use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $last_pc50
$last_hour $last10 %eph %pings %rcmds $ann_to_talk
- %nodehops $baddx $badspotter $badnode $censorpc
+ %nodehops $baddx $badspotter $badnode $censorpc $rspfcheck
$allowzero $decode_dk0wcy $send_opernam @checklist);
$me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
$badnode = new DXHash "badnode";
$last10 = $last_pc50 = time;
$ann_to_talk = 1;
+$rspfcheck = 1;
@checklist =
if ($pcno == 10) { # incoming talk
+ # rsfp check
+ return if $rspfcheck and !$self->rspfcheck(0, $field[6], $field[1]);
# will we allow it at all?
if ($censorpc) {
my @bad;
+ # rsfp check
+ return if $rspfcheck and !$self->rspfcheck(1, $field[7], $field[6]);
# if this is a 'nodx' node then ignore it
if ($badnode->in($field[7])) {
dbg("PCPROT: Bad Node, dropped") if isdbg('chanerr');
if ($pcno == 12) { # announces
+ return if $rspfcheck and !$self->rspfcheck(1, $field[5], $field[1]);
# announce duplicate checking
$field[3] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading blanks
if (AnnTalk::dup($field[1], $field[2], $field[3])) {
+ return if $rspfcheck and !$self->rspfcheck(1, $field[8], $field[7]);
# do some de-duping
my $d = cltounix($field[1], sprintf("%02d18Z", $field[2]));
my $sfi = unpad($field[3]);
use DXVars;
use DXDebug;
use DXUtil;
+use DXDebug;
use IO::File;
-use Curses 1.05;
+use Curses 1.06;
use Console;
$spos = $pos = $lth = 0;
$inbuf = "";
+sub mydbg
+ local *STDOUT = undef;
+ dbg(@_);
# do the screen initialisation
sub do_initscr
$scr = new Curses;
- raw();
- noecho();
- $has_colors = has_colors();
if ($has_colors) {
init_pair("0", $foreground, $background);
init_pair(14, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
- $scr->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0));
+ assume_default_colors($foreground, $background);
- $top = $scr->subwin(LINES()-4, COLS, 0, 0);
+ $top = $scr->subwin($lines-4, $cols, 0, 0);
- $scr->addstr(LINES()-4, 0, '-' x COLS);
- $bot = $scr->subwin(3, COLS, LINES()-3, 0);
+ $top->meta(1);
+# $scr->addstr($lines-4, 0, '-' x $cols);
+ $bot = $scr->subwin(3, $cols, $lines-3, 0);
+ $bot->meta(1);
+ $bot->nodelay(1);
- $pagel = LINES()-4;
+ $pagel = $lines-4;
$mycallcolor = COLOR_PAIR(1) unless $mycallcolor;
sub do_resize
- undef $scr;
+ endwin() if $scr;
+ initscr();
+ raw();
+ noecho();
+ $lines = LINES;
+ $cols = COLS;
+ $has_colors = has_colors();
+ $winch = 0;
+ $SIG{'WINCH'} = sub {$winch = 1};
+ show_screen();
# cease communications
return 0 unless $line;
my $l = length $line;
- my $lines = int ($l / COLS());
- $lines++ if $l / COLS() > $lines;
+ my $lines = int ($l / $cols);
+ $lines++ if $l / $cols > $lines;
return $lines;
$spos = @shistory if $spos > @shistory;
my $shl = @shistory;
+ my $size = $lines . 'x' . $cols . '-';
my $add = "-$spos-$shl";
my $time = ztime(time);
- my $str = "-" . $time . '-' x (COLS() - (length($call) + length($add) + length($time) + 1));
- $scr->addstr(LINES()-4, 0, $str);
+ my $str = "-" . $time . '-' x ($cols - (length($size) + length($call) + length($add) + length($time) + 1));
+ $scr->addstr($lines-4, 0, $str);
+ $scr->addstr($size);
$scr->attrset($mycallcolor) if $has_colors;
- $scr->addstr("$call");
+ $scr->addstr($call);
$scr->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
sub rec_stdin
- my ($fh) = @_;
- $r = $bot->getch();
+ my $r = shift;;
# my $prbuf;
# $prbuf = $buf;
# $prbuf =~ s/\n/\\n/;
# print "sys: $r ($prbuf)\n";
if (defined $r) {
if ($r eq KEY_ENTER || $r eq "\n" || $r eq "\r") {
$khistpos = @khistory;
- $bot->addstr(substr($inbuf, 0, COLS));
+ $bot->addstr(substr($inbuf, 0, $cols));
# add it to the monitor window
} else {
+ } elsif ($r eq KEY_RESIZE || $r eq "\0632") {
+ do_resize();
+ return;
} elsif (is_pctext($r)) {
# move the top screen back to the bottom if you type something
if ($spos < @shistory) {
$spos = @shistory;
+ # $r = ($r lt ' ' || $r gt "\x7e") ? sprintf("'%x", ord $r) : $r;
# insert the character into the keyboard buffer
if ($pos < $lth) {
my $a = substr($inbuf, 0, $pos);
} elsif ($r eq "\014" || $r eq "\022") {
- touchwin($curscr, 1);
- refresh($curscr);
+ touchwin(curscr, 1);
+ refresh(curscr);
} elsif ($r eq "\013") {
$inbuf = substr($inbuf, 0, $pos);
$conn = IntMsg->connect("$clusteraddr", $clusterport, \&rec_socket);
if (! $conn) {
if (-r "$data/offline") {
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&sig_term;
-#$SIG{'WINCH'} = \&do_resize;
$SIG{'HUP'} = \&sig_term;
+# start up
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&sig_term;
-$conn->send_later("A$call|$connsort width=$COLS");
+$conn->send_later("A$call|$connsort width=$cols");
$conn->send_later("I$call|set/page $maxshist");
-Msg->set_event_handler(\*STDIN, "read" => \&rec_stdin);
+#Msg->set_event_handler(\*STDIN, "read" => \&rec_stdin);
my $lastmin = 0;
for (;;) {
my $t;
- Msg->event_loop(10, 0.01);
+ Msg->event_loop(1, 0.01);
$t = time;
if ($t > $lasttime) {
my ($min)= (gmtime($t))[1];
$lasttime = $t;
+ my $ch = $bot->getch();
+ if ($winch) {
+# mydbg("Got Resize");
+# do_resize();
+ next;
+ }
+ if (defined $ch) {
+ if ($ch ne '-1') {
+ rec_stdin($ch);
+ }
+ }
$top->refresh() if $top->is_wintouched;