1. added agwrestart command
+2. add Iains Windoze installation manual (g0vgs)
1. fix errors on accept in ExtMsg and in Msg
2. fix the non-blocking problems of connects (and other things in general).
--- /dev/null
+ <TITLE>The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows: Introduction</TITLE>
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+<A HREF="wininstallation.html#toc1">Contents</A>
+<H2><A NAME="s1">1. Introduction</A></H2>
+<P>What you'll be left with once you've followed these instructions
+is (hopefully) a working DX Spider v1.47 system that is capable
+of accepting or originating "internet" connections, plus inbound
+AX.25 and TCP/IP radio connections. If the absence of outbound
+radio connections is a serious limitation for you, it would be
+better for you to wait a couple more weeks until this support has
+been added.
+<P>On the other hand, you may have an enquiring mind, or better yet,
+may be looking for a useful way of connecting your current
+(perhaps) AK1A cluster "to the internet" via some networking
+mechanism (BPQEther, etc) or other. I won't be producing
+instructions for the latter case, because I don't have an AK1A to
+play with. But someone might ...
+<P>Whatever, this document is intended to get you started with DX
+Spider in a Microsoft Windows ™ environment. It's not
+intended to teach you anything other than how to perform a
+minimum configuration of a DX Spider installation and have it
+able to connect across "the internet" to other DX Clusters, while
+accepting inbound TELNET and radio connections.
+<H2><A NAME="ss1.1">1.1 The requirements</A>
+<P>The very first things you're going to need are (in order of
+<LI>A cup of good, strong tea</LI>
+<LI>A supported Windows platform with an internet connection so you can
+download the necessary software bits and bobs directly to it. There are other ways, but this is preferable.</LI>
+<LI>Another cup of good, strong tea</LI>
+<LI>If all goes according to plan, about an hour to spare</LI>
+<LI>Plenty of good, strong tea</LI>
+<H2><A NAME="ss1.2">1.2 The system</A>
+<P>The platform I used to generate these instructions was a
+"vanilla" Microsoft Windows Me 4.90.3000 system, with a 700MHz
+AMD Athlon processor and 96 Mb memory. I've also personally
+verified that it runs on my laptop (Pentium 266MHz, 32 Mb memory,
+Windows 98 SE v4.10.2222 A) and a computer that I assembled from
+a random pile of junk (AMD K6-2 333MHz, 64 Mb memory, Windows 98
+v4.10.1998). As a result, I have reason to believe that what I'm
+about to describe will perform equally on any 32-bit MS Windows
+environment with 32 Mb of memory.
+<P>Because of the changes that have recently been made to the core
+"cluster.pl" module and the introduction of a very lightweight
+"winclient.pl", I have a sneaking suspicion that this will now
+run on any platform that has reasonably complete support for
+Perl. Is there someone out there with both an enquiring mind and
+(say) a Macintosh, for instance?
+<P>Please bear in mind, though, that my instructions relate solely
+to how to get this going under a Microsoft Windows environment,
+and I have zero intention of trying to make them say otherwise.
+<H2><A NAME="ss1.3">1.3 Perl</A>
+<P>Install your chosen Perl environment. Unless you have a very good
+reason for not doing so, I strongly suggest that you use
+ActivePerl v5.6. For my testing & development, I used build 623.
+You can get this from:-
+<A HREF="http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/Download.html">http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/Download.html</A><P>You will need to choose either the MSI or the AS package. My
+recommendation is that you choose the MSI package and deal with
+the consequences if your system isn't equipped with support for
+the latest MS Installer; you'll be better off in the long run.
+The build 623 download is 7,460 KB, so now is a really good time
+to have some tea if you're on a slow dial-up connection.
+<P>During installation, please ensure that you do choose the options
+to "Add Perl to the PATH environment variable" and "Create Perl
+file extension association"; it will make your life so much
+easier. Once the installation is finished, be sure to reboot your
+PC. You probably won't be told anywhere else that this needs to
+be done now, but it does. Really.
+<P>Once you've rebooted, open a "DOS box" (Start > Run > command
+might do it, if you can't find it elsewhere) and from wherever it
+lands, type PERL -v <ENTER> (it's better if that's a lower-case
+'v', because an upper-case 'V' means something else. You should
+be rewarded with some interesting information about your Perl
+installation. If you're not, you must go back to the beginning
+and discover what went wrong and fix it. It's pointless to
+proceed unless this simple check is passed. Assuming it did work,
+you may now move on.
