info <text> - any spots containing <text> in the info or remarks
-spotter <call> - any spots spotted by <call>
+by <call> - any spots spotted by <call> (spotter <call> is the
+ same).
qsl - this automatically looks for any qsl info on the call
held in the spot database.
use Msg;
use DXVars;
use DXDebug;
+use Net::Telnet qw(TELOPT_ECHO);
use IO::File;
use IO::Socket;
use IPC::Open2;
-use Net::Telnet qw(TELOPT_ECHO);
use Carp qw{cluck};
# cease communications
$port = 23 if !$port;
# if ($port == 23) {
$sock = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => $timeout, Port => $port);
- $sock->option_log('option_log');
- $sock->dump_log('dump');
- $sock->option_accept(Wont => TELOPT_ECHO);
+# $sock->option_log('option_log');
+# $sock->dump_log('dump');
+ $sock->option_accept(Dont => TELOPT_ECHO, Wont => TELOPT_ECHO);
$sock->open($host) or die "Can't connect to $host port $port $!";
# } else {
# $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => "$host:$port", Proto => 'tcp')