next if $to;
next if $who;
- ($who) = $f =~ /^(\w+)/o;
+ #($who) = $f =~ /^(\w+)/o;
$to = 20 unless $to;
$from = 0 unless $from;
-@out = $self->spawn_cmd("show/announce $cmdline", \&DXLog::print, args => [$from, $to, $main::systime, 'ann', $who]);
+return (1, DXLog::print($from, $to, $main::systime, 'ann', $who)) if $self->{_nospawn};;
+return (1, $self->spawn_cmd("show/announce $cmdline", \&DXLog::print, args => [$from, $to, $main::systime, 'ann', $who]));
-#@out = DXLog::print($from, $to, $main::systime, 'ann', $who);
return (1, @out);
use Time::Local;
+my $to;
sub handle
my $self = shift;
- my $to = shift;
+ $to = shift;
if ($to =~ /\D/) {
return (1, "try sh/chatgroups xxx where xxx is the number of chat messages to search.");
- my @out;
$to = 500 unless $to;
- @out = $self->spawn_cmd("show/groups $to", \&DXLog::print,
- args => [0, $to, $main::systime, 'chat', undef],
- cb => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my @chatlog = @_;
+ if ($self->{_nospawn}) {
+ return (1, doit($self, DXLog::print(undef, $to, $main::systime, 'chat', undef)));
+ }
+ return (1, $self->spawn_cmd("show/groups $to", \&DXLog::print, args => [0, $to, $main::systime, 'chat', undef], cb => \&doit));
+sub doit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @chatlog = @_;
+ my $g= {};
+ my @out;
+ my $row;
+ my ($time, $call, $group);
+ my $found;
+ my %month = (
+ Jan => 0,
+ Feb => 1,
+ Mar => 2,
+ Apr => 3,
+ May => 4,
+ Jun => 5,
+ Jul => 6,
+ Aug => 7,
+ Sep => 8,
+ Oct => 9,
+ Nov => 10,
+ Dec => 11,
+ );
+ @chatlog = reverse @chatlog;
+ foreach $row(@chatlog) {
+ ($time, $call, $group) = ($row =~ m/^(\S+) (\S+) -> (\S+) /o);
+ if (!exists $g->{$group}) {
+ $time =~ m/^(\d\d)(\w{3})(\d{4})\@(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/o;
+ $g->{$group}->{sec} = timegm($6, $5, $4, $1, $month{$2}, $3-1900);
+ $time =~ s/\@/ at /;
+ $g->{$group}->{last} = $time;
+ push @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }, $call;
+ }
+ else {
+ $found = 0;
+ foreach (@{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }) {
+ if (/$call/) {
+ $found = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ push @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }, $call unless $found;
+ }
+ $g->{$group}->{msgcount}++;
+ }
- my $g= {};
- my @out;
- my $row;
- my ($time, $call, $group);
- my $found;
- my %month = (
- Jan => 0,
- Feb => 1,
- Mar => 2,
- Apr => 3,
- May => 4,
- Jun => 5,
- Jul => 6,
- Aug => 7,
- Sep => 8,
- Oct => 9,
- Nov => 10,
- Dec => 11,
- );
+ push (@out, "Chat groups recently used:");
+ push (@out, "($to messages searched)");
+ push (@out, "--------------------------");
+ my @calls;
+ my @l;
+ my $max = 6;
+ my $mtext;
+ foreach $group (sort { $g->{$b}->{sec} <=> $g->{$a}->{sec} } keys %$g) {
+ @calls = sort( @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} } );
+ $mtext = " " . $g->{$group}->{msgcount} . " messages by:";
+ push (@out, "$group: Last active " . $g->{$group}->{last});
+ if (@calls <= $max) {
+ push (@out, "$mtext @calls");
+ }
+ else {
+ foreach $call(@calls) {
+ push @l, $call;
+ if (@l >= $max) {
+ if ($max == 6) {
+ push (@out, "$mtext @l");
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@out, " @l");
+ }
+ @l = ();
+ $max = 8;
+ }
+ }
+ push (@out, " @l") if (@l);
+ $max = 6;
+ @l = ();
+ }
+ push (@out, "-");
+ }
+ return @out;
+ }
- @chatlog = reverse @chatlog;
- foreach $row(@chatlog) {
- ($time, $call, $group) = ($row =~ m/^(\S+) (\S+) -> (\S+) /o);
- if (!exists $g->{$group}) {
- $time =~ m/^(\d\d)(\w{3})(\d{4})\@(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/o;
- $g->{$group}->{sec} = timegm($6, $5, $4, $1, $month{$2}, $3-1900);
- $time =~ s/\@/ at /;
- $g->{$group}->{last} = $time;
- push @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }, $call;
- }
- else {
- $found = 0;
- foreach (@{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }) {
- if (/$call/) {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- push @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} }, $call unless $found;
- }
- $g->{$group}->{msgcount}++;
- }
- push (@out, "Chat groups recently used:");
- push (@out, "($to messages searched)");
- push (@out, "--------------------------");
- my @calls;
- my @l;
- my $max = 6;
- my $mtext;
- foreach $group (sort { $g->{$b}->{sec} <=> $g->{$a}->{sec} } keys %$g) {
- @calls = sort( @{ $g->{$group}->{calls} } );
- $mtext = " " . $g->{$group}->{msgcount} . " messages by:";
- push (@out, "$group: Last active " . $g->{$group}->{last});
- if (@calls <= $max) {
- push (@out, "$mtext @calls");
- }
- else {
- foreach $call(@calls) {
- push @l, $call;
- if (@l >= $max) {
- if ($max == 6) {
- push (@out, "$mtext @l");
- }
- else {
- push (@out, " @l");
- }
- @l = ();
- $max = 8;
- }
- }
- push (@out, " @l") if (@l);
- $max = 6;
- @l = ();
- }
- push (@out, "-");
- }
- return @out;
- });
- # my @chatlog = DXLog::print(undef, $to, $main::systime, 'chat', undef);
- return (1, @out);
next if $to;
next if $who;
- ($who) = $f =~ /^(\w+)/o;
+# ($who) = $f =~ /^(\w+)/o;
$to = 20 unless $to;
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $who ne $self->call;
-@out = $self->spawn_cmd("show/talk $cmdline", \&DXLog::print, args => [$from, $to, $main::systime, 'talk', $who]);
-#@out = DXLog::print($from, $to, $main::systime, 'talk', $who);
-return (1, @out);
+return (1, DXLog::print($from, $to, $main::systime, 'talk', $who)) if $self->{_nospawn};
+return (1, $self->spawn_cmd("show/talk $cmdline", \&DXLog::print, args => [$from, $to, $main::systime, 'talk', $who]));