+<H2><A NAME="ss1.4">1.4 Additional packages</A>
+<P>Some extensions ("packages") need to be added to the base Perl
+distribution, and we'll do this next. If you're using the Perl I
+recommended, and don't know any better for yourself, then just
+blindly following these instructions will work just fine. If that
+didn't describe you, then you're on your own.
+<P>Visit the following URL:
+<A HREF="http://www.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/6xx-builds-only/">http://www.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/6xx-builds-only/</A><P>and download the following files:-
+<P>Make yourself a convenient directory to unpack all of these zip
+files into (I put mine in "D:\ppm>") and do the following (the
+bits you type in are blue ). Note that where these files land
+will be directly related to where you chose to install your
+ActivePerl (mine, as you can probably guess from what follows,
+went into "D:\Perl"):-
+D:\ppm>ppm install Data-Dumper.ppd
+Installing package 'Data-Dumper.ppd'
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.bs
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.dll
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.exp
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.lib
+Installing D:\Perl\html\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.html
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\Data\Dumper\Dumper.pm
+Writing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.packlist
+<P>I'm not going to bother you with exhaustive details of the rest
+of them, but suffice it to say you need to:
+ppm install DB_File.ppd
+ppm install Net-Telnet.ppd
+ppm install TimeDate.ppd
+ppm install Time-HiRes.ppd
+<P>If all that seemed to work OK, time to move along. Before anyone
+who is familiar with PPM tells me that we didn't need to download
+and keep those files locally, I knew that. I also knew that PPM
+is sometimes awkward to configure via firewalls, and that
+sometimes the repositories don't always work the way we'd hope. I
+do it that way because it suits me.
+<H2><A NAME="ss1.5">1.5 Getting Spider</A>
+<P>Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs
+to be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting
+this; either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know
+what this is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+<A HREF="http://www.dcc.rsgb.org/WinSpider.zip">http://www.dcc.rsgb.org/WinSpider.zip</A><P>If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely
+set out on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to
+somewhere convenient. The following examples assume that you put
+it on drive "C:\", for convenience.
+<P><B>NOTE:</B> This distribution method will go away as soon as the first
+v1.47 tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and
+my life will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file
+<A HREF="wininstallation-2.html">Next</A>
+<A HREF="wininstallation.html#toc1">Contents</A>
--- /dev/null
+ <TITLE>The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows: Installing the software</TITLE>
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+<H2><A NAME="s2">2. Installing the software</A></H2>
+<P>Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you
+with a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\"
+and create one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out
+why, because it shouldn't be.
+<P>Now create your own local copy of the DXVars.pm file by:-
+copy c:\spider\perl\DXVars.pm.issue
+<P>Now you'll need to edit this file using a text editor. If nothing
+else, you can simply
+cd \spider\local
+<P>and then
+notepad DXVars.pm
+<P>to bring up an editor window containing the file. As an absolute
+minimum you must adjust the following items in DXVars.pm:-
+<LI> $mycall - Should hold the callsign of your DX Cluster</LI>
+<LI> $myname - The SysOp's first name</LI>
+<LI> $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!</LI>
+<P>You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude,
+$myqth and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely
+certain you know what you're doing, you should change nothing
+else in this file.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1 The AGW packet engine</A>
+<P>On the assumption that you'll be using the SV2AGW Packet Engine
+to interface your radios to the cluster, you should now create
+your own local copy of AGWConnect.pm by:-
+copy c:\spider\perl\AGWConnect.pm
+<P>and then
+notepad AGWConnect.pm
+<P>to bring up an editor window containing the file. You must
+consider adjusting the following items in AGWConnect.pm:-
+<LI>$enable - set to '1' to enable AGWPE interface </LI>
+<LI>$login - the login ID you chose when you set up the SV2AGW security :-)</LI>
+<LI>$passwd - password that matches $login</LI>
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2 Setting up the initial user files</A>
+<P>Next you need to create the initial user files, etc. A tool is
+supplied which will do this for you. To run the tool:-
+cd \spider\perl
+perl create_sysop.pl
+<P>If all goes according to plan, you will see no output from this
+program, and after a brief wait, your DOS prompt will be
+<P>Depending on how brave you are, you might now care to try the
+perl cluster.pl
+<P>If you did everything you were told, your DOS window will now
+hold a display which looks something like:-
+DXSpider DX Cluster Version 1.47
+Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+loading prefixes ...
