0,IP Address',
$filterdef = bless ([
%valid = (
K => '9,Seen on PC92K,yesno',
- nodes => '0,Nodes,parray',
- users => '0,Users,parray',
- usercount => '0,User Count',
- version => '0,Version',
+ PC92C_dxchan => '9,PC92C hops,phash',
build => '0,Build',
+ do_pc9x => '0,Uses pc9x,yesno',
handle_xml => '0,Using XML,yesno',
- lastmsg => '0,Last Route Msg,atime',
+ last_PC92C => '9,Last PC92C',
lastid => '0,Last Route MsgID',
- do_pc9x => '0,Uses pc9x,yesno',
- via_pc92 => '0,In via pc92?,yesno',
+ lastmsg => '0,Last Route Msg,atime',
+ nodes => '0,Nodes,parray',
obscount => '0,Obscount',
- last_PC92C => '9,Last PC92C',
- PC92C_dxchan => '9,PC92C hops,phash',
+ usercount => '0,User Count',
+ users => '0,Users,parray',
+ version => '0,Version',
+ via_pc92 => '0,In via pc92?,yesno',,
$filterdef = $Route::filterdef;