+1. fix .gtkconsole_data creation bug.
1. Fixed gtkconsole to split out all the windows. See
/spider/gtkconsole/README for installation and usage instructions. This
use strict;
-our $VERSION = '$Revision$';
-$VERSION =~ s|[^\d\.]+||g;
our $root;
# search local then perl directories
require "$root/local/DXVars.pm" if -e "$root/local/DXVars.pm";
+our ($version, $subversion, $build);
+require "$root/perl/Version.pm";
+our $VERSION = "$version.$subversion build $build";
# read in the user data
our $userfn = "$ENV{HOME}/.gtkconsole_data";
our $user = read_user_data();
-$main->set_title("gtkconsole $VERSION - DXSpider Console - $call \@ $host:$port");
+$main->set_title("DXSpider gtkconsole $VERSION - $call \@ $host:$port");
# connect and send stuff
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>$port);
my $dd = new Data::Dumper([ $u ]);
+ $dd->Terse(1);
return 1;