+loading band data ...
+loading user file system ...
+starting listeners ...
+Internal port: localhost 27754
+load badwords: Ok
+reading in duplicate spot and WWV info ...
+reading existing message headers ...
+load badmsg: Ok
+load forward: Ok
+load swop: Ok
+@msg = 0 before delete
+@msg = 0 after delete
+reading cron jobs ...v cron: reading /spider/cmd/crontab
+cron: adding 1 0 * * 0
+reading database descriptors ...
+doing local initialisation ...
+orft we jolly well go ...
+queue msg (0)
+<P>Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry
+(in as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
+<P>To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself another
+"DOS box" and do the following:-
+cd \spider\perl
+perl winclient.pl
+<P>If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
+Cluster: 1 nodes, 1 local / 1 total users Max users 2 Uptime 0 00:00
+M0ADI de GB7SJP 4-Mar-2001 1511Z >
+<P>You've arrived. Try some commands, and see how they feel. (In
+case you were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came
+from the version of DXVars.pm that was on the machine when I
+started the winclient.pl)
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3 Incoming telnets</A>
+<P>If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
+little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
+anything else, do the following:-
+copy \spider\perl\listeners.pm \spider\local
+cd \spider\local
+notepad listeners.pm
+<P>The following lines need attention:-
+["localhost", 7300],
+["foo.dxcluster.net", 7300],
+<P>On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "localhost" entry by
+removing the '#' from the front of the line. I've also
+uncommented the second line, and changed the hostname to point at
+<P>If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
+intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
+internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to www.dyndns.org and
+create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
+an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
+implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<H2><A NAME="ss2.4">2.4 Connecting to other clusters</A>
+<P>If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want
+to negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm
+happy to allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (spud.ath.cx), on the
+understanding that the system may or may not be there and may or
+may not be connected to anything particularly useful at any given
+moment. Contact me by Email if you want me to set up a connection
+for you.
+<P><I>Last updated: 05-Mar-01</I>
+<A HREF="wininstallation-1.html">Previous</A>
+<A HREF="wininstallation.html#toc2">Contents</A>
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+ <TITLE>The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows</TITLE>
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+<H1>The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows</H1>
+<H2>Iain Philipps, G0RDI (g0rdi@77hz.com)</H2>Version 1.1 28 March 2001
+<EM>DX Spider under Microsoft Windows ™</EM>
+<H2><A NAME="toc1">1.</A> <A HREF="wininstallation-1.html">Introduction</A></H2>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-1.html#ss1.1">1.1 The requirements</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-1.html#ss1.2">1.2 The system</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-1.html#ss1.3">1.3 Perl</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-1.html#ss1.4">1.4 Additional packages</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-1.html#ss1.5">1.5 Getting Spider</A>
+<H2><A NAME="toc2">2.</A> <A HREF="wininstallation-2.html">Installing the software</A></H2>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-2.html#ss2.1">2.1 The AGW packet engine</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-2.html#ss2.2">2.2 Setting up the initial user files</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-2.html#ss2.3">2.3 Incoming telnets</A>
+<LI><A HREF="wininstallation-2.html#ss2.4">2.4 Connecting to other clusters</A>
+<A HREF="wininstallation-1.html">Next</A>
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+<!doctype linuxdoc system>
+<!-- Title information -->
+<title>The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows
+<author>Iain Philipps, G0RDI (g0rdi@77hz.com)
+<date>Version 1.1 28 March 2001
+DX Spider under Microsoft Windows ™
+<!-- Table of contents -->
+<!-- Begin the document -->
+What you'll be left with once you've followed these instructions
+is (hopefully) a working DX Spider v1.47 system that is capable
+of accepting or originating "internet" connections, plus inbound
+AX.25 and TCP/IP radio connections. If the absence of outbound
+radio connections is a serious limitation for you, it would be
+better for you to wait a couple more weeks until this support has
+been added.
