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+ <title>Programming New Commands</title>
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+ <meta name="Keywords" content="DX Cluster, DXSpider, Spider, Packet Cluster, DXCluster, Pavillion Software, AK1A, AX25, AX.25, WWV, Packet Radio, Amateur Radio, Propagation, DX, DXing, G1TLH, GB7TLH, Dirk Koopman, Mailing list, Linux, RedHat, PERL">
+ <meta name="Description" content="Software and systems for realtime digital communications between amateur radio stations for the provision of information on propagation conditions and stations operating">
+ <meta name="Author" content="Dirk Koopman G1TLH">
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+ <hr>
+ <h2>Programming New Commands</h2>
+ <hr>
+ </font>
+ <address><a href="mailto:djk@tobit.co.uk">Dirk Koopman G1TLH</a></address>
+ <p>
+ <!-- Created: Sun Dec 13 20:25:14 GMT 1998 -->
+ <!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Dec 23 18:27:06 GMT 1998
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ <h4>Introduction</h4>
+ All the commands in the DXSpider system are 'soft', that is they are bits of
+ perl code that are put into specific places in the <tt>/spider</tt> directory tree.
+ <p>By putting them in a specific place and calling them <command>.pl, they become
+ commands - in real time. Such is the magic of
+ <a href="http://www.perl.com">perl</a>.
+ <h4>Directory Structure</h4>
+ The directory structure is very simple:-
+ <table border=2>
+ <tr><td>/spider</td><td>the main directory</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/data</td><td>where generated and/or reference data goes</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/data/spots/<year>/<day>.dat</td><td>one day's worth of spots</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/data/debug/<year>/<day>.dat</td><td>one day's worth of console debugging</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/data/log/<year>/<month>.dat</td><td>one month's worth of Logging info including things like rcmd, announces, talks etc</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/data/wwv/<year>/<month>.dat</td><td>one month's worth of WWV</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/msg</td><td>the messages directory</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/packclus/files</td><td>the files directory</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/packclus/bulletin</td><td>the bulletins directory</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/perl</td><td>where the issued program code lives</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/local</td><td>where your experimental/site specific programs go</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/cmd</td><td>where the issued command code lives</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>/spider/local_cmd</td><td>where your experimental command code goes</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>A command is put in full as a file under the 'cmd' directory tree, for example,
+ <tt>announce</tt> lives in <tt>/spider/cmd/announce.pl</tt> and <tt>show/dx</tt> lives
+ in <tt>/spider/cmd/show/dx.pl</tt>.
+ <p>In general terms I don't like the habit of the standard packet cluster software has
+ of taking the DEC VMS command paradigm to the extreme that it has. So I have adopted
+ the convention of separating commands from arguments. So <tt>sh/dx/10 20</tt> is input
+ on the DXSpider system as <tt>sh/dx 10 on 20m</tt>. This is rather contentious.
+ <P>In order to maintain a larger level of compatibility, there is an <tt>Aliases</tt> which
+ lives in <tt>/spider/cmd</tt> (or can be overidden by one in <tt>local_cmd</tt>). This file
+ takes standard expressions, parses command lines and produces DXSpider compatible versions
+ of the old Packet Cluster commands. Currently, however, it doesn't do a 100% job because
+ the functionality of the new commands is different (and hopefully better).
+ <P>In addition, in the <tt>/spider/perl</tt> directory (overidden by ...) there is
+ the <tt>Messages</tt> file. This is the file where all the system messages will be stored
+ (because of laziness on my part this isn't currently the case). You will see instances
+ of its use like <tt>$self->msg(<string> [,$arg..])</tt>. This call uses
+ <tt>$self</tt> to determine what language you are in, to return you the correct message.
+ The way arguments are passed to the routine, mean that you can reorder the arguments
+ in your message to suit your language without changing the actual code.
+ <p>When you roll your own commands, put
+ your messages in your own copy of the <tt>Messages</tt> file and don't forget
+ to send me the patches for that as well the command itself.
+ <p>When I issue a new version or patches for an existing version then only files in
+ the <tt>/spider/cmd</tt> and <tt>/spider/perl</tt> directories will normally be altered.
+ Occasionally, one or two of the reference files in <tt>/spider/data</tt> may be altered.
+ The only files likely to be affected are <tt>bands.pl</tt> and <tt>prefix_data.pl</tt>.
