use DXLog;
use DXUser;
use DXChannel;
-use Math::Round qw(nearest);
+use Math::Round qw(nearest nearest_floor);
use Date::Parse;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Spot;
CData => 2,
+use constant {
+ DScore => 0,
+ DGood => 1,
+ DBad => 2,
+ DLastin => 3,
+ DEviants => 4,
+ };
our $DATA_VERSION = 1;
my $json;
my $noinrush = 0; # override the inrushpreventor if set
+our $maxdeviants = 10; # the number of deviant QRGs to record for skimmer records
sub init
# process to just the standard "message passing" which has been shown to be able to sustain over 5000
# per second (limited by the test program's output and network speed, rather than DXSpider's handling).
- my $nearest = 1;
my $search = 5;
- my $mult = 10;
- my $tqrg = $qrg * $mult;
- my $nqrg = nearest($nearest, $tqrg); # normalised to nearest Khz
-# my $nqrg = nearest_even($qrg); # normalised to nearest Khz
+ my $nqrg = nearest(1, $qrg * 10); # normalised to nearest Khz
my $sp = "$call|$nqrg"; # hopefully the skimmers will be calibrated at least this well!
# find it?
my $cand = $spots->{$sp};
unless ($cand) {
my ($i, $new);
- for ($i = $tqrg; !$cand && $i <= $tqrg+$search; $i += 1) {
+ for ($i = $nqrg; !$cand && $i <= $nqrg+$search; $i += 1) {
$new = "$call|$i";
$cand = $spots->{$new}, last if exists $spots->{$new};
if ($cand) {
- my $diff = $i - $tqrg;
+ my $diff = $i - $nqrg;
dbg(qq{RBN: QRG Diff using $new (+$diff) for $sp for qrg $qrg}) if (isdbg('rbnqrg') || isdbg('rbn'));
$sp = $new;
unless ($cand) {
my ($i, $new);
- for ($i = $tqrg; !$cand && $i >= $tqrg-$search; $i -= 1) {
+ for ($i = $nqrg; !$cand && $i >= $nqrg-$search; $i -= 1) {
$new = "$call|$i";
$cand = $spots->{$new}, last if exists $spots->{$new};
if ($cand) {
- my $diff = $tqrg - $i;
+ my $diff = $nqrg - $i;
dbg(qq{RBN: QRG Diff using $new (-$diff) for $sp for qrg $qrg}) if (isdbg('rbnqrg') || isdbg('rbn'));
$sp = $new;
foreach my $r (@$cand) {
# $r = [$origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $t, $utz, $respot, $qra];
# Spot::prepare($qrg, $call, $utz, $comment, $origin);
- next unless ref $r;
+ next unless $r && ref $r;
$qra = $r->[RQra] if !$qra && $r->[RQra] && is_qra($r->[RQra]);
if ($now >= $cand->[CTime] + $dwelltime ) {
# we have a candidate, create qualitee value(s);
unless (@$cand > CData) {
- dbg "RBN: QUEUE key '$sp' MISSING RECORDS, IGNORED" . dd($cand) if isdbg 'rbn';
+ dbg "RBN: QUEUE key '$sp' MISSING RECORDS, IGNORED" . dd($cand) if isdbg 'rbnqueue';
dbg "RBN: QUEUE PROCESSING key: '$sp' $now >= $cand->[CTime]" if isdbg 'rbnqueue';
my $quality = @$cand - CData;
+ my $spotters = $quality;
+ # dump it and remove it from the queue if it is of unadequate quality
+ if ($quality < $minqual) {
+ if (isdbg('rbnskim')) {
+ my $r = $cand->[CData];
+ if ($r) {
+ my $s = "RBN: SPOT IGNORED(Q:$quality < Q:$minqual) key: '$sp' = $r->[RCall] on $r->[RQrg] by $r->[ROrigin] \@ $r->[RTime] route: $dxchan->{call}";
+ dbg($s);
+ }
+ }
+ delete $spots->{$sp}; # don't remember it either - this means that a spot HAS to come in with sufficient spotters to be processed.
