2. fiddled around with storing of Debug messages a bit more.
3. bomb proofed the type command.
4. started the objectifying for talk, dx and announcements.
sequentially reading the data directly and only 'get'ting the ones that are
3. did the same for show/isolate and show/lockout.
+4. Added talk mode so that I don't have to keep typing T <call> all the time.
+5. fiddled around with storing of Debug messages a bit more.
+6. bomb proofed the type command.
1. fixed watchdbg midnight rollover loop and removed the date part of the
date/time translation to leave just the time.
numbers but nothing will happen when you input a string. Any match is
case sensitive.
-=== 0^TALK <call> <text>^Send a text message to another station
-=== 0^TALK <call> > <node> <text>^Send a text message to another station via a node
+=== 0^TALK <call> [<text>]^Send a text message to another station
+=== 0^TALK <call> > <node> [<text>]^Send a text message to another station via a node
Send a short message to any other station that is visible on the cluster
system. You can send it to anyone you can see with a SHOW/CONFIGURATION
command, they don't have to be connected locally.
see GB7TLH in the SH/C list but with no users, then you would use the
second form of the talk message.
+If you want to have a ragchew with someone you can leave the text message
+out and the system will go into 'Talk' mode. What this means is that a
+short message is sent to the recipient telling them that you are in a
+'Talking' frame of mind and then you just type - everything you send will
+go to the station that you asked for.
+All the usual announcements, spots and so on will still come out on your
+If you want to do something (such as send a spot) you preceed the normal
+command with a '/' character, eg:-
+ /DX 14001 G1TLH What's a B class licensee doing on 20m CW?
+ /HELP talk
+To leave talk mode type:
+ /EX
=== 0^TYPE <filearea>/<name>^Look at the contents of a file in one of the fileareas
Type out the contents of a file in a filearea. So, for example, in
filearea 'bulletins' you want to look at file 'arld051' you would
# $Id$
-my ($self, $line) = @_;
-my @argv = split /\s+/, $line; # generate an argv
-my $to = uc $argv[0];
+my ($self, $inline) = @_;
+my $to;
my $via;
-my $from = $self->call();
+my $line;
+my $from = $self->call;
my @out;
-# have we a callsign and some text?
-return (1, $self->msg('e8')) if @argv < 2;
+# analyse the line there are four situations...
+# 1) talk call
+# 2) talk call <text>
+# 3) talk call>node
+# 4) talk call>node text
-if ($argv[1] eq '>') {
- $via = uc $argv[2];
- $line =~ s/^$argv[0]\s+>\s+$argv[2]\s*//;
+($to, $via, $line) = $inline =~ /^\s*([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)\s*>([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(.*)$/;
+if ($via) {
+ $line =~ s/\s+// if $line;
} else {
- $line =~ s/^$argv[0]\s*//;
+ ($to, $line) = split /\s+/, $inline, 2;
+$to = uc $to if $to;
+$via = uc $via if $via;
my $call = $via ? $via : $to;
-my $ref = DXCluster->get_exact($call); # try an exact call
-$ref = DXCluster->get($call) unless $ref; # try one ignoring SSID
-$ref = DXChannel->get($call) unless $ref; # is it local?
-# if we haven't got an explicit via and we can't see them, try their node
-unless ($ref || $via) {
- my $user = DXUser->get_current($call);
- $ref = DXCluster->get_exact($user->node) if $user;
+my $clref = DXCluster->get_exact($call); # try an exact call
+my $dxchan = $clref->dxchan if $clref;
+return (1, $self->msg('e7', $call)) unless $dxchan;
+# if there is a line send it, otherwise add this call to the talk list
+# and set talk mode for command mode
+if ($line) {
+ $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $line) if $dxchan;
+} else {
+ my $s = "$to>" . $dxchan->call;
+ my $ref = $self->talklist;
if ($ref) {
- $via = $user->node;
- push @out, "trying via $via..";
+ unless (grep { $_ eq $s } @$ref) {
+ $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $self->msg('talkstart'));
+ $self->state('talk');
+ push @$ref, $s;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->talklist([ $s ]);
+ $dxchan->talk($self->call, $to, $via, $self->msg('talkstart'));
+ push @out, $self->msg('talkinst');
+ $self->state('talk');
-return (1, "$call not visible on the cluster") if !$ref;
-# change ^ into : for transmission
-$line =~ s/\^/:/og;
-my $dxchan = DXCommandmode->get($to); # is it for us?
