use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age
$last_hour %pings %rcmds
%nodehops @baddx $baddxfn
- $allowzero $decode_dk0wcy $send_opernam);
+ $allowzero $decode_dk0wcy $send_opernam @checklist);
$me = undef; # the channel id for this cluster
$pc11_max_age = 1*3600; # the maximum age for an incoming 'real-time' pc11
$baddxfn = "$main::data/";
+@checklist =
+ qw(c c m p bc c), # pc10
+ qw(f c m d t c c h), # pc11
+ qw(c bc m p c p h), # pc12
+ qw(c h),
+ qw(c h),
+ qw(c m h),
+ undef, # pc16 has to be validated manually
+ qw(c c h), # pc17
+ qw(c m n), # pc18
+ undef, # pc19 has to be validated manually
+ undef, # pc20 no validation
+ qw(c m h), # pc21
+ undef, # pc22 no validation
+ qw(d t n n n m c c h), # pc23
+ qw(c p h), # pc24
+ qw(c c n n), # pc25
+ qw(f c m d t c c), # pc26
+ qw(d t n n n m c c), # pc27
+ qw(c c c c d t p m bp n p bp c), # pc28
+ qw(c c n m), # pc29
+ qw(c c n), # pc30
+ qw(c c n), # pc31
+ qw(c c n), # pc32
+ qw(c c n), # pc33
+ qw(c c m), # pc34
+ qw(c c m), # pc35
+ qw(c c m), # pc36
+ qw(c c n m), # pc37
+ qw(c m), # pc39
+ qw(c c m p n), # pc40
+ qw(c n m h), # pc41
+ qw(c c n), # pc42
+ undef, # pc43 don't handle it
+ qw(c c n m m c), # pc44
+ qw(c c n m), # pc45
+ qw(c c n), # pc46
+ undef, # pc47
+ undef, # pc48
+ qw(c m h), # pc49
+ qw(c n h), # pc50
+ qw(c c n), # pc51
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef, # pc60
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef, # pc70
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ qw(d t n n n n n n m m m c c), # pc73
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef, # pc80
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ undef,
+ qw(c c c m), # pc84
+ qw(c c c m), # pc85
+# use the entry in the check list to check the field list presented
+# return OK if line NOT in check list (for now)
+sub check
+ my $n = shift;
+ $n -= 10;
+ return 0 if $n < 10 || $n > @checklist;
+ my $ref = $checklist[$n];
+ return 0 unless ref $ref;
+ my $i;
+ shift; # not interested in the first field
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) {
+ my ($blank, $act) = $$ref[$i] =~ /^(b?)(\w)$/;
+ next if $blank && $_[$i] eq ' ';
+ if ($act eq 'c') {
+ return $i+1 unless is_callsign($_[$i]);
+ } elsif ($act eq 'm') {
+ return $i+1 unless is_pctext($_[$i]);
+ } elsif ($act eq 'p') {
+ return $i+1 unless is_pcflag($_[$i]);
+ } elsif ($act eq 'f') {
+ return $i+1 unless is_freq($_[$i]);
+ } elsif ($act eq 'n') {
+ return $i+1 if $_[$i] !~ /^[^\d ]$/;
+ } elsif ($act eq 'h') {
+ return $i+1 unless $_[$i] =~ /^H\d\d?$/;
+ } elsif ($act eq 'd') {
+ return $i+1 unless $_[$i] =~ /^\s*\d+-\w\w\w-[12][90]\d\d$/;
+ } elsif ($act eq 't') {
+ return $i+1 unless $_[$i] =~ /^[012]\d[012345]\dZ$/;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
sub init
my $user = DXUser->get($main::mycall);
return unless $pcno;
return if $pcno < 10 || $pcno > 99;
- # dump bad protocol messages
- if ($pcno != 29 && $line =~ /\%[01][0-9A-F]/) {
- dbg('chan', "CORRUPT protocol message - dumped");
+ # check for and dump bad protocol messages
+ my $n = check($pcno, @field);
+ if ($n) {
+ dbg('chan', "bad field $n, dumped (" . parray($checklist[$pcno-10]) . ")");
if ($pcno == 10) { # incoming talk
- unless (is_callsign($field[1]) && is_callsign($field[2]) && is_callsign($field[6])) {
- dbg('chan', "Corrupt talk, rejected");
- return;
- }
# is it for me or one of mine?
my ($to, $via, $call, $dxchan);
if ($field[5] gt ' ') {
if ($pcno == 11 || $pcno == 26) { # dx spot
- # are any of the callsign fields invalid?
- unless ($field[2] !~ m/[^A-Z0-9\-\/]/ && is_callsign($field[6]) && is_callsign($field[7])) {
- dbg('chan', "Spot contains lower case callsigns or blanks, rejected");
- return;
- }
- if ($field[1] =~ m/[^0-9\.]/) {
- dbg('chan', "Spot frequency not numeric, rejected");
- return;
- }
# route 'foreign' pc26s
if ($pcno == 26) {
if ($field[7] ne $main::mycall) {
if ($pcno == 12) { # announces
- unless (is_callsign($field[1]) && is_callsign($field[5])) {
- dbg('chan', "Corrupt announce, rejected");
- return;
- }
# announce duplicate checking
$field[3] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading blanks
if (AnnTalk::dup($field[1], $field[2], $field[3])) {
use strict;
+use DXUtil;
+use DXDebug;
+use vars qw(%valid);
+%valid = (
+ fromnode => '0,From Node',
+ tonode => '0,To Node',
+ vianode => '0,Via Node',
+ origin => '0,Original Node',
+ tocall => '0,To Callsign',
+ fromcall => '0,From Callsign',
+ hops => '0,No. of hops',
+ text => '0,Text',
+ datetime => '0,Date/Time,atime',
+ freq => '0,Frequency',
+ dxcall => '0,DX Callsign',
+ sort => '0,Sort',
+ hereflag => '0,Here?,yesno',
+ talkflag => '0,Talk mode',
+ bellflag => '0,Bell?',
+ privflag => '0,Private?,yesno',
+ rrflag => '0,RR Req.?,yesno',
+ sysopflag => '0,Sysop flag',
+ dxcount => '0,DX Count',
+ wwvcount => '0,WWV Count',
+ version => '0,Node Version',
+ nodelist => '0,Node List,parray',
+ );
sub new
my $pkg = shift;
- my $self = bless {}, $pkg;
+ my $sort = shift;
+ my $self = bless { sort => $sort }, $pkg;
return $self;
+ no strict "refs";
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
+ return if $name =~ /::DESTROY$/;
+ $name =~ s/.*:://o;
+ confess "Non-existant field '$AUTOLOAD'" if !$valid{$name};
+ *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {@_ > 1 ? $_[0]->{$name} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{$name}} ;
+ @_ ? $self->{$name} = shift : $self->{$name} ;