1. added a $SIG{ALRM} in the client to actually catch the alarm when it goes
-off which means that the netrom/ax25 call programs terminate properly!
+off which means that the netrom/ax25 call programs terminate properly (and not
+loop as fast as their little legs can paddle, soaking up CPU time).
+2. Implemented read receipts as an especial request from G4PDQ.
+3. Fiddled with DXUser a bit to see whether I can stop it core dumping on new
+users in PC16s on his machine.
1. Some of the dates we get can cause crashes, tried to make it more robust (oh
and Y2K compliant)
# if there are no specified message numbers, try and find a private one
# that I haven't read yet
if (@f == 0) {
- foreach $ref (DXMsg::get_all()) {
- if ($ref->to eq $self->call && $ref->private && !$ref->read) {
- push @f, $ref->msgno;
- last;
+ foreach $ref (DXMsg::get_all()) {
+ if ($ref->to eq $self->call && $ref->private && !$ref->read) {
+ push @f, $ref->msgno;
+ last;
+ }
- }
return (1, $self->msg('read1')) if @f == 0;
for $msgno (@f) {
- $ref = DXMsg::get($msgno);
- if (!$ref) {
- push @out, $self->msg('read2', $msgno);
- next;
- }
- if ($self->priv < 5 && $ref->private && $ref->to ne $self->call && $ref->from ne $self->call ) {
- push @out, $self->msg('read3', $msgno);
- next;
- }
- push @out, sprintf "Msg: %d From: %s Date: %6.6s %5.5s Subj: %-30.30s", $msgno,
- $ref->from, cldate($ref->t), ztime($ref->t), $ref->subject;
- @body = $ref->read_msg_body;
- push @out, @body;
- # mark my privates as read
- if ($ref->private && $self->call eq $ref->to && $ref->read == 0) {
- $ref->read(1);
- $ref->store(\@body); # note call by reference!
- }
- # remember this one as the last one read
- $self->lastread($msgno);
+ $ref = DXMsg::get($msgno);
+ if (!$ref) {
+ push @out, $self->msg('read2', $msgno);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($self->priv < 5 && $ref->private && $ref->to ne $self->call && $ref->from ne $self->call ) {
+ push @out, $self->msg('read3', $msgno);
+ next;
+ }
+ push @out, sprintf "Msg: %d From: %s Date: %6.6s %5.5s Subj: %-30.30s", $msgno,
+ $ref->from, cldate($ref->t), ztime($ref->t), $ref->subject;
+ @body = $ref->read_msg_body;
+ push @out, @body;
+ # mark my privates as read
+ if ($ref->private && $self->call eq $ref->to && $ref->read == 0) {
+ $ref->read(1);
+ $ref->store(\@body); # note call by reference!
+ # if it had a read receipt on it generate a new message to send back to
+ # the sender.
+ if ($ref->rrreq) {
+ my $sub = $ref->subject;
+ $sub = "Re: $sub" unless $sub =~ /^\s*re:/i;
+ my $to = $ref->to;
+ my $from = $ref->from;
+ my $rref = DXMsg->alloc(1, $from, $main::mycall, time,
+ 1, $sub, $main::mycall, 0, 0 );
+ my $msgno = DXMsg::next_transno("Msgno");
+ $rref->msgno($msgno);
+ $rref->gotit( [ "$main::mycall" ] );
+ $rref->store( [ "Return receipt from delivering node. Message read by $to." ] );
+ DXMsg::add_dir($rref);
+ DXMsg::queue_msg(0);
+ }
+ }
+ # remember this one as the last one read
+ $self->lastread($msgno);
return (1, @out);