-if ($dxchan && $dxchan->is_user) {
- $dxchan->send("$to de $from $line") if $dxchan->talk;
- Log('talk', $to, $from, $main::mycall, $line);
-} else {
- $line =~ s/\^//og; # remove any ^ characters
- my $prot = DXProt::pc10($from, $to, $via, $line);
- DXProt::route(undef,$via?$via:$to, $prot);
- Log('talk', $to, $from, $via?$via:$main::mycall, $line);
+ push @out, $self->talk_prompt;
return (1, @out);
if (@f) {
my $fn = lc $f[0];
- $fn =~ s/\\/\//og;
- $fn =~ s/\.//og;
- $fn =~ s/^\///og;
+ $fn =~ s([^A-Za-z0-9_/])()g;
+ $fn =~ s(^/+)();
$root = "$root/$fn";
pingtime => '5,Ping totaltime,parray',
pingave => '0,Ping ave time',
logininfo => '9,Login info req,yesno',
+ talklist => '0,Talk List,parray',
# object destruction
dbg('state', "$self->{call} channel func $self->{func} state $self->{oldstate} -> $self->{state}\n");
# if there is any queued up broadcasts then splurge them out here
- if ($self->{delayed} && ($self->{state} eq 'prompt' || $self->{state} eq 'convers')) {
+ if ($self->{delayed} && ($self->{state} eq 'prompt' || $self->{state} eq 'talk')) {
$self->send (@{$self->{delayed}});
delete $self->{delayed};
delete $self->{passwd};
- } else {
- @ans = run_cmd($self, $cmdline); # if length $cmdline;
- if ($self->{pagelth} && @ans > $self->{pagelth}) {
- my $i;
- for ($i = $self->{pagelth}; $i-- > 0; ) {
- my $line = shift @ans;
- $line =~ s/\s+$//o; # why am having to do this?
- $self->send($line);
+ } elsif ($self->{state} eq 'talk') {
+ if ($cmdline =~ m{^(?:/EX|/ABORT)}i) {
+ for (@{$self->{talklist}}) {
+ my $ent = $_;
+ my ($to, $via) = $ent =~ /(\S+)>(\S+)/;
+ my $dxchan = DXChannel->get($via);
+ $dxchan->talk($self->{call}, $to, $via, $self->msg('talkend')) if $dxchan;
- $self->{pagedata} = \@ans;
- $self->state('page');
- $self->send($self->msg('page', scalar @ans));
- } else {
- for (@ans) {
- $self->send($_) if $_;
+ $self->state('prompt');
+ delete $self->{talklist};
+ } elsif ($cmdline =~ m(^/\w+)) {
+ $cmdline =~ s(^/)();
+ $self->send_ans(run_cmd($self, $cmdline));
+ $self->send($self->talk_prompt);
+ } elsif ($self->{talklist} && @{$self->{talklist}}) {
+ # send what has been said to whoever is in this person's talk list
+ for (@{$self->{talklist}}) {
+ my $ent = $_;
+ my ($to, $via) = $ent =~ /(\S+)>(\S+)/;
+ my $dxchan = DXChannel->get($via);
+ if ($dxchan && DXCluster->get_exact($to)) {
+ $dxchan->talk($self->{call}, $to, $via, $cmdline);
+ } else {
+ $self->send($self->msg('disc2', $via ? $via : $to));
+ my @l = grep { $_ ne $ent } @{$self->{talklist}};
+ if (@l) {
+ $self->{talklist} = \@l;
+ } else {
+ delete $self->{talklist};
+ $self->state('prompt');
+ }
+ }
- }
+ $self->send($self->talk_prompt) if $self->{state} eq 'talk';
+ } else {
+ # for safety
+ $self->state('prompt');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->send_ans(run_cmd($self, $cmdline));
# send a prompt only if we are in a prompt state
$self->prompt() if $self->{state} =~ /^prompt/o;
+sub talk_prompt
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @call;
+ for (@{$self->{talklist}}) {
+ my ($to, $via) = /(\S+)>(\S+)/;
+ push @call, $to;
+ }
+ return $self->msg('talkprompt', join(',', @call));
+# send a load of stuff to a command user with page prompting
+# and stuff
+sub send_ans
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{pagelth} && @_ > $self->{pagelth}) {
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = $self->{pagelth}; $i-- > 0; ) {
+ my $line = shift @_;
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//o; # why am having to do this?
