You will need the following CPAN packages:
+ If you are on a Debian based system (Devuan, Ubuntu, Mint etc) that is reasonably new (I use Ubuntu
+ 18.04 and Debian 10) then you can simply do:
+ sudo apt-get install libev-perl libmojolicious-perl libjson-perl libjson-xs-perl
+ or on Redhat based systems you can install the very similarly (but not the same) named
+ packages. I don't the exact names but using anything less than Centos 7 is likely to cause
+ a world of pain. Also I doubt that EV and Mojolicious are packaged for Centos at all.
+ If in doubt or it is taking too long to find the packages you should build from CPAN. Note: you may
+ need to install the essential packages to build some of these. At the very least you will need
+ to install 'make' (sudo apt-get install make) or just get everything you are likely to need with
+ sudo apt-get install build-essential.
sudo cpanm EV Mojolicious JSON JSON::XS
# just in case it's missing
sudo apt-get install top
Please make sure that, if you insist on using operating system packages, that your Mojolicious is
at least version 7.26. Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall is NOT LONGER IN USE! The current version at time
of writing is 8.36.
as the sysop user:
sudo service dxspider stop
+ or
+ sudo systemctl stop dxspider
having stopped the node:
and finally:
sudo service dxspider start
+ or
+ sudo service systemctl start dxspider
You should be aware that this code base is now under active development and, if you do a 'git pull',
-what you get may be broken. But, if this does happen, the likelyhood is that I am actively working
+what you get may be broken. But, if this does happen, the likelihood is that I am actively working
on the codebase and any brokenness may be fixed (maybe in minutes) with another 'git pull'.
I try very hard not to leave it in a broken state...