--- /dev/null
+# the list of regexes for messages that we won't store having
+# received them (bear in mind that we must receive them fully before
+# we can bin them)
+# The format of each line is as follows
+# type source pattern tofield to
+# P/B/F T/F/O/S regex T/F/O/S expression
+# type: P - private, B - bulletin (msg), F - file (ak1a bull)
+# source: T - to field, F - from field, O - origin, S - subject
+# pattern: a perl regex on the field requested
+# tofield: T - to field, F - from field, O - origin, S - subject
+# to: what you want this field changed to
+# Currently only type B and P msgs are affected by this code.
+# The list is read from the top down, the first pattern that matches
+# causes the action to be taken.
+# Basically this will take all the headers in turn and shove them thru the
+# rewrite engine, starting at the top.
+# The result is then passed thru the rest of the system as though it came in
+# like that.
+# You can either swop a field for another another value or set a field to
+# value after regexing another field - useful in europe where we are paranoid
+# about for sale notices - you can check subject for suspicious words and
+# the swop the TO field.
+package DXMsg;
+@swap = (
use strict;
use vars qw(%work @msg $msgdir %valid %busy $maxage $last_clean
- @badmsg $badmsgfn $forwardfn @forward $timeout $waittime
+ @badmsg @swop $swopfn $badmsgfn $forwardfn @forward $timeout $waittime
$queueinterval $lastq);
%work = (); # outstanding jobs
$maxage = 30 * 86400; # the maximum age that a message shall live for if not marked
$last_clean = 0; # last time we did a clean
@forward = (); # msg forward table
+@badmsg = (); # bad message table
+@swop = (); # swop table
$timeout = 30*60; # forwarding timeout
$waittime = 30*60; # time an aborted outgoing message waits before trying again
$queueinterval = 1*60; # run the queue every 1 minute
$badmsgfn = "$msgdir/badmsg.pl"; # list of TO address we wont store
$forwardfn = "$msgdir/forward.pl"; # the forwarding table
+$swopfn = "$msgdir/swop.pl"; # the swopping table
%valid = (
fromnode => '5,From Node',
+ # swop addresses
+ $ref->swop_it($self->call);
# look for 'bad' to addresses
- if (grep $ref->{to} eq $_, @badmsg) {
+# if (grep $ref->{to} eq $_, @badmsg) {
+ if ($ref->dump_it($self->call)) {
- dbg('msg', "'Bad' TO address $ref->{to}");
- Log('msg', "'Bad' TO address $ref->{to}");
+ dbg('msg', "'Bad' message $ref->{to}");
+ Log('msg', "'Bad' message $ref->{to}");
# deal with routed private messages
my $noderef;
if ($ref->{private}) {
+ next if $ref->{'read'}; # if it is read, it is stuck here
$clref = DXCluster->get_exact($ref->{to});
unless ($clref) { # otherwise look for a homenode
my $uref = DXUser->get($ref->{to});
my $dir = new IO::File;
my @dir;
my $ref;
# load various control files
- my @in = load_badmsg();
- print "@in\n" if @in;
- @in = load_forward();
- print "@in\n" if @in;
+ print "load badmsg: ", (load_badmsg() or "Ok"), "\n";
+ print "load forward: ", (load_forward() or "Ok"), "\n";
+ print "load swop: ", (load_swop() or "Ok"), "\n";
# read in the directory
opendir($dir, $msgdir) or confess "can't open $msgdir $!";
return @out;
+# load the swop message table
+sub load_swop
+ my @out;
+ my $s = readfilestr($swopfn);
+ if ($s) {
+ eval $s;
+ push @out, $@ if $@;
+ }
+ return @out;
# forward that message or not according to the forwarding table
# returns 1 for forward, 0 - to ignore
# select field
$tested = $ref->{to} if $field eq 'T';
- my $at = $ref->{to} =~ /\@\s*(\S+)/;
- $tested = $at if $field eq '\@';
$tested = $ref->{from} if $field eq 'F';
$tested = $ref->{origin} if $field eq 'O';
$tested = $ref->{subject} if $field eq 'S';
return 0;
+sub dump_it
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $call = shift;
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @badmsg; $i += 3) {
+ my ($sort, $field, $pattern) = @badmsg[$i..($i+2)];
+ my $tested;
+ # are we interested?
+ next if $ref->{private} && $sort ne 'P';
+ next if !$ref->{private} && $sort ne 'B';
+ # select field
+ $tested = $ref->{to} if $field eq 'T';
+ $tested = $ref->{from} if $field eq 'F';
+ $tested = $ref->{origin} if $field eq 'O';
+ $tested = $ref->{subject} if $field eq 'S';
+ if (!$pattern || $tested =~ m{$pattern}i) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub swop_it
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $call = shift;
+ my $i;
+ my $count = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @swop; $i += 5) {
+ my ($sort, $field, $pattern, $tfield, $topattern) = @swop[$i..($i+4)];
+ my $tested;
+ my $swop;
+ my $old;
+ # are we interested?
+ next if $ref->{private} && $sort ne 'P';
+ next if !$ref->{private} && $sort ne 'B';
+ # select field
+ $tested = $ref->{to} if $field eq 'T';
+ $tested = $ref->{from} if $field eq 'F';
+ $tested = $ref->{origin} if $field eq 'O';
+ $tested = $ref->{subject} if $field eq 'S';
+ # select swop field
+ $old = $swop = $ref->{to} if $tfield eq 'T';
+ $old = $swop = $ref->{from} if $tfield eq 'F';
+ $old = $swop = $ref->{origin} if $tfield eq 'O';
+ $old = $swop = $ref->{subject} if $tfield eq 'S';
+ if ($tested =~ m{$pattern}i) {
+ if ($tested eq $swop) {
+ $swop =~ s{$pattern}{$topattern}i;
+ } else {
+ $swop = $topattern;
+ }
+ Log('msg', "Msg $ref->{msgno}: $tfield $old -> $swop");
+ Log('dbg', "Msg $ref->{msgno}: $tfield $old -> $swop");
+ $ref->{to} = $swop if $tfield eq 'T';
+ $ref->{from} = $swop if $tfield eq 'F';
+ $ref->{origin} = $swop if $tfield eq 'O';
+ $ref->{subject} = $swop if $tfield eq 'S';
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ return $count;
no strict;