1. A large change has occurred. There is now some (optional) US state recog-
nition. This is in its early stages but appears to work for me. You will need
-to download the database at http://www.dxcluster.org/download/usdbraw, save it
-in /spider/data and run /spider/perl/create_usdb.pl /spider/data/usdbraw
+to :-
-BE WARNED this will
-take several minutes. You can do this while the node is running. There is a
-planned method of keeping the US DB up to date with smaller (ie < 5Mb) patch
+1. download the database at http://www.dxcluster.org/download/usdbraw.gz
+2. save it somewhere (/tmp, anywhere).
+3. Decompress it using your favorite program (gunzip / winzip) [call it
+ usdbraw if winzip).
+4. remove any /spider/data/user.v1 files lying around (at least for this
+ first time.
+5. cd /spider/perl
+6. perl create_usdb.pl /tmp/usdbraw (ie the UNCOMPRESSED file)
+7. Wait, I suggest some cups of tea are in order.
+8. Wait a bit more.
+You will be able do this while the node is running. There is a
+planned method of keeping the US DB up to date with smaller (ie < 15Mb) patch
files once a week but you will have to wait a bit for the code to bed down
first. You can filter on routes, spots and announces using 'call_state' or
'by_state' and a comma separated list of state codes. The HELP has been