+On the other hand, you may have an enquiring mind, or better yet,
+may be looking for a useful way of connecting your current
+(perhaps) AK1A cluster "to the internet" via some networking
+mechanism (BPQEther, etc) or other. I won't be producing
+instructions for the latter case, because I don't have an AK1A to
+play with. But someone might ...
+Whatever, this document is intended to get you started with DX
+Spider in a Microsoft Windows ™ environment. It's not
+intended to teach you anything other than how to perform a
+minimum configuration of a DX Spider installation and have it
+able to connect across "the internet" to other DX Clusters, while
+accepting inbound TELNET and radio connections.
+<sect1>The requirements
+The very first things you're going to need are (in order of
+<item>A cup of good, strong tea
+<item>A supported Windows platform with an internet connection so you can
+download the necessary software bits and bobs directly to it. There are other ways, but this is preferable.
+<item>Another cup of good, strong tea
+<item>If all goes according to plan, about an hour to spare
+<item>Plenty of good, strong tea
+<sect1>The system
+The platform I used to generate these instructions was a
+"vanilla" Microsoft Windows Me 4.90.3000 system, with a 700MHz
+AMD Athlon processor and 96 Mb memory. I've also personally
+verified that it runs on my laptop (Pentium 266MHz, 32 Mb memory,
+Windows 98 SE v4.10.2222 A) and a computer that I assembled from
+a random pile of junk (AMD K6-2 333MHz, 64 Mb memory, Windows 98
+v4.10.1998). As a result, I have reason to believe that what I'm
+about to describe will perform equally on any 32-bit MS Windows
+environment with 32 Mb of memory.
+Because of the changes that have recently been made to the core
+"cluster.pl" module and the introduction of a very lightweight
+"winclient.pl", I have a sneaking suspicion that this will now
+run on any platform that has reasonably complete support for
+Perl. Is there someone out there with both an enquiring mind and
+(say) a Macintosh, for instance?
+Please bear in mind, though, that my instructions relate solely
+to how to get this going under a Microsoft Windows environment,
+and I have zero intention of trying to make them say otherwise.
+Install your chosen Perl environment. Unless you have a very good
+reason for not doing so, I strongly suggest that you use
+ActivePerl v5.6. For my testing & development, I used build 623.
+You can get this from:- <htmlurl
+You will need to choose either the MSI or the AS package. My
+recommendation is that you choose the MSI package and deal with
+the consequences if your system isn't equipped with support for
+the latest MS Installer; you'll be better off in the long run.
+The build 623 download is 7,460 KB, so now is a really good time
+to have some tea if you're on a slow dial-up connection.
+During installation, please ensure that you do choose the options
+to "Add Perl to the PATH environment variable" and "Create Perl
+file extension association"; it will make your life so much
+easier. Once the installation is finished, be sure to reboot your
+PC. You probably won't be told anywhere else that this needs to
+be done now, but it does. Really.
+Once you've rebooted, open a "DOS box" (Start > Run > command
+might do it, if you can't find it elsewhere) and from wherever it
+lands, type PERL -v <ENTER> (it's better if that's a lower-case
+'v', because an upper-case 'V' means something else. You should
+be rewarded with some interesting information about your Perl
+installation. If you're not, you must go back to the beginning
+and discover what went wrong and fix it. It's pointless to
+proceed unless this simple check is passed. Assuming it did work,
+you may now move on.
+<sect1>Additional packages
+Some extensions ("packages") need to be added to the base Perl
+distribution, and we'll do this next. If you're using the Perl I
+recommended, and don't know any better for yourself, then just
+blindly following these instructions will work just fine. If that
+didn't describe you, then you're on your own.
+Visit the following URL:
+<htmlurl url="http://www.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/6xx-builds-only/"
+and download the following files:-
+Make yourself a convenient directory to unpack all of these zip
+files into (I put mine in "D:\ppm>") and do the following (the
+bits you type in are blue ). Note that where these files land
+will be directly related to where you chose to install your
+ActivePerl (mine, as you can probably guess from what follows,
+went into "D:\Perl"):-
+D:\ppm>ppm install Data-Dumper.ppd
+Installing package 'Data-Dumper.ppd'
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.bs
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.dll
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.exp
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.lib
+Installing D:\Perl\html\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.html
+Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\Data\Dumper\Dumper.pm
+Writing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.packlist
+I'm not going to bother you with exhaustive details of the rest
+of them, but suffice it to say you need to:
+ppm install DB_File.ppd
+ppm install Net-Telnet.ppd
+ppm install TimeDate.ppd
+ppm install Time-HiRes.ppd
+If all that seemed to work OK, time to move along. Before anyone
+who is familiar with PPM tells me that we didn't need to download
+and keep those files locally, I knew that. I also knew that PPM
+is sometimes awkward to configure via firewalls, and that
+sometimes the repositories don't always work the way we'd hope. I
+do it that way because it suits me.