+ <p>As it says in the next section, <b>PLEASE</b> experiment in the local directories! It will
+ save a lot of pain when patching code. Having said that, if you have been playing, then
+ remember to remove or rename any files with new releases that claim to have incorporated
+ your modifications, otherwise <EM>it will continue to use the old ones in your local
+ directories!</em>
+ <h4>Hints, Tips and Exhortations</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <p><li>Every command that can used on the command line lives in either
+ this directory ('cmd') or in a local version ('local_cmd'). You are
+ cajoled or ordered not to and generally discouraged from altering the
+ commands in the 'cmd' directory. You can put local copies in the
+ 'local_cmd' directory and they will override the standard ones.
+ <p><li>If you want to play, do it in the 'local_cmd' directory. It's
+ very easy and reasonably safe. You can override a command whilst the
+ cluster is running. Compilation errors will simply give you error
+ messages, it won't stop the cluster running - this only happens if you
+ mess with the internals to the extent that it gets confused...
+ <p><li>A command is a piece of perl, it is simply a small snippet of
+ program that is dynamically loaded into the cluster on invocation from
+ the command line. The last modification time is used to determine
+ whether to reload it.
+ <p><li>New (or altered) commands are available for test the moment you
+ save them.
+ <p><li>A command is placed into the appropriate directory with a '.pl'
+ appended to the end. So the 'show/qra' command lives in
+ 'cmd/show/qra.pl' (or a local version would be in
+ 'local_cmd/show/qra.pl'.
+ <p><li>For the security conscious, potentially dubious
+ characters command line args (i.e. not [A-Za-z0-9_/]) are
+ converted to their hex equivalents. This will almost certainly
+ mean that the user will get an error message (unless you have
+ your secret squirrel hat on and have deliberately put such
+ commands up [in 'local_cmd' of course]).
+ <p><li>The snippets of program you put here are wrapped in an eval { }
+ and are subroutines derived from the DXChannel class. They effectively
+ the following declaration :-
+ <p><pre>
+ sub Emb_<cmdname>($self, $args)
+ {
+ ...
+ your code here
+ ...
+ }
+ </pre>
+ <p><li>slash characters are replaced by '_' so the equivalent name for
+ 'show/qth' is 'Emb_show_qth'.
+ <p><li>you would normally do a 'my ($self, $line) = @_;' as the first
+ thing. There are a complete set of accessors for DXUser, DXCommandmode,
+ DXChannel and most other classes and these are the recommended way of getting at
+ the contents of these classes. A fairly standard start might be:-
+ <p><pre>
+ my ($self, $line) = @_;
+ my @args = split /\s+/, $line;
+ my $call = $self->call;
+ my $user = $self->user;
+ my @out;
+ # check privileges
+ return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->priv < 5;
+ ....
+ ....
+ some perl code here
+ ....
+ ....
+ return (1, @out);
+ </pre>
+ <li>$line (in this example) is the rest of the line after the command (as a string).
+ <p><li>You are responsible for maintaining user security. If you have
+ a command that does something a normal system shouldn't be allowed to
+ do or see, there is $self->priv (using the above example) which gives
+ you the running privilege level of the channel. USE IT!
+ <p><li>The privilege levels used in the standard code are:-
+ <p>0 - is the normal user privilege.
+ <p>1 - is the remote user privilage (you need to be at least 1 to get
+ any output from an <tt>rcmd</tt>).
+ <p>5 - is the normal external sysop privilege, give this to commands that
+ you are prepared to let non-local sysops use.
+ <p>8 - a <em>very</em> trusted, probably internet rather than radio connected
+ remote sysop.
+ <p>9 - the do anything console privilege.
+ <p>The sysop privilege is for things that you are prepared for remote
+ sysops and clusters to do or see.
+ <p>A console privilege can only be executed locally (at least if you have
+ correctly installed the client program in inetd or ax25d).
+ <p>The set/priv command can only be executed by a console privileged
+ session.
+ <p><li>You must return a list with a 0 or 1 as the first element. 1
+ means success and 0 means fail. Each element of the list which follows
+ is assumed to be one line for output. Don't put \n characters at the
+ end of an element (the client will put the correct one in if required
+ [but see below]).
+ <p><li><b>DO NOT</b>send output direct to the user unless you <em>really</em>
+ mean it (i.e. it is never appropriate for this command to be used remotely
+ as an <tt>rcmd</tt> or from some kind of batch or cron file.
