use 5.10.1;
use IO::Socket::IP -register;
use Math::Round qw(nearest);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
my $host = '';
my $port = 7000;
-my $mycall = shift or die " <callsign> [debug] [stats] [cw] [rtty] [psk] [beacon] [<time between repeat spots in minutes>] [rbn]\n";
-my $minspottime = 30*60; # minimum length of time between successive spots
+my $minspottime = 60*60; # minimum length of time between successive identical spots
my $showstats; # show RBN and Spot stats
my $attempts;
my $wantrtty = 1;
my $wantpsk = 1;
my $wantbeacon = 1;
-my $override;
my $showrbn;
-while (@ARGV) {
- my $arg = shift;
- ++$dbg if $arg =~ /^deb/i;
- ++$showstats if $arg =~ /^stat/i;
- ++$showrbn if $arg =~ /^rbn/i;
- $minspottime = $arg * 60 if $arg =~ /^\d+$/;
- if (!$override && $arg =~ /^cw|rtty|psk|beacon$/i) {
- $override = 1;
- $wantcw = $wantrtty = $wantpsk = $wantbeacon = 0;
- }
- ++$wantcw if $arg =~ /^cw$/i;
- ++$wantpsk if $arg =~ /^psk$/i;
- ++$wantrtty if $arg =~ /^rtty$/i;
- ++$wantbeacon if $arg =~ /^beacon$/i;
+my $help = 0;
+my $man = 0;
+my $mycall;
+GetOptions('host=s' => \$host,
+ 'port=i' => \$port,
+ 'debug' => \$dbg,
+ 'rbn' => \$showrbn,
+ 'stats' => \$showstats,
+ 'repeattime=i' => sub { $minspottime = $_[1] * 60 },
+ 'want=s' => sub {
+ my ($name, $value) = @_;
+ $wantcw = $wantrtty = $wantpsk = $wantbeacon = 0;
+ for (split /:,|/, $value) {
+ ++$wantcw if /^cw$/i;
+ ++$wantpsk if /^psk$/i;
+ ++$wantrtty if /^rtty$/i;
+ ++$wantbeacon if /^beacon$/i;
+ }
+ },
+ 'help|?' => \$help,
+ man => \$man,
+ '<>' => sub { $mycall = shift },
+ ) or pod2usage(2);
+$mycall ||= shift;
+pod2usage(1) if $help || !$mycall;
+pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
for ($attempts = 1; $attempts <= 5; ++$attempts) {
say "admin,connecting to $host $port.. (attempt $attempts) " if $dbg;
while (<$sock>) {
my $tim = time;
# parse line
my (undef, undef, $origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $m, $spd, $u, $sort, $t) = split /[:\s]+/;
if ($t) {
my $sp = "$call|$nqrg"; # hopefully the skimmers will be calibrated at least this well!
my $ts = $spot{$sp};
- if (!$ts || $tim - $ts >= $minspottime) {
+ if (!$ts || ($minspottime > 0 && $tim - $ts >= $minspottime)) {
if ($wantbeacon && $sort =~ /^BEA/) {
} else {
close $sock;
exit 0;
+=head1 NAME
+ - an experimental RBN filter program that
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ [options] <your callsign>
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-help>
+Print a brief help message and exits.
+=item B<-man>
+Prints the manual page and exits.
+=item B<-host>
+As default, this program will connect to C<>. Use this argument to change that.
+=item B<-port>=7000
+As default, this program will connect to port 7000. Use this argument to change that to some other port.
+=item B<-want>=cw,rtty,psk,beacon
+The program will print all spots in all classes [cw, rtty, psk, beacon]. You can choose one or more of
+these classes if you want specific types of spots.
+=item B<-stats>
+Print a comma separated line of statistics once a minute which consists of:
+STAT,E<lt>raw RBN spotsE<gt>,E<lt>de-duped RBN spotsE<gt>,E<lt>new spotsE<gt>
+=item B<-repeattime=60>
+A cache of callsigns and QRGs is kept. If a SPOT comes in after B<repeattime> minutes then it re-emitted
+but with a RESPOT tag instead. Set this argument to 0 (or less) if you do not want any repeats.
+=item B<-rbn>
+Show the de-duplicated RBN lines as they come in.
+B<This program> connects (as default) to RBN C<> and parses the raw output
+which it deduplicates and then outputs unique spots. It is possible to select one or more types of spot.
+The output is the RBN spot line which has been separated out into a comma separated list. One line per spot.
+Like this:
+ SPOT,DK3UA-#,3560.0,DL6ZB,CW,27,dB,26,WPM,CQ,2152Z
+ SPOT,WB6BEE-#,14063.0,KD6SX,CW,24,dB,15,WPM,CQ,2152Z
+ RESPOT,S50ARX-#,1811.5,OM0CS,CW,37,dB,19,WPM,CQ,2152Z
+ SPOT,DF4UE-#,3505.0,TA1PT,CW,11,dB,23,WPM,CQ,2152Z
+ SPOT,AA4VV-#,14031.0,TF3Y,CW,16,dB,22,WPM,CQ,2152Z
+ SPOT,SK3W-#,3600.0,OK0EN,CW,13,dB,11,WPM,BEACON,2152Z
+ STAT,263,64,27