--- /dev/null
+# Take a 2 line keps email file on STDIN, prepare it for import into standard import directory
+# and then shove it there, marked for SB ALL.
+# Copyright (c) Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+our $root;
+# search local then perl directories
+ # root of directory tree for this system
+ $root = "/spider";
+ unshift @INC, "$root/perl"; # this IS the right way round!
+ unshift @INC, "$root/local";
+my $inp;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $inp = <STDIN>;
+# is it a 2 line kep file?
+if ($inp =~ /ubject:\s+\[keps\]\s+orb\d{5}\.2l\.amsat/) {
+ process();
+# process the file
+sub process
+ # chop off most of the beginning
+ return unless $inp =~ s/^.*SB\s+KEPS\s+\@\s+AMSAT\s+\$ORB\d{5}\.\w/SB ALL/s;
+ return unless $inp =~ s/2Line\s+Orbital\s+Elements/2Line Keps/;
+ # open the output file in the data area
+ my $fn = "$root/data/keps.txt.$$";
+ open OUT, ">$fn" or die "$fn $!";
+ print OUT $inp;
+ close OUT;
+ link $fn, "$root/msg/import/keps.txt.$$";
+ unlink $fn;