my $ref = Route::get($l);
if ($ref) {
my $parents = $ref->isa('Route::Node') ? $l : join(',', $ref->parents);
- push @out, $self->msg('route', $l, $parents, join(',', map {$_->call} $ref->alldxchan));
+ push @out, $self->msg('route', $l, $parents, join(',', map {$_->call} Route::findroutes($l)));
} else {
push @out, $self->msg('e7', $l);
return Route::Node::get($call) || Route::User::get($call);
+sub findroutes
+ my $call = shift;
+ my $level = shift || 0;
+ my $seen = shift || {};
+ my @out;
+ dbg("findroutes: $call level: $level calls: " . join(',', @_)) if isdbg('routec');
+ # recursion detector
+ return () if $seen->{$call};
+ if (my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($call)) {
+ $seen->{$call}++;
+ push @out, [$level, $dxchan];
+ return @out;
+ }
+ # deal with more nodes
+ my $nref = Route::Node::get($call);
+ foreach my $ncall (@{$nref->{nodes}}) {
+ dbg("recursing from $call -> $ncall") if isdbg('routec');
+ my @rout = findroute($ncall, $level+1, $seen);
+ push @out, @rout;
+ }
+ return $level == 0 ? map {$_->[1]} sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @out : @out;
# find all the possible dxchannels which this object might be on
sub alldxchan