+<sect1>Getting Spider
+Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs
+to be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting
+this; either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know
+what this is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+<htmlurl url="http://www.dcc.rsgb.org/WinSpider.zip" name="http://www.dcc.rsgb.org/WinSpider.zip">
+If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely
+set out on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to
+somewhere convenient. The following examples assume that you put
+it on drive "C:\", for convenience.
+<bf>NOTE:</bf> This distribution method will go away as soon as the first
+v1.47 tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and
+my life will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file
+<sect>Installing the software
+Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you
+with a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\"
+and create one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out
+why, because it shouldn't be.
+Now create your own local copy of the DXVars.pm file by:-
+copy c:\spider\perl\DXVars.pm.issue
+Now you'll need to edit this file using a text editor. If nothing
+else, you can simply
+cd \spider\local
+and then
+notepad DXVars.pm
+to bring up an editor window containing the file. As an absolute
+minimum you must adjust the following items in DXVars.pm:-
+<item> $mycall - Should hold the callsign of your DX Cluster
+<item> $myname - The SysOp's first name
+<item> $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!
+You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude,
+$myqth and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely
+certain you know what you're doing, you should change nothing
+else in this file.
+<sect1>The AGW packet engine
+On the assumption that you'll be using the SV2AGW Packet Engine
+to interface your radios to the cluster, you should now create
+your own local copy of AGWConnect.pm by:-
+copy c:\spider\perl\AGWConnect.pm
+and then
+notepad AGWConnect.pm
+to bring up an editor window containing the file. You must
+consider adjusting the following items in AGWConnect.pm:-
+<item>$enable - set to '1' to enable AGWPE interface
+<item>$login - the login ID you chose when you set up the SV2AGW security :-)
+<item>$passwd - password that matches $login
+<sect1>Setting up the initial user files
+Next you need to create the initial user files, etc. A tool is
+supplied which will do this for you. To run the tool:-
+cd \spider\perl
+perl create_sysop.pl
+If all goes according to plan, you will see no output from this
+program, and after a brief wait, your DOS prompt will be
+Depending on how brave you are, you might now care to try the
+perl cluster.pl
+If you did everything you were told, your DOS window will now
+hold a display which looks something like:-
+DXSpider DX Cluster Version 1.47
+Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+loading prefixes ...
+loading band data ...
+loading user file system ...
+starting listeners ...
+Internal port: localhost 27754
+load badwords: Ok
+reading in duplicate spot and WWV info ...
+reading existing message headers ...
+load badmsg: Ok
+load forward: Ok
+load swop: Ok
+@msg = 0 before delete
+@msg = 0 after delete
+reading cron jobs ...v cron: reading /spider/cmd/crontab
+cron: adding 1 0 * * 0
+reading database descriptors ...
+doing local initialisation ...
+orft we jolly well go ...
+queue msg (0)
+Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry
+(in as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
+To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself another
+"DOS box" and do the following:-
+cd \spider\perl
+perl winclient.pl
+If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
+Cluster: 1 nodes, 1 local / 1 total users Max users 2 Uptime 0 00:00
+M0ADI de GB7SJP 4-Mar-2001 1511Z >
+You've arrived. Try some commands, and see how they feel. (In
+case you were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came
+from the version of DXVars.pm that was on the machine when I
+started the winclient.pl)
+<sect1>Incoming telnets
+If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
+little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
+anything else, do the following:-
+copy \spider\perl\listeners.pm \spider\local
+cd \spider\local
+notepad listeners.pm
+The following lines need attention:-
+["localhost", 7300],
+["foo.dxcluster.net", 7300],
+On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "localhost" entry by
+removing the '#' from the front of the line. I've also
+uncommented the second line, and changed the hostname to point at
+If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you
+intend to allow folk to connect to your machine across the
+internet, then I'd suggest you pay a visit to www.dyndns.org and
+create one for yourself. While it's free, it will take a modest
+an amount of effort on your part to read, understand and
+implement what needs to be done to set this up.
