1. removed extraneous DXDebug from DXUtil
+2. added help for set/echo
+3. Centralised all spot, wwv and ann dup handling into respective packages.
+4. Created new AnnTalk package (for above and OOing announce and talk
+5. Fixed problem with outputting lines with | in them to console.pl.
1. got rid of some more nasty bugs in sh/qra.
2. fixed 9A3xx to always be Croatia (and not Haiti!).
# change ^ into : for transmission
$line =~ s/\^/:/og;
+return (1, $self->msg('dup')) if AnnTalk::dup($from, $to, $line);
Log('ann', $to, $from, $line);
DXProt::broadcast_list("To $to de $from <$t>: $line", 'ann', undef, @locals);
if ($to ne "LOCAL") {
my $buf = Spot::formatb($freq, $spotted, $main::systime, $line, $spotter);
push @out, $buf;
} else {
+ return (1, $self->msg('dup')) if Spot::dup($freq, $spotted, $main::systime, $line);
my @spot = Spot::add($freq, $spotted, $main::systime, $line, $spotter, $main::mycall);
if (@spot) {
# send orf to the users
return (1, @out);
--- /dev/null
+# show a list of all the outstanding spot dups
+# for debugging really
+# Copyright (c) 2000 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+my $self = shift;
+return (1, $self->msg('e5')) unless $self->priv >= 9;
+return (1, AnnTalk::listdups);
--- /dev/null
+# show a list of all the outstanding spot dups
+# for debugging really
+# Copyright (c) 2000 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+my $self = shift;
+return (1, $self->msg('e5')) unless $self->priv >= 9;
+return (1, Spot::listdups);
--- /dev/null
+# show a list of all the outstanding spot dups
+# for debugging really
+# Copyright (c) 2000 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+my $self = shift;
+return (1, $self->msg('e5')) unless $self->priv >= 9;
+return (1, Geomag::listdups);
--- /dev/null
+# Announce and Talk Handling routines
+# Copyright (c) 2000 Dirk Koopman
+# $Id$
+package AnnTalk;
+use strict;
+use DXUtil;
+use DXDebug;
+use vars qw(%dup $duplth $dupage);
+%dup = (); # the duplicates hash
+$duplth = 60; # the length of text to use in the deduping
+$dupage = 24*3600; # the length of time to hold spot dups
+# enter the spot for dup checking and return true if it is already a dup
+sub dup
+ my ($call, $to, $text) = @_;
+ my $d = $main::systime / 60;
+ chomp $text;
+ unpad($text);
+ $text = substr($text, 0, $duplth) if length $text > $duplth;
+ my $dupkey = "$call|$to|$text";
+ return 1 if exists $dup{$dupkey};
+ $dup{$dupkey} = $d * 60; # in seconds (to the nearest minute)
+ return 0;
+# called every hour and cleans out the dup cache
+sub process
+ my $cutoff = $main::systime - $dupage;
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each %dup) {
+ delete $dup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
+ }
+sub listdups
+ my @out;
+ for (sort { $dup{$a} <=> $dup{$b} } keys %dup) {
+ my $val = $dup{$_};
+ push @out, "$_ = $val (" . cldatetime($val) . ")";
+ }
+ return @out;
use Filter;
use Minimuf;
use DXDb;
+use AnnTalk;
use Sun;
use strict;
use Filter;
use Local;
use DXDb;
+use AnnTalk;
+use Geomag;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use strict;
-use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $pc11_dup_age $pc23_dup_age
- %spotdup %wwvdup $last_hour %pings %rcmds $pc11duptext
- %nodehops @baddx $baddxfn $pc12_dup_age
- %anndup $allowzero $pc12_dup_lth $decode_dk0wcy);
+use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age
+ $last_hour %pings %rcmds
+ %nodehops @baddx $baddxfn
+ $allowzero $decode_dk0wcy);
$me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
$decode_dk0wcy = undef; # if set use this callsign to decode announces from the EU WWV data beacon
$pc11_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc11
$pc23_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc23
-$pc11_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the spot dup list for
-$pc23_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the wwv dup list for
-$pc12_dup_age = 24*3600; # the maximum time to keep the ann dup list for
-$pc12_dup_lth = 60; # the length of ANN text to save for deduping
-$pc11duptext = 20; # maximum lth of the text field in PC11 to use for duduping
-%spotdup = (); # the pc11 and 26 dup hash
-%wwvdup = (); # the pc23 and 27 dup hash
-%anndup = (); # the PC12 dup hash
$last_hour = time; # last time I did an hourly periodic update
%pings = (); # outstanding ping requests outbound
%rcmds = (); # outstanding rcmd requests outbound
confess $@ if $@;
# $me->{sort} = 'M'; # M for me
- # now prime the spot duplicates file with today's and yesterday's data
