2. Do some housekeeping with the startup and finish debugging to make the
order of messaging more logical. Also disable some messaging caused by
other errors/circumstances causing various object handles disappearing.
+3. Make sure that $mycall and $myalias are upper case (and moan about it if
+ they aren't.
1. I am aware that there are windows nodes out there on mojo (brave, impetuous
that you are) and wget is not an easy option to download badip files. So,
my $ip = shift;
# add a record to the connect list
$self->{lastin} = $main::systime;
- my $ref = [$startt || $self->{startt}, $main::systime];
+ my $ref = [$self->{startt} || $startt, $main::systime];
push @$ref, $ip if $ip;
push @{$self->{connlist}}, $ref;
shift @{$self->{connlist}} if @{$self->{connlist}} > $maxconnlist;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { $ending = 10; };
# setup location of motd & issue
$motd = localdata($motd);
die "\$myalias \& \$mycall are the same ($mycall)!, they must be different (hint: make \$mycall = '${mycall}-2';). Oh and don't forget to rerun create_sysop.pl!" if $mycall eq $myalias;
my $ref = DXUser::get($mycall);
- die "$mycall missing, run the create_sysop.pl script and please RTFM" unless $ref && $ref->priv == 9;
+ die "\$mycall missing, run the create_sysop.pl script and please RTFM" unless $ref && $ref->priv == 9;
my $oldsort = $ref->sort;
if ($oldsort ne 'S') {
dbg("Resetting node type from $oldsort -> DXSpider ('S')");
$ref = DXUser::get($myalias);
- die "$myalias missing, run the create_sysop.pl script and please RTFM" unless $ref && $ref->priv == 9;
+ die "\$myalias missing, run the create_sysop.pl script and please RTFM" unless $ref && $ref->priv == 9;
$oldsort = $ref->sort;
if ($oldsort ne 'U') {
+ # make sure that mycall, myalias and homenode are upper case;
+ my $flag = 0;
+ if ($mycall =~ /[a-z]/) {
+ LogDbg('err', "\$mycall '$mycall' contains lower case letters, correcting");
+ $mycall = uc $mycall;
+ ++$flag;
+ }
+ if ($myalias =~ /[a-z]/) {
+ LogDbg('err', "\$myalias '$myalias' contains lower case letters, correcting");
+ $myalias = uc $myalias;
+ ++$flag;
+ }
+ if ($flag) {
+ LogDbg('err', "DXVars.pm has $flag errors. See above. Please edit DXVars.pm to correct");
+ sleep 10;
+ }
# read any route cache there might be
Route::read_cache() if $save_route_cache;