+ $self->send($line);
+ }
+ $self->{pagedata} = \@_;
+ $self->state('page');
+ $self->send($self->msg('page', scalar @_));
+ } else {
+ for (@_) {
+ $self->send($_) if $_;
+ }
+ }
# this is the thing that runs the command, it is done like this for the
# benefit of remote command execution
if ($@) {
- cluck($@);
+ #cluck($@);
return (DXDebug::shortmess($@));
return $package;
+# send a talk message here
+sub talk
+ my ($self, $from, $to, $via, $line) = @_;
+ $line =~ s/\\5E/\^/g;
+ $self->send("$to de $from $line") if $self->{talk};
+ Log('talk', $to, $from, $main::mycall, $line);
+# send an announce
+sub announce
+# send a dx spot
+sub dx_spot
use DXUtil;
use DXLog ();
-use Carp;
+use Carp qw(cluck);
%dbglevel = ();
$fp = DXLog::new('debug', 'dat', 'd');
if (!defined $DB::VERSION) {
local $^W=0;
eval qq( sub confess {
- \$SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
- DXDebug::_store(Carp::longmess(\@_));
- exit(-1);
+ \$SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
+ DXDebug::_store(\$@, Carp::shortmess(\@_));
+ exit(-1);
- sub confess {
+ sub croak {
\$SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
- DXDebug::_store(Carp::shortmess(\@_));
+ DXDebug::_store(\$@, Carp::longmess(\@_));
sub carp { DXDebug::_store(Carp::shortmess(\@_)); }
CORE::die(Carp::shortmess($@)) if $@;
+} else {
+ eval qq( sub confess { Carp::confess(\@_); };
+ sub cluck { Carp::cluck(\@_); };
+ );
sub _store
my $t = time;
for (@_) {
- $fp->writeunix($t, "$t^$_");
- print STDERR $_;
+ chomp;
+ my @l = split /\n/;
+ for (@l) {
+ print "$_\n" if defined \*STDOUT;
+ $fp->writeunix($t, "$t^$_");
+ }
# add sig{__DIE__} handling
if (!defined $DB::VERSION) {
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { _store(Carp::shortmess(@_)); };
- $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { _store(Carp::shortmess(@_)); };
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { _store($@, Carp::shortmess(@_)); };
+ $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { _store($@, Carp::longmess(@_)); };
} elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{dx}) {
my $buf = Spot::formatb($dxchan->{user}->wantgrid, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3], $_[4]);
$buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
- if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
+ if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
} elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{wwv}) {
my $buf = "WWV de $_[6] <$_[1]>: SFI=$_[2], A=$_[3], K=$_[4], $_[5]";
$buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
- if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
+ if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
} elsif ($dxchan->is_user && $dxchan->{wcy}) {
my $buf = "WCY de $_[10] <$_[1]> : K=$_[4] expK=$_[5] A=$_[3] R=$_[6] SFI=$_[2] SA=$_[7] GMF=$_[8] Au=$_[9]";
$buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
- if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
+ if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
next if $target eq 'SYSOP' && $dxchan->{priv} < 5;
my $buf = "$to$target de $_[0]: $text";
$buf .= "\a\a" if $dxchan->{beep};
- if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
+ if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
$s =~ s/\a//og unless $dxchan->{beep};
- if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'convers') {
+ if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
+# send a talk message to this thingy
+sub talk
+ my ($self, $from, $to, $via, $line) = @_;
+ $line =~ s/\^/\\5E/g; # remove any ^ characters
+ $self->send(DXProt::pc10($from, $to, $via, $line));
+ Log('talk', $self->call, $from, $via?$via:$main::mycall, $line);
sub pc10
my ($from, $to, $via, $text) = @_;
- my $user2 = $via ? $to : ' ';
- my $user1 = $via ? $via : $to;
+ my ($user1, $user2);
+ if ($via && $via ne $to) {
+ $user1 = $via;
+ $user2 = $to;
+ } else {
+ $user2 = ' ';
+ $user1 = $to;
+ }
+# my $user2 = $via ? $to : ' ';
+# my $user1 = $via ? $via : $to;
$text = unpad($text);
$text = ' ' if !$text;
return "PC10^$from^$user1^$text^*^$user2^$main::mycall^~";
time3 => '$_[0] $_[1]',
talks => 'Talk flag set on $_[0]',
talku => 'Talk flag unset on $_[0]',
+ talkend => 'Finished talking to you',
+ talkinst => 'Entering Talkmode, /EX to end, /<cmd> to run a command',
+ talkprompt => 'Talk ($_[0])>',
+ talkstart => 'Starting talking to you',
usernf => '*** User record for $_[0] not found ***',
wwvs => 'WWV flag set on $_[0]',
wwvu => 'WWV flag unset on $_[0]',
$line =~ s/\r/\n/g;
- dbg('connect', "received \"$line\"");
+ dbg('connect', map { "received \"$_\"" } split /\n/, $line);
if ($abort && $line =~ /$abort/i) {
dbg('connect', "aborted on /$abort/");