+ delete $dxchan->{queue}->{$sp};
+ next;
+ }
$quality = 9 if $quality > 9;
$cand->[CQual] = $quality if $quality > $cand->[CQual];
my $r;
my %qrg;
+ my $skimmer;
+ my $sk;
+ my $band;
+ my %seen;
foreach $r (@$cand) {
next unless ref $r;
- ++$qrg{$r->[RQrg]};
+ if (exists $seen{$r->[ROrigin]}) {
+ undef $r;
+ next;
+ }
+ $seen{$r->[ROrigin]} = 1;
+ $band ||= int $r->[RQrg] / 1000;
+ $sk = "SKIM|$r->[ROrigin]|$band";
+ $skimmer = $spots->{$sk};
+ unless ($skimmer) {
+ $skimmer = $spots->{$sk} = [0+0, 0+0, 0+0, $now, []]; # this stupid incantation is to make sure than there are no JSON nulls!
+ dbg("RBN:SKIM new slot $sk " . $json->encode($skimmer)) if isdbg('rbnskim');
+ }
+ $qrg{$r->[RQrg]} += ($skimmer->[DScore] || 1);
# determine the most likely qrg and then set it
my @deviant;
my $mv = 0;
my $qrg;
while (my ($k, $votes) = each %qrg) {
- $qrg = $k, $mv = $votes if $votes > $mv;
+ $qrg = $k, $mv = $votes if $votes >= $mv;
# spit out the deviants
- if ($c > 1) {
- foreach $r (@$cand) {
- next unless ref $r;
- my $diff = nearest(.1, $qrg - $r->[RQrg]);
- push @deviant, sprintf("$r->[ROrigin]:%+.1f", $diff) if $diff != 0;
- $r->[RSpotData]->[SQrg] = $qrg; # set all the QRGs to the agreed value
+ foreach $r (@$cand) {
+ next unless $r && ref $r;
+ my $diff = $c > 1 ? nearest(.1, $r->[RQrg] - $qrg) : 0;
+ $sk = "SKIM|$r->[ROrigin]|$band";
+ $skimmer = $spots->{$sk};
+ $skimmer->[DBad] ||= 0+0; # stop JSON nulls?
+ $skimmer->[DEviants] ||= []; # ditto
+ if ($diff) {
+ ++$skimmer->[DBad] if $skimmer->[DBad] < $maxdeviants;
+ --$skimmer->[DGood] if $skimmer->[DGood] > 0;
+ push @deviant, sprintf("$r->[ROrigin]:%+.1f", $diff);
+ push @{$skimmer->[DEviants]}, $diff;
+ shift @{$skimmer->[DEviants]} if @{$skimmer->[DEviants]} > $maxdeviants;
+ } else {
+ ++$skimmer->[DGood] if $skimmer->[DGood] < $maxdeviants;
+ --$skimmer->[DBad] if $skimmer->[DBad] > 0;
+ shift @{$skimmer->[DEviants]};
+ $skimmer->[DScore] = ($skimmer->[DBad] != 0) ? $skimmer->[DGood] / $skimmer->[DBad] : $skimmer->[DGood];
+ $skimmer->[DScore] ||= 0.2; # minimun score
+ $skimmer->[DScore] = $maxdeviants if $skimmer->[DScore] > $maxdeviants;
+ dbg("RBN:SKIM key $sp slot $sk $r->[RQrg] - $qrg = $diff " . $json->encode($skimmer)) if isdbg('rbnskim');
+ $skimmer->[DLastin] = $now;
+ $r->[RSpotData]->[SQrg] = $qrg if $qrg && $c > 1; # set all the QRGs to the agreed value
- $qrg = sprintf "%.1f", $qrg;
+ $qrg = (sprintf "%.1f", $qrg)+0;
$r = $cand->[CData];
$r->[RQrg] = $qrg;
my $squality = "Q:$cand->[CQual]";
$squality .= '*' if $c > 1;
$squality .= '+' if $r->[Respot];
- if ($cand->[CQual] >= $minqual) {
- if (isdbg('progress')) {
- my $s = "RBN: SPOT key: '$sp' = $r->[RCall] on $r->[RQrg] by $r->[ROrigin] \@ $r->[RTime] $squality route: $dxchan->{call}";
- $s .= " Deviants: " . join(', ', sort @deviant) if @deviant;
- dbg($s);
- }
- send_dx_spot($dxchan, $squality, $cand);
- } elsif (isdbg('rbn')) {
- my $s = "RBN: SPOT IGNORED(Q $cand->[CQual] < $minqual) key: '$sp' = $r->[RCall] on $r->[RQrg] by $r->[ROrigin] \@ $r->[RTime] $squality route: $dxchan->{call}";
+ if (isdbg('progress')) {
+ my $s = "RBN: SPOT key: '$sp' = $r->[RCall] on $r->[RQrg] by $r->[ROrigin] \@ $r->[RTime] $squality route: $dxchan->{call}";
+ my $td = @deviant;
+ $s .= " QRGScore $mv Deviants ($td/$spotters): ";
+ $s .= join(', ', sort @deviant) if $td;
+ # finally send it out to any waiting public
+ send_dx_spot($dxchan, $squality, $cand);
# clear out the data and make this now just "spotted", but no further action required until respot time
dbg "RBN: QUEUE key '$sp' cleared" if isdbg 'rbn';
- $spots->{$sp} = [$now, $cand->[CQual]];
+ delete $spots->{$sp};
delete $dxchan->{queue}->{$sp};
+ # calculate new sp (which will be 70% likely the same as the old one)
+ # we do this to cope with the fact that the first spotter may well be "wrongly calibrated" giving a qrg that disagrees with the majority.
