1. Added new version of sh/sun and also sh/moon from Steve K9AN
+2. Added rtt to who.
1. Added ping obs counter together with Time::HiRes timers. This will dis-
connect nodes that fail to respond to 3 ping requests (on the 4th attempt).
my $dxchan;
my @out;
-push @out, " Callsign Type Started Name";
+push @out, " Callsign Type Started Name Ave RTT";
foreach $dxchan ( sort {$a->call cmp $b->call} DXChannel::get_all ) {
my $call = $dxchan->call();
my $t = cldatetime($dxchan->user->lastin);
my $sort = $dxchan->is_ak1a() ? "NODE" : "USER";
my $name = $dxchan->user->name || " ";
- my $ping = $dxchan->is_ak1a ? sprintf("(rtt %.2f secs)", $dxchan->pingave) : "";
+ my $ping = $dxchan->is_ak1a ? sprintf("%6.2f", $dxchan->pingave) : "";
$ping = "" if $dxchan->call eq $main::mycall;
- push @out, sprintf "%10s $sort $t $name $ping", $call;
+ push @out, sprintf "%10s $sort $t %-15s $ping", $call, $name;
return (1, @out)