+ # now prime the spot and wwv duplicates file with data
my @today = Julian::unixtoj(time);
- my @spots = Spot::readfile(@today);
- @today = Julian::sub(@today, 1);
- push @spots, Spot::readfile(@today);
- for (@spots) {
- my $duptext = length $_->[3] > $pc11duptext ? substr($_->[3], 0, $pc11duptext) : $_->[3] ;
- my $dupkey = "$_->[0]$_->[1]$_->[2]$duptext$_->[4]";
- $spotdup{$dupkey} = $_->[2];
+ for (Spot::readfile(@today), Spot::readfile(Julian::sub(@today, 1))) {
+ Spot::dup(@{$_}[0..3]);
- # now prime the wwv duplicates file with just this month's data
- my @wwv = Geomag::readfile(time);
- for (@wwv) {
- my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
- $wwvdup{$dupkey} = $_->[1];
+ for (Geomag::readfile(time)) {
+ Geomag::dup(@{$_}[1..5]);
# load the baddx file
- # strip off the leading & trailing spaces from the comment
- my $duptext = length $field[5] > $pc11duptext ? substr($field[5], 0, $pc11duptext) : $field[5];
- my $text = unpad($field[5]);
- # store it away
- my $spotter = $field[6];
- $spotter =~ s/-[\@\d]+$//o; # strip off the ssid from the spotter
- # do some de-duping
- my $freq = $field[1] - 0;
- my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$duptext$spotter";
- if ($spotdup{$dupkey}) {
- dbg('chan', "Duplicate Spot ignored\n");
- return;
- }
- $spotdup{$dupkey} = $d;
# is it 'baddx'
if (grep $field[2] eq $_, @baddx) {
dbg('chan', "Bad DX spot, ignored");
- my @spot = Spot::add($freq, $field[2], $d, $text, $spotter, $field[7]);
+ # do some de-duping
+ if (Spot::dup($field[1], $field[2], $d, $field[5])) {
+ dbg('chan', "Duplicate Spot ignored\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ my @spot = Spot::add($field[1], $field[2], $d, $field[5], $field[6], $field[7]);
# @spot at this point contains:-
if ($pcno == 12) { # announces
# announce duplicate checking
- my $text = substr(uc unpad($field[3]), 0, $pc12_dup_lth);
- my $dupkey = $field[1].$field[2].$text;
- if ($anndup{$dupkey}) {
+ if (AnnTalk::dup($field[1], $field[2], $field[3])) {
dbg('chan', "Duplicate Announce ignored\n");
- $anndup{$dupkey} = $main::systime;
if ($field[2] eq '*' || $field[2] eq $main::mycall) {
my $i = unpad($field[5]);
my ($r) = $field[6] =~ /R=(\d+)/;
$r = 0 unless $r;
- my $dupkey = "$d.$sfi$k$i";
- if ($wwvdup{$dupkey}) {
- dbg('chan', "Dup WWV Spot ignored\n");
- return;
- }
if (($pcno == 23 && $d < $main::systime - $pc23_max_age) || $d > $main::systime + 1500 || $field[2] < 0 || $field[2] > 23) {
dbg('chan', "WWV Date ($field[1] $field[2]) out of range");
- $wwvdup{$dupkey} = $d;
- $field[6] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
+ if (Geomag::dup($d,$sfi,$k,$i,$field[6])) {
+ dbg('chan', "Dup WWV Spot ignored\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $field[7] =~ s/-\d+$//o; # remove spotter's ssid
my $wwv = Geomag::update($d, $field[2], $sfi, $k, $i, @field[6..8], $r);
my $val;
my $cutoff;
if ($main::systime - 3600 > $last_hour) {
- $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc11_dup_age;
- while (($key, $val) = each %spotdup) {
- delete $spotdup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
- }
- $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc23_dup_age;
- while (($key, $val) = each %wwvdup) {
- delete $wwvdup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
- }
- $cutoff = $main::systime - $pc12_dup_age;
- while (($key, $val) = each %anndup) {
- delete $anndup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
- }
+ Spot::process;
+ Geomag::process;
+ AnnTalk::process;
$last_hour = $main::systime;
return 0;
-# remove leading and trailing spaces from an input string
-sub unpad
- my $s = shift;
- $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
- return $s;
# add a ping request to the ping queues
sub addping
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(atime ztime cldate cldatetime slat slong yesno promptf
parray parraypairs shellregex readfilestr writefilestr
- print_all_fields cltounix iscallsign
+ print_all_fields cltounix iscallsign unpad
@month = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+# remove leading and trailing spaces from an input string
+sub unpad
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
+ return $s;
use DXDebug;
use strict;
-use vars qw($date $sfi $k $a $r $forecast @allowed @denied $fp $node $from);
+use vars qw($date $sfi $k $a $r $forecast @allowed @denied $fp $node $from
+ $dirprefix $param
+ %dup $duplth $dupage);
$fp = 0; # the DXLog fcb
$date = 0; # the unix time of the WWV (notional)
$from = ""; # who this came from