+ # and we want to store the key that corresponds to majority opinion.
+ my $nqrg = nearest(1, $qrg * 10); # normalised to nearest Khz
+ my $nsp = "$r->[RCall]|$nqrg";
+ if ($sp ne $nsp) {
+ dbg("RBN:SKIM CHANGE KEY sp '$sp' -> '$nsp' for storage") if isdbg('rbnskim');
+ $spots->{$nsp} = [$now, $cand->[CQual]];
+ }
else {
dbg sprintf("RBN: QUEUE key: '$sp' SEND time not yet reached %.1f secs left", $cand->[CTime] + $dwelltime - $now) if isdbg 'rbnqueue';
while (my ($k,$cand) = each %{$spots}) {
next if $k eq 'VERSION';
next if $k =~ /^O\|/;
+ next if $k =~ /^SKIM\|/;
if ($main::systime - $cand->[CTime] > $minspottime*2) {
delete $spots->{$k};
foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
my $nq = keys %{$dxchan->{queue}};
- dbg "RBN:STATS 10-minute $dxchan->{call} queue: $nq raw: $dxchan->{noraw10} retrieved spots: $dxchan->{norbn10} delivered: $dxchan->{nospot10} after filtering to users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers10}};
+ my $pc = $dxchan->{noraw10} ? sprintf("%.1f%%",$dxchan->{norbn10}*100/$dxchan->{noraw10}) : '0.0%';
+ dbg "RBN:STATS 10-minute $dxchan->{call} queue: $nq raw: $dxchan->{noraw10} retrieved spots: $dxchan->{norbn10} ($pc) delivered: $dxchan->{nospot10} after filtering to users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers10}};
$dxchan->{noraw10} = $dxchan->{norbn10} = $dxchan->{nospot10} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers10} = {};
foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
my $nq = keys %{$dxchan->{queue}};
- dbg "RBN:STATS hour $dxchan->{call} queue: $nq raw: $dxchan->{norawhour} retrieved spots: $dxchan->{norbnhour} delivered: $dxchan->{nospothour} after filtering to users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousershour}};
+ my $pc = $dxchan->{norawhour} ? sprintf("%.1f%%",$dxchan->{norbnhour}*100/$dxchan->{norawhour}) : '0.0%';
+ dbg "RBN:STATS hour $dxchan->{call} queue: $nq raw: $dxchan->{norawhour} retrieved spots: $dxchan->{norbnhour} ($pc) delivered: $dxchan->{nospothour} after filtering to users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousershour}};
$dxchan->{norawhour} = $dxchan->{norbnhour} = $dxchan->{nospothour} = 0; $dxchan->{nousershour} = {};
sub write_cache
- my $fh = IO::File->new(">$cachefn") or confess("writing $cachefn $!");
- my $s = $json->encode($spots);
- $fh->print($s);
- $fh->close;
+ my $ta = [ gettimeofday ];
+ $json->indent(1);
+ my $s = eval {$json->encode($spots)};
+ if ($s) {
+ my $fh = IO::File->new(">$cachefn") or confess("writing $cachefn $!");
+ $fh->print($s);
+ $fh->close;
+ } else {
+ dbg("RBN:Write_cache error '$@'");
+ }
+ $json->indent(0);
+ my $diff = _diffms($ta);
+ dbg("RBN:WRITE_CACHE time to write: $diff mS");
sub check_cache
return 1;
+ dbg("RBN::checkcache error decoding $@");
- dbg("RBN::checkcache error decoding $@");
} else {
my $d = difft($main::systime-$cache_valid);
dbg("RBN::checkcache '$cachefn' created $p ago is too old (> $d), ignored");