+1. remove "recursion limit" message from Route.pm
1. Improve the detection of short exact callsigns that are out of prefix area
(eg K7A) (thank you FCC).
2. Improve long line handling on console.pl
return Route::Node::get($call) || Route::User::get($call);
+# this may be a better algorithm
+#start = {start node}
+#end = {end node}
+#dist = 0
+#marked(n) = false for all nodes n
+#queue = [start]
+#while queue is not empty:
+# dist = dist + 1
+# newqueue = []
+# for each node n in queue:
+# for each edge from node n to node m:
+# if not marked(m):
+# marked(m) = true
+# if m == end:
+# -- We've found the end node
+# -- it's a distance "dist" from the start
+# return dist
+# add m to newqueue
+# queue = newqueue
sub findroutes
my $call = shift;
# recursion detector (no point in recursing that deeply)
return () if $seen->{$call};
if ($level >= 20) {
- dbg("Route::findroutes: recursion limit reached looking for $call");
+# dbg("Route::findroutes: recursion limit reached looking for $call");
return ();