@allowed = (); # if present only these callsigns are regarded as valid WWV updators
@denied = (); # if present ignore any wwv from these callsigns
-my $dirprefix = "$main::data/wwv";
-my $param = "$dirprefix/param";
+%dup = (); # the spot duplicates hash
+$duplth = 20; # the length of text to use in the deduping
+$dupage = 12*3600; # the length of time to hold spot dups
+$dirprefix = "$main::data/wwv";
+$param = "$dirprefix/param";
sub init
return @in;
+# enter the spot for dup checking and return true if it is already a dup
+sub dup
+ my ($d, $sfi, $k, $a, $text) = @_;
+ # dump if too old
+ return 2 if $d < $main::systime - $dupage;
+ $d /= 60; # to the nearest minute
+ chomp $text;
+ $text = substr($text, 0, $duplth) if length $text > $duplth;
+ my $dupkey = "$d|$sfi|$k|$a|$text";
+ return 1 if exists $dup{$dupkey};
+ $dup{$dupkey} = $d * 60; # in seconds (to the nearest minute)
+ return 0;
+# called every hour and cleans out the dup cache
+sub process
+ my $cutoff = $main::systime - $dupage;
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each %dup) {
+ delete $dup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
+ }
+sub listdups
+ my @out;
+ for (sort { $dup{$a} <=> $dup{$b} } keys %dup) {
+ my $val = $dup{$_};
+ push @out, "$_ = $val (" . cldatetime($val) . ")";
+ }
+ return @out;
db9 => 'Database $_[0] removed',
db10 => '$_[0] records imported into $_[1]',
db11 => 'Sending your request(s) to $_[0], please stand by...',
+ dup => 'Sorry, this is a duplicate',
dx1 => 'Frequency $_[0] not in band (see show/band); usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
dx2 => 'Need a callsign; usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
dxs => 'DX Spots flag set on $_[0]',
use Prefix;
use strict;
-use vars qw($fp $maxspots $defaultspots $maxdays $dirprefix);
+use vars qw($fp $maxspots $defaultspots $maxdays $dirprefix %dup $duplth $dupage);
$fp = undef;
$maxspots = 50; # maximum spots to return
$defaultspots = 10; # normal number of spots to return
$maxdays = 35; # normal maximum no of days to go back
$dirprefix = "spots";
+%dup = (); # the spot duplicates hash
+$duplth = 20; # the length of text to use in the deduping
+$dupage = 3*3600; # the length of time to hold spot dups
sub init
my @spot = @_; # $freq, $call, $t, $comment, $spotter = @_
my @out = @spot[0..4]; # just up to the spotter
- # sure that the numeric things are numeric now (saves time later)
- $spot[0] = 0 + $spot[0];
- $spot[2] = 0 + $spot[2];
+ # normalise frequency
+ $spot[0] = sprintf "%.f", $spot[0];
# remove ssids if present on spotter
$out[4] =~ s/-\d+$//o;
+ # remove leading and trailing spaces
+ $spot[3] = unpad($spot[3]);
# add the 'dxcc' country on the end for both spotted and spotter, then the cluster call
my @dxcc = Prefix::extract($out[1]);
my $spotted_dxcc = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->dxcc() : 0;
return @spots;
+# enter the spot for dup checking and return true if it is already a dup
+sub dup
+ my ($freq, $call, $d, $text) = @_;
+ # dump if too old
+ return 2 if $d < $main::systime - $dupage;
+ $freq = sprintf "%.1f", $freq; # normalise frequency
+ $d /= 60; # to the nearest minute
+ chomp $text;
+ $text = substr($text, 0, $duplth) if length $text > $duplth;
+ my $dupkey = "$freq|$call|$d|$text";
+ return 1 if exists $dup{$dupkey};
+ $dup{$dupkey} = $d * 60; # in seconds (to the nearest minute)
+ return 0;
+# called every hour and cleans out the dup cache
+sub process
+ my $cutoff = $main::systime - $dupage;
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each %dup) {
+ delete $dup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
+ }
+sub listdups
+ my @out;
+ for (sort { $dup{$a} <=> $dup{$b} } keys %dup) {
+ my $val = $dup{$_};
+ push @out, "$_ = $val (" . cldatetime($val) . ")";
+ }
+ return @out;
if (defined $msg) {
- my ($sort, $call, $line) = $msg =~ /^(\w)([A-Z0-9\-]+)\|(.*)$/;
+ my ($sort, $call, $line) = $msg =~ /^(\w)([^\|]+)\|(.*)$/;
if ($sort eq 'D') {
my $snl = $mynl;
use Geomag;
use CmdAlias;
use Filter;
-use Local;
use DXDb;
-use Data::Dumper;
+use AnnTalk;
+use Data::Dumper;
use Fcntl ':flock';
+use Local;
package main;
@inqueue = (); # the main input queue, an array of hashes
my $data = $self->{data};
my $dxchan = $self->{dxchan};
- my ($sort, $call, $line) = $data =~ /^(\w)([A-Z0-9\-]+)\|(.*)$/;
+ my ($sort, $call, $line) = $data =~ /^(\w)([^\|]+)\|(.*)$/;
my $error;
# the above regexp must work
if (defined $msg) {
- my ($sort, $call, $line) = $msg =~ /^(\w)(\S+)\|(.*)$/;
+ my ($sort, $call, $line) = $msg =~ /^(\w)([^\|]+)\|(.*)$/;
if ($sort && $sort eq 'D') {