+<sect1>Connecting to other clusters
+If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want
+to negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm
+happy to allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (spud.ath.cx), on the
+understanding that the system may or may not be there and may or
+may not be connected to anything particularly useful at any given
+moment. Contact me by Email if you want me to set up a connection
+for you.
+<it>Last updated: 05-Mar-01</it>
--- /dev/null
+ The Installation Guide for DXSpider under Microsoft Windows
+ Iain Philipps, G0RDI (g0rdi@77hz.com)
+ Version 1.1 28 March 2001
+ DX Spider under Microsoft Windows (TM)
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction
+ 1.1 The requirements
+ 1.2 The system
+ 1.3 Perl
+ 1.4 Additional packages
+ 1.5 Getting Spider
+ 2. Installing the software
+ 2.1 The AGW packet engine
+ 2.2 Setting up the initial user files
+ 2.3 Incoming telnets
+ 2.4 Connecting to other clusters
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 1. Introduction
+ What you'll be left with once you've followed these instructions is
+ (hopefully) a working DX Spider v1.47 system that is capable of
+ accepting or originating "internet" connections, plus inbound AX.25
+ and TCP/IP radio connections. If the absence of outbound radio
+ connections is a serious limitation for you, it would be better for
+ you to wait a couple more weeks until this support has been added.
+ On the other hand, you may have an enquiring mind, or better yet, may
+ be looking for a useful way of connecting your current (perhaps) AK1A
+ cluster "to the internet" via some networking mechanism (BPQEther,
+ etc) or other. I won't be producing instructions for the latter case,
+ because I don't have an AK1A to play with. But someone might ...
+ Whatever, this document is intended to get you started with DX Spider
+ in a Microsoft Windows (TM) environment. It's not intended to teach
+ you anything other than how to perform a minimum configuration of a DX
+ Spider installation and have it able to connect across "the internet"
+ to other DX Clusters, while accepting inbound TELNET and radio
+ connections.
+ 1.1. The requirements
+ The very first things you're going to need are (in order of
+ importance):-
+ o A cup of good, strong tea
+ o A supported Windows platform with an internet connection so you can
+ download the necessary software bits and bobs directly to it. There
+ are other ways, but this is preferable.
+ o Another cup of good, strong tea
+ o If all goes according to plan, about an hour to spare
+ o Plenty of good, strong tea
+ 1.2. The system
+ The platform I used to generate these instructions was a "vanilla"
+ Microsoft Windows Me 4.90.3000 system, with a 700MHz AMD Athlon
+ processor and 96 Mb memory. I've also personally verified that it runs
+ on my laptop (Pentium 266MHz, 32 Mb memory, Windows 98 SE v4.10.2222
+ A) and a computer that I assembled from a random pile of junk (AMD
+ K6-2 333MHz, 64 Mb memory, Windows 98 v4.10.1998). As a result, I have
+ reason to believe that what I'm about to describe will perform equally
+ on any 32-bit MS Windows environment with 32 Mb of memory.
+ Because of the changes that have recently been made to the core
+ "cluster.pl" module and the introduction of a very lightweight
+ "winclient.pl", I have a sneaking suspicion that this will now run on
+ any platform that has reasonably complete support for Perl. Is there
+ someone out there with both an enquiring mind and (say) a Macintosh,
+ for instance?
+ Please bear in mind, though, that my instructions relate solely to how
+ to get this going under a Microsoft Windows environment, and I have
+ zero intention of trying to make them say otherwise.
+ 1.3. Perl
+ Install your chosen Perl environment. Unless you have a very good
+ reason for not doing so, I strongly suggest that you use ActivePerl
+ v5.6. For my testing & development, I used build 623. You can get
+ this from:-
+ http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/Download.html
+ You will need to choose either the MSI or the AS package. My
+ recommendation is that you choose the MSI package and deal with the
+ consequences if your system isn't equipped with support for the latest
+ MS Installer; you'll be better off in the long run. The build 623
+ download is 7,460 KB, so now is a really good time to have some tea if
+ you're on a slow dial-up connection.
