2. Started the new routing stuff which will run in parallel for a while.
3. changed the msg timeout arrangements so that it might not get stuck so
+4. add $DXMsg::bulltopriv global to make msgs to known callsigns private
1. fix problem with re-reading in db definitions for remote databases.
2. try to prevent situations where two can (semi) successfully login, probably
use strict;
use vars qw(%work @msg $msgdir %valid %busy $maxage $last_clean
@badmsg @swop $swopfn $badmsgfn $forwardfn @forward $timeout $waittime
- $queueinterval $lastq $importfn $minchunk $maxchunk);
+ $queueinterval $lastq $importfn $minchunk $maxchunk $bulltopriv);
%work = (); # outstanding jobs
@msg = (); # messages we have
$minchunk = 4800; # minimum chunk size for a split message
$maxchunk = 6000; # maximum chunk size
+$bulltopriv = 1; # convert msgs with callsigns to private if they are bulls
$badmsgfn = "$msgdir/badmsg.pl"; # list of TO address we wont store
$forwardfn = "$msgdir/forward.pl"; # the forwarding table
$self->{gotit} = [];
$self->{lastt} = $main::systime;
$self->{lines} = [];
+ $self->{private} = 1 if $bulltopriv && DXUser->get_current($self->{to});
return $self;