1. fix frequency hinting routine so it correctly handles things like 'on 23cm'
where digits are the 'wrong' way round.
2. made default max days to search for spots 3 months.
+3. added hex decodes for those pesky 'national' characters that aren't really
+in grepdbg and watchdbg.
1. change grepdbg and watchdbg so that you can see a number of lines before
the condx that you are looking for so:-
shift @prev while @prev > $nolines;
if ($line =~ m{$string}io) {
for (@prev) {
+ $line =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("\\x%02X", ord($1))/eg;
my @line = split '\^';
my $t = shift @line;
print atime($t), ' ', join('^', @line), "\n";
while (@_) {
my $line = shift;
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("\\x%02X", ord($1))/eg;
my @line = split '\^', $line;
my $t = shift @line;
my ($sec,$min,$hour) = gmtime((defined $t) ? $t : time);
my $buf = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec;
- print $buf, ' ', join('^', @line);
+ print $buf, ' ', join('^', @line), "\n";