+ During installation, please ensure that you do choose the options to
+ "Add Perl to the PATH environment variable" and "Create Perl file
+ extension association"; it will make your life so much easier. Once
+ the installation is finished, be sure to reboot your PC. You probably
+ won't be told anywhere else that this needs to be done now, but it
+ does. Really.
+ Once you've rebooted, open a "DOS box" (Start > Run > command might do
+ it, if you can't find it elsewhere) and from wherever it lands, type
+ PERL -v <ENTER> (it's better if that's a lower-case be rewarded with
+ some interesting information about your Perl installation. If you're
+ not, you must go back to the beginning and discover what went wrong
+ and fix it. It's pointless to proceed unless this simple check is
+ passed. Assuming it did work, you may now move on.
+ 1.4. Additional packages
+ Some extensions ("packages") need to be added to the base Perl
+ distribution, and we'll do this next. If you're using the Perl I
+ recommended, and don't know any better for yourself, then just blindly
+ following these instructions will work just fine. If that didn't
+ describe you, then you're on your own.
+ Visit the following URL:
+ http://www.activestate.com/PPMPackages/zips/6xx-builds-only/
+ and download the following files:-
+ Data-Dumper.zip
+ Net-Telnet.zip
+ TimeDate.zip
+ Time-HiRes.zip
+ DB_File.zip
+ Make yourself a convenient directory to unpack all of these zip files
+ into (I put mine in "D:\ppm>") and do the following (the bits you type
+ in are blue ). Note that where these files land will be directly
+ related to where you chose to install your ActivePerl (mine, as you
+ can probably guess from what follows, went into "D:\Perl"):-
+ D:\ppm>ppm install Data-Dumper.ppd
+ Installing package 'Data-Dumper.ppd'
+ Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.bs
+ Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.dll
+ Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.exp
+ Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.lib
+ Installing D:\Perl\html\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.html
+ Installing D:\Perl\site\lib\Data\Dumper\Dumper.pm
+ Writing D:\Perl\site\lib\auto\Data\Dumper\Dumper.packlist
+ D:\ppm>
+ I'm not going to bother you with exhaustive details of the rest of
+ them, but suffice it to say you need to:
+ ppm install DB_File.ppd
+ ppm install Net-Telnet.ppd
+ ppm install TimeDate.ppd
+ ppm install Time-HiRes.ppd
+ If all that seemed to work OK, time to move along. Before anyone who
+ is familiar with PPM tells me that we didn't need to download and keep
+ those files locally, I knew that. I also knew that PPM is sometimes
+ awkward to configure via firewalls, and that sometimes the
+ repositories don't always work the way we'd hope. I do it that way
+ because it suits me.
+ 1.5. Getting Spider
+ Get the current version of the DX Spider distribution. This needs to
+ be v1.47 or later. You've got two ways (currently) of getting this;
+ either get a CVS update from sourceforge (if you don't know what this
+ is, then it isn't for you) or get my package from:-
+ http://www.dcc.rsgb.org/WinSpider.zip
+ If you went down the CVS route, then everything will be nicely set out
+ on your local disk. If you got the ZIP file, unpack it to somewhere
+ convenient. The following examples assume that you put it on drive
+ "C:\", for convenience.
+ NOTE: This distribution method will go away as soon as the first v1.47
+ tarball is released. You can use WinZip to unpack that, and my life
+ will be made easier by not needing to keep this .ZIP file updated.
+ 2. Installing the software
+ Ensure that your CVS session or your unZIPped file have left you with
+ a directory "C:\spider\local"; if not, go to "C:\spider\" and create
+ one. If "C:\spider" is missing, go back and figure out why, because it
+ shouldn't be.
+ Now create your own local copy of the DXVars.pm file by:-
+ copy c:\spider\perl\DXVars.pm.issue
+ c:\spider\local\DXVars.pm
+ Now you'll need to edit this file using a text editor. If nothing
+ else, you can simply
+ cd \spider\local
+ and then
+ notepad DXVars.pm
+ to bring up an editor window containing the file. As an absolute
+ minimum you must adjust the following items in DXVars.pm:-
+ o $mycall - Should hold the callsign of your DX Cluster
+ o $myname - The SysOp's first name
+ o $myalias - the SysOp's callsign. Cannot be the same as $mycall!
