$spos = $pos = $lth = 0;
$inbuf = "";
+# do the screen initialisation
+sub do_initscr
+ $scr = new Curses;
+ raw();
+ noecho();
+ $has_colors = has_colors();
+ if ($has_colors) {
+ start_color();
+ init_pair(0, $foreground, $background);
+ init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, $background);
+ init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, $background);
+ init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, $background);
+ init_pair(4, COLOR_CYAN, $background);
+ init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, $background);
+ init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, $background);
+ }
+ $top = $scr->subwin(LINES()-4, COLS, 0, 0);
+ $top->intrflush(0);
+ $top->scrollok(1);
+ $scr->addstr(LINES()-4, 0, '-' x COLS);
+ $bot = $scr->subwin(3, COLS, LINES()-3, 0);
+ $bot->intrflush(0);
+ $bot->scrollok(1);
+ $bot->keypad(1);
+ $bot->move(1,0);
+ $scr->refresh();
+ $pagel = LINES()-4;
+sub do_resize
+ undef $scr;
+ do_initscr();
# cease communications
sub cease
+# measure the no of screen lines a line will take
+sub measure
+ my $line = shift;
+ return 0 unless $line;
+ my $l = length $line;
+ my $lines = int ($l / COLS());
+ $lines++ if $l / COLS() > $lines;
+ return $lines;
# display the top screen
sub show_screen
} else {
# anywhere else
- my $p = $spos - $pages;
- my $i;
+ my ($i, $l);
+ my $p = $spos-1;
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $pagel && $p >= 0; ) {
+ $l = measure($shistory[$p]);
+ $i += $l;
+ $p-- if $i < $pagel;
+ }
$p = 0 if $p < 0;
$top->move(0, 0);
$top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $pages && $p < @shistory; $i++, $p++) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $pagel && $p < @shistory; $p++) {
my $line = $shistory[$p];
- $line = substr($line, 0, COLS()) if length $line > COLS();
+ my $lines = measure($line);
+ last if $i + $lines > $pagel;
$top->move($i, 0);
$top->attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0)) if $has_colors;
+ $i += $lines;
$spos = $p;
} elsif ($r eq KEY_PPAGE || $r eq "\032") {
if ($spos > 0) {
- $spos -= $pages;
+ my ($i, $l);
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $pagel && $spos >= 0; ) {
+ $l = measure($shistory[$spos]);
+ $i += $l;
+ $spos-- if $i <= $pagel;
+ }
$spos = 0 if $spos < 0;
} else {
} elsif ($r eq KEY_NPAGE || $r eq "\026") {
if ($spos < @shistory - 1) {
- $spos += $pages;
+ my ($i, $l);
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= $pagel && $spos <= @shistory; ) {
+ $l = measure($shistory[$spos]);
+ $i += $l;
+ $spos++ if $i <= $pagel;
+ }
$spos = @shistory if $spos > @shistory;
} else {
} elsif ($r eq "\014" || $r eq "\022") {
-# curscr()->refresh();
+ #do_resize();
} elsif ($r eq "\013") {
$inbuf = substr($inbuf, 0, $pos);
$SIG{'INT'} = \&sig_term;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&sig_term;
+#$SIG{'WINCH'} = \&do_resize;
-$scr = new Curses;
-$has_colors = has_colors();
-if ($has_colors) {
- start_color();
- init_pair(0, $foreground, $background);
- init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, $background);
- init_pair(2, COLOR_YELLOW, $background);
- init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, $background);
- init_pair(4, COLOR_CYAN, $background);
- init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, $background);
- init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, $background);
-$top = $scr->subwin(LINES()-4, COLS, 0, 0);
-$scr->addstr(LINES()-4, 0, '-' x COLS);
-$bot = $scr->subwin(3, COLS, LINES()-3, 0);
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&sig_term;
-$pages = LINES()-4;
$conn->send_now("I$call|set/page $maxshist");