use Data::Dumper;
use Fcntl;
use IO::File;
-use DXDebug;
use DXUtil;
use LRU;
use File::Copy;
+use JSON;
+use DXDebug;
use strict;
-use vars qw(%u $dbm $filename %valid $lastoperinterval $lasttime $lru $lrusize $tooold $v3);
+use vars qw(%u $dbm $filename %valid $lastoperinterval $lasttime $lru $lrusize $tooold $v3 $v4);
%u = ();
$dbm = undef;
$lrusize = 2000;
$tooold = 86400 * 365; # this marks an old user who hasn't given enough info to be useful
$v3 = 0;
+$v4 = 0;
+my $json;
our $maxconnlist = 3; # remember this many connection time (duration) [start, end] pairs
# hash of valid elements and a simple prompt
my $ufn;
my $convert;
+ my $fn = "users";
+ unless (-r localdata("$fn.v4")) {
+ }
eval {
require Storable;
- my $fn = "users";
if ($@) {
$ufn = localdata("users.v2");
$v3 = $convert = 0;
my ($key, $val, $action, $count, $err) = ('','',0,0,0);
my %oldu;
- dbg("Converting the User File to V3 ");
+ dbg("Converting the User File to V$convert ");
dbg("This will take a while, I suggest you go and have cup of strong tea");
my $odbm = tie (%oldu, 'DB_File', localdata("users.v2"), O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_BTREE) or confess "can't open user file: $fn.v2 ($!) [rebuild it from user_asc?]";
for ($action = R_FIRST; !$odbm->seq($key, $val, $action); $action = R_NEXT) {
# freeze the user
sub encode
+ goto &json_encode if $v4;
goto &asc_encode unless $v3;
my $self = shift;
return nfreeze($self);
# thaw the user
sub decode
+ goto &json_dncode if $v4;
goto &asc_decode unless $v3;
my $ref;
$ref = thaw(shift);
return $ref;
+sub json_decode
+ my $
+sub json_encode
# del - delete a user
return $s;
+sub export_json
+ use Data::Structure::Util qw(unbless);
+ my $name = shift || 'user_json';
+ my $basic_info_only = shift;
+ my $fn = $name ne 'user_json' ? $name : "$main::local_data/$name"; # force use of local
+ # save old ones
+ move "$fn.oooo", "$fn.ooooo" if -e "$fn.oooo";
+ move "$", "$fn.oooo" if -e "$";
+ move "$fn.oo", "$" if -e "$fn.oo";
+ move "$fn.o", "$fn.oo" if -e "$fn.o";
+ move "$fn", "$fn.o" if -e "$fn";
+ my $json = JSON->new;
+ $json->canonical(1);
+ $json->allow_blessed(1);
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $err = 0;
+ my $del = 0;
+ my $fh = new IO::File ">$fn" or return "cannot open $fn ($!)";
+ if ($fh) {
+ my $key = 0;
+ my $val = undef;
+ my $action;
+ my $t = scalar localtime;
+ print $fh q{#!/usr/bin/perl
+# The exported userfile for a DXSpider System
+# Input file: $filename
+# Time: $t
+package main;
+# search local then perl directories
+ umask 002;
+ # root of directory tree for this system
+ $root = "/spider";
+ unshift @INC, "$root/perl"; # this IS the right way round!
+ unshift @INC, "$root/local";
+ # try to detect a lockfile (this isn't atomic but
+ # should do for now
+ $lockfn = "$root/local_data/cluster.lck"; # lock file name
+ if (-e $lockfn) {
+ open(CLLOCK, "$lockfn") or die "Can't open Lockfile ($lockfn) $!";
+ my $pid = <CLLOCK>;
+ chomp $pid;
+ die "Lockfile ($lockfn) and process $pid exists - cluster must be stopped first\n" if kill 0, $pid;
+ close CLLOCK;
+ }
+use SysVar;
+use DXUser;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ $main::userfn = shift @ARGV;
+ print "user filename now $userfn\n";
+package DXUser;
+use JSON;
+my $json = JSON->new;
+%u = ();
+my $count = 0;
+my $err = 0;
+while (<DATA>) {
+ chomp;
+ my @f = split /\t/;
+ my $ref;
+ eval { $ref = $json->decode($f[1]); };
+ if ($ref && !$@) {
+ $ref = bless $ref, 'DXUser';
+ $ref->put();
+ $count++;
+ DXUser::sync() unless $count % 10000;
+ } else {
+ print "# Error: $f[0]\t$f[1]\n";
+ $err++
+ }
+DXUser::sync(); DXUser::finish();
+print "There are $count user records and $err errors\n";
+ print $fh "__DATA__\n";
+ for ($action = R_FIRST; !$dbm->seq($key, $val, $action); $action = R_NEXT) {
+ if (!is_callsign($key) || $key =~ /^0/) {
+ my $eval = $val;
+ my $ekey = $key;
+ $eval =~ s/([\%\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
+ $ekey =~ s/([\%\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "Export Error1: $ekey\t$eval");
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error1: $ekey\t$eval\n$@")) if $@;
+ ++$err;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $ref;
+ eval {$ref = decode($val); };
+ if ($ref) {
+ my $t = $ref->{lastin} || 0;
+ if ($ref->is_user && !$ref->{priv} && $main::systime > $t + $tooold) {
+ unless ($ref->{lat} && $ref->{long} || $ref->{qth} || $ref->{qra}) {
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error2: $key\t$val\n$@")) if $@;
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "$ref->{call} deleted, too old");
+ $del++;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # only store users that are reasonably active or have useful information
+ unbless($ref);
+ print $fh "$key\t" . $json->encode($ref) . "\n";
+ ++$count;
+ } else {
+ LogDbg('DXCommand', "Export Error3: $key\t" . carp($val) ."\n$@");
+ eval {$dbm->del($key)};
+ dbg(carp("Export Error3: $key\t$val\n$@")) if $@;
+ ++$err;
+ }
+ }
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ my $s = qq{Exported users to $fn - $count Users $del Deleted $err Errors ('sh/log Export' for details)};
+ LogDbg('command', $s);
+ return $s;
# group handling