+ You really also ought to update the $mylatitude, $mylongitude, $myqth
+ and $myemail variables. And unless you are absolutely certain you know
+ what you're doing, you should change nothing else in this file.
+ 2.1. The AGW packet engine
+ On the assumption that you'll be using the SV2AGW Packet Engine to
+ interface your radios to the cluster, you should now create your own
+ local copy of AGWConnect.pm by:-
+ copy c:\spider\perl\AGWConnect.pm
+ c:\spider\local\AGWConnect.pm
+ and then
+ notepad AGWConnect.pm
+ to bring up an editor window containing the file. You must consider
+ adjusting the following items in AGWConnect.pm:-
+ o $enable - set to '1' to enable AGWPE interface
+ o $login - the login ID you chose when you set up the SV2AGW
+ security :-)
+ o $passwd - password that matches $login
+ 2.2. Setting up the initial user files
+ Next you need to create the initial user files, etc. A tool is
+ supplied which will do this for you. To run the tool:-
+ cd \spider\perl
+ perl create_sysop.pl
+ If all goes according to plan, you will see no output from this
+ program, and after a brief wait, your DOS prompt will be returned.
+ Depending on how brave you are, you might now care to try the
+ following:-
+ perl cluster.pl
+ If you did everything you were told, your DOS window will now hold a
+ display which looks something like:-
+ DXSpider DX Cluster Version 1.47
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+ loading prefixes ...
+ loading band data ...
+ loading user file system ...
+ starting listeners ...
+ Internal port: localhost 27754
+ load badwords: Ok
+ reading in duplicate spot and WWV info ...
+ reading existing message headers ...
+ load badmsg: Ok
+ load forward: Ok
+ load swop: Ok
+ @msg = 0 before delete
+ @msg = 0 after delete
+ reading cron jobs ...v cron: reading /spider/cmd/crontab
+ cron: adding 1 0 * * 0
+ DXUser::export("$main::data/user_asc")
+ reading database descriptors ...
+ doing local initialisation ...
+ orft we jolly well go ...
+ queue msg (0)
+ Now, if that's what you've got, you are very nearly home and dry (in
+ as far as these particular experiments are concerned, anyhow)
+ To access your new cluster (from the local machine) find yourself
+ another "DOS box" and do the following:-
+ cd \spider\perl
+ perl winclient.pl
+ If you are rewarded with a display which looks something like:-
+ Hello Iain, this is GB7SJP in Amersham, Bucks running DXSpider V1.47
+ Cluster: 1 nodes, 1 local / 1 total users Max users 2 Uptime 0 00:00
+ M0ADI de GB7SJP 4-Mar-2001 1511Z >
+ You've arrived. Try some commands, and see how they feel. (In case you
+ were wondering, "Iain", "M0ADI" and "GB7SJP" all came from the version
+ of DXVars.pm that was on the machine when I started the winclient.pl)
+ 2.3. Incoming telnets
+ If you want to enable inbound "TELNET" connections, you've got a
+ little more work to do. From a handy "DOS box" that's not doing
+ anything else, do the following:-
+ copy \spider\perl\listeners.pm \spider\local
+ cd \spider\local
+ notepad listeners.pm
+ The following lines need attention:-
+ ["localhost", 7300],
+ ["foo.dxcluster.net", 7300],
+ On my machine, I've simply uncommented the "localhost" entry by
+ removing the '#' from the front of the line. I've also uncommented the
+ second line, and changed the hostname to point at "spud.ath.cx".
+ If you don't have a static hostname for your machine, and you intend
+ to allow folk to connect to your machine across the internet, then I'd
+ suggest you pay a visit to www.dyndns.org and create one for yourself.
+ While it's free, it will take a modest an amount of effort on your
+ part to read, understand and implement what needs to be done to set
+ this up.
+ 2.4. Connecting to other clusters
+ If you want to connect this to another cluster, then you'll want to
+ negotiate a link with someone. For experimental purposes, I'm happy to
+ allow folk to connect to GB7DXA (spud.ath.cx), on the understanding
+ that the system may or may not be there and may or may not be
+ connected to anything particularly useful at any given moment. Contact
+ me by Email if you want me to set up a connection for you.
+ Last updated: 05-Mar-01