+ <p>What you do instead is create a list using
+ <pre>
+my @out;
+ </pre>
+ and then <tt>push</tt> stuff onto it. Each element on the list will
+ become a line of output. For exmaple:-
+ <pre>
+# set a user's password
+# Copyright (c) 1998 Iain Phillips G0RDI
+# 21-Dec-1998
+# Syntax: set/pass <password> <callsign>
+my ($self, $line) = @_;
+my @args = split /\s+/, $line;
+my $call;
+my $pass = shift @args;
+my @out;
+my $user;
+my $ref;
+return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->priv < 9;
+foreach $call (@args) {
+ $call = uc $call;
+ if ($ref = DXUser->get_current($call)) {
+ $ref->passwd($pass);
+ $ref->put();
+ push @out, $self->msg("password", $call);
+ } else {
+ push @out, $self->msg('e3', 'User record for', $call);
+ }
+return (1, @out);
+ </pre>
+ a more complicated example:-
+ <pre>
+# display the band data
+# Copyright (c) 1998 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+#$DB::single = 1;
+my ($self, $line) = @_;
+my @f = split /\s+/, $line;
+my @bands;
+my $band;
+my @out;
+my $i;
+if (!$line) {
+ @bands = sort { Bands::get($a)->band->[0] <=> Bands::get($b)->band->[0] } Bands::get_keys();
+ push @out, "Bands Available:-";
+ foreach $band (@bands) {
+ my $ref = Bands::get($band)->band;
+ my $s = sprintf "%10s: ", $band;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $#{$ref}; $i += 2) {
+ my $from = $ref->[$i];
+ my $to = $ref->[$i+1];
+ $s .= ", " if $i;
+ $s .= "$from -> $to";
+ }
+ push @out, $s;
+ }
+ push @out, "Regions Available:-";
+ @bands = Bands::get_region_keys();
+ foreach $band (@bands) {
+ my $ref = Bands::get_region($band);
+ my $s = sprintf("%10s: ", $band ) . join(' ', @{$ref});
+ push @out, $s;
+ }
+return (1, @out)
+ </pre>
+ <p><li>As this is perl and it is very easy to alter stuff to get it
+ correct, I would like to see some intelligent argument processing,
+ e.g. if you can have one callsign, you can have several. Interpret
+ your arguments; so for example:-
+ <pre>
+ set/qra jo02lq - sets your own locator to JO02LQ
+ set/qra g1tlh jo02lq - sets G1TLH's locator (if you are allowed)
+ or
+ show/qra in92jo - displays the bearing and distance to
+ IN92JO using your lat/long or locator
+ show/qra jn56in in92jo - bearing and distance between two
+ locators
+ </pre>
+ <p><li>It is important that you remember when you have tie
+ hashes using MLDBM et al. If you do a
+ <tt>DXUser->get($call)</tt> you will get a different (older)
+ thing than the one in <tt>$self->user</tt>. This is almost
+ certainly NOT what you want if want to modify a user that is
+ currently connected. Either use <tt>$self->user</tt> or, if
+ you want another user, use <tt>DXUser->get_current($call)</tt>
+ <p><li>If you want to debug something, start the cluster.pl up thus:-
+ <pre>
+ perl -d cluster.pl
+ dbg> r
+ </pre>
+ Then you can go into debug mode at anytime by using the command :-
+ <pre>
+ debug
+ </pre>
+ or you can put the line:-
+ <pre>
+ $DB::single = 1;
+ </pre>
+ in an appropriate place in a command. This will only have an effect
+ if you are running in perl debug mode.
+ <p>If all else fails (actually it is very simple), just stick print
+ commands in everywhere and the output will appear on the cluster.pl
+ screen.
+ <p><li>Anything you output with a > as the last character is taken to
+ mean that this is a prompt and will not have a \r or \n appended to
+ it in the client for telnet sessions (only).
+ <p><li>help is kept in <tt>/spider/cmd/Command_<lang>.hlp</tt> files.
+ The format of the help files should be self explanatory, but they are
+ explained further in the files themselves.
+ <p><li>PLEASE add your new commands to the Commands_*.hlp file so that
+ people know about and how to use them!
+ </ol>
+<!-- Standard Footer!! -->
+ <p> </p>
+ <p>
+ <FONT COLOR="#606060"><hr></font>
+ <font color="#FF0000" size=-2>
+ Copyright © 1998 by Dirk Koopman G1TLH. All Rights Reserved<br>
+ </font>
+ <font color="#000000" size=-2>$Id$</font>
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