+1. Restore perl regex version of is_ipaddr. This *should* allow windows
+ updates to work again.
+2. Added cmd entry rate limiting. If a user sends X commmands in Y secs then
+ they are disconnected without notice. The defaults are X
+ ($DXCommandmode::maxcmdcount) = 16 and Y ($DXCommandmode::cmdinterval) = 9.
+ These can be changed by the startup script.
+ These default values are set generously deliberately to allow certain user
+ programs to get with the program and reduce the number of cmds that they
+ issue on connection down to something reasonable. For instance, I cannot
+ see why things like name, qth, lat/long/QRA (amongst several other sticky
+ user attributes that only need to be entered once) are sent on every login.
+ These default values WILL reduce over time.
1. Fix DXCIDR brokenness introduced recently, speeded up DXCIDR::sort, allow
sh/badip 2a05:dfc7:402a::1 to test individual
beep => '0,Want Beeps,yesno',
build => '1,Node Build',
call => '0,Callsign',
+ cmdcount => '5,Cmds in cmdinterval',
+ cmdintstart => '5,Cmd int start,atime',
cluster => '5,Cluster data',
conf => '0,In Conference?,yesno',
conn => '9,Msg Conn ref',
enhanced => '5,Enhanced Client,yesno',
errors => '9,Errors',
func => '5,Function',
- group => '0,Access Group,parray', # used to create a group of users/nodes for some purpose or other.
+ group => '0,Access Group,parray',# used to create a group of users/nodes for some purpose or other.
gtk => '5,Using GTK,yesno',
handle_xml => '9,Handles XML,yesno',
here => '0,Here?,yesno',
use strict;
use vars qw(%Cache %cmd_cache $errstr %aliases $scriptbase %nothereslug
$maxbadcount $msgpolltime $default_pagelth $cmdimportdir $users $maxusers
- $maxcmdlth
+ $maxcmdlth $maxcmdcount $cmdinterval
%Cache = (); # cache of dynamically loaded routine's mod times
# this does not exist as default, you need to create it manually
$users = 0; # no of users on this node currently
$maxusers = 0; # max no users on this node for this run
$maxcmdlth = 512; # max length of incoming cmd line (including the command and any arguments
+$maxcmdcount = 16; # max no cmds entering $cmdinterval seconds
+$cmdinterval = 9; # if user enters more than $maxcmdcount in $cmdinterval seconds, they are logged off
# obtain a new connection this is derived from dxchannel
$self->{user_interval} = $self->user->user_interval || $main::user_interval; # allow user to change idle time between prompts
+ $self->{cmdintstart} = 0; # set when systime > this + cmdinterval and a command entered, cmdcount set to 0
+ $self->{cmdcount} = 0; # incremented on a coming in. If this value > $maxcmdcount, disconnect
for (@{$self->{talklist}}) {
if ($self->{state} eq 'talk') {
$self->send_talks($_, $l);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
send_chats($self, $_, $l)
# } else {
my @cmd = split /\s*\\n\s*/, $cmdline;
foreach my $l (@cmd) {
+ # rate limiting code
+ if (($self->{cmdintstart} + $cmdinterval <= $main::systime) || $self->{inscript}) {
+ $self->{cmdintstart} = $main::systime;
+ $self->{cmdcount} = 1;
+ dbg("$self->{call} started cmdinterval") if isdbg('cmdcount');
+ } else {
+ if (++$self->{cmdcount} > $maxcmdcount) {
+ LogDbg('baduser', qq{User $self->{call} sent $self->{cmdcount} (>= $maxcmdcount) cmds in $cmdinterval seconds starting at } . atime($self->{cmdintstart}) . ", disconnected" );
+ $self->disconnect;
+ }
+ dbg("$self->{call} cmd: '$l' cmdcount = $self->{cmdcount} in $cmdinterval secs") if isdbg('cmdcount');
+ }
$self->send_ans(run_cmd($self, $l));
# }
package DXDebug;
use 5.10.1;
+use warnings;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Text::Wrap;
-use Socket qw(AF_INET6 AF_INET inet_pton);
use strict;
use vars qw(@month %patmap $pi $d2r $r2d @ISA @EXPORT);
$d2r = ($pi/180);
$r2d = (180/$pi);
-our $ptonok;
- $ptonok = !defined inet_pton(AF_INET, '')
- && !defined inet_pton(AF_INET6, '2067::1:')
- # Some old versions of Socket are hopelessly broken
- && length(inet_pton(AF_INET, '')) == 4;
+# BEGIN {
+# our $enable_ptonok = 0;
+# our $ptonok;
+# if ($enable_ptonok && !$main::is_win) {
+# eval {require Socket; Socket->import(qw(AF_INET6 AF_INET inet_pton)); };
+# unless ($@) {
+# $ptonok = !defined inet_pton(AF_INET, '')
+# && !defined inet_pton(AF_INET6, '2067::1:')
+# # Some old versions of Socket are hopelessly broken
+# && length(inet_pton(AF_INET, '')) == 4;
+# }
+# }
+# }
# a full time for logging and other purposes
sub atime
sub is_ipaddr
$_[0] =~ s|/\d+$||;
- if ($ptonok) {
- if ($_[0] =~ /:/) {
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $_[0])) {
- return ($_[0] =~ /([:0-9a-f]+)/);
- }
- } else {
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET, $_[0])) {
- return ($_[0] =~ /([\.\d]+)/);
- }
- }
- } else {
+ # if ($ptonok) {
+ # if ($_[0] =~ /:/) {
+ # if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $_[0])) {
+ # return ($_[0] =~ /([:0-9a-f]+)/);
+ # }
+ # } else {
+ # if (inet_pton(AF_INET, $_[0])) {
+ # return ($_[0] =~ /([\.\d]+)/);
+ # }
+ # }
+ # } else {
if ($_[0] =~ /:/) {
- return ($_[0] =~ /^(:?:?(?:[0-9a-f]{1,4}\:)?(?:\:[0-9a-f]{1,4}(?:\:\:)?){1,8})$/i);
+ return ($_[0] =~ /^((?:\:?\:?[0-9a-f]{0,4}){1,8}\:?\:?)$/i);
} else {
return ($_[0] =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$/);
- }
+# }
return undef;
return $_[0] =~ /^[\.\d]+$/;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
$DOWARN = 1;
-use DXDebug;
use Msg;
use IntMsg;
use Internet;
use BPQMsg;
use RBN;
+use DXDebug;
use Data::Dumper;
use IO::File;