use strict;
use vars qw(%work @msg $msgdir %valid %busy $maxage $last_clean
@badmsg @swop $swopfn $badmsgfn $forwardfn @forward $timeout $waittime
- $queueinterval $lastq $importfn);
+ $queueinterval $lastq $importfn $minchunk $maxchunk);
%work = (); # outstanding jobs
@msg = (); # messages we have
$queueinterval = 1*60; # run the queue every 1 minute
$lastq = 0;
+$minchunk = 4800; # minimum chunk size for a split message
+$maxchunk = 6000; # maximum chunk size
$badmsgfn = "$msgdir/"; # list of TO address we wont store
$forwardfn = "$msgdir/"; # the forwarding table
print "Error reading $fn $!\n";
return undef;
- chomp (@out = <$file>);
+ @out = map {chomp; $_} <$file>;
shift @out if $out[0] =~ /^=== /;
my $hnode = $uref->homenode if $uref;
$clref = DXCluster->get_exact($hnode) if $hnode;
- if ($clref && !grep { $clref->{dxchan} == $_ } DXCommandmode::get_all) {
+ if ($clref && !grep { $clref->{dxchan} == $_ } DXCommandmode::get_all()) {
next if $clref->call eq $main::mycall; # i.e. it lives here
$noderef = $clref->{dxchan};
$ref->start_msg($noderef) if !get_busy($noderef->call) && $noderef->state eq 'normal';
# are there any to do in this directory?
return unless -d $importfn;
unless (opendir(DIR, $importfn)) {
- dbg('msg', "can't open $importfn $!");
- Log('msg', "can't open $importfn $!");
+ dbg('msg', "can\'t open $importfn $!");
+ Log('msg', "can\'t open $importfn $!");
my $name;
foreach $name (@names) {
next if $name =~ /^\./;
+ my $splitit = $name =~ /^split/;
my $fn = "$importfn/$name";
next unless -f $fn;
unless (open(MSG, $fn)) {
- dbg('msg', "can't open import file $fn $!");
- Log('msg', "can't open import file $fn $!");
+ dbg('msg', "can\'t open import file $fn $!");
+ Log('msg', "can\'t open import file $fn $!");
my @msg = map { chomp; $_ } <MSG>;
- my @out = import_one($DXProt::me, \@msg);
+ my @out = import_one($DXProt::me, \@msg, $splitit);
Log('msg', @out);
my $dxchan = shift;
my $ref = shift;
+ my $splitit = shift;
my $private = '1';
my $rr = '0';
my $notincalls = 1;
# first line;
my $line = shift @$ref;
my @f = split /\s+/, $line;
- unless ($f[0] =~ /^(:?S|SP|SB|SEND)$/ ) {
+ unless (@f && $f[0] =~ /^(:?S|SP|SB|SEND)$/ ) {
my $m = "invalid first line in import '$line'";
dbg('MSG', $m );
return (1, $m);
if (grep $_ eq $f, @DXMsg::badmsg) {
push @out, $dxchan->msg('m3', $f);
} else {
- push @to, $f;
+ push @to, $f;
# subject is the next line
my $subject = shift @$ref;
# strip off trailing lines
- pop @$ref while (@$ref && ($$ref[-1] eq '' || $$ref[-1] =~ /^\s+$/));
+ pop @$ref while (@$ref && $$ref[-1] =~ /^\s*$/);
# strip off /EX or /ABORT
- return ("aborted") if (@$ref && $$ref[-1] =~ m{^/ABORT$}i);
+ return ("aborted") if @$ref && $$ref[-1] =~ m{^/ABORT$}i;
pop @$ref if (@$ref && $$ref[-1] =~ m{^/EX$}i);
+ # sort out any splitting that needs to be done
+ my @chunk;
+ if ($splitit) {
+ my $lth = 0;
+ my $lines = [];
+ for (@$ref) {
+ if ($lth >= $maxchunk || ($lth > $minchunk && /^\s*$/)) {
+ push @chunk, $lines;
+ $lines = [];
+ $lth = 0;
+ }
+ push @$lines, $_;
+ $lth += length;
+ }
+ push @chunk, $lines if @$lines;
+ } else {
+ push @chunk, $ref;
+ }
# write all the messages away
- my $to;
- foreach $to (@to) {
- my $systime = $main::systime;
- my $mycall = $main::mycall;
- my $mref = DXMsg->alloc(DXMsg::next_transno('Msgno'),
- $to,
- $from,
- $systime,
- $private,
- $subject,
- $origin,
- '0',
- $rr);
- $mref->swop_it($main::mycall);
- $mref->store($ref);
- $mref->add_dir();
- push @out, $dxchan->msg('m11', $mref->{msgno}, $to);
- #push @out, "msgno $ref->{msgno} sent to $to";
- my $todxchan = DXChannel->get(uc $to);
- if ($todxchan) {
- if ($todxchan->is_user()) {
- $todxchan->send($todxchan->msg('m9'));
+ my $i;
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < @chunk; $i++) {
+ my $chunk = $chunk[$i];
+ my $ch_subject;
+ if (@chunk > 1) {
+ my $num = " [" . ($i+1) . "/" . scalar @chunk . "]";
+ $ch_subject = substr($subject, 0, 27 - length $num) . $num;
+ } else {
+ $ch_subject = $subject;
+ }
+ my $to;
+ foreach $to (@to) {
+ my $systime = $main::systime;
+ my $mycall = $main::mycall;
+ my $mref = DXMsg->alloc(DXMsg::next_transno('Msgno'),
+ $to,
+ $from,
+ $systime,
+ $private,
+ $ch_subject,
+ $origin,
+ '0',
+ $rr);
+ $mref->swop_it($main::mycall);
+ $mref->store($chunk);
+ $mref->add_dir();
+ push @out, $dxchan->msg('m11', $mref->{msgno}, $to);
+ #push @out, "msgno $ref->{msgno} sent to $to";
+ my $todxchan = DXChannel->get(uc $to);
+ if ($todxchan) {
+ if ($todxchan->is_user()) {
+ $todxchan->send($todxchan->msg('m9'));
+ }
return @out;
use strict;
use vars qw($me $pc11_max_age $pc23_max_age $pc11_dup_age $pc23_dup_age
- %spotdup %wwvdup $last_hour %pings %rcmds
+ %spotdup %wwvdup $last_hour %pings %rcmds $pc11duptext
%nodehops @baddx $baddxfn $pc12_dup_age
%anndup $allowzero $pc12_dup_lth $decode_dk0wcy);
$pc23_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the wwv dup list for
$pc12_dup_age = 24*3600; # the maximum time to keep the ann dup list for
$pc12_dup_lth = 60; # the length of ANN text to save for deduping
+$pc11duptext = 27; # maximum lth of the text field in PC11 to use for duduping
%spotdup = (); # the pc11 and 26 dup hash
%wwvdup = (); # the pc23 and 27 dup hash
%anndup = (); # the PC12 dup hash
# now prime the wwv duplicates file with just this month's data
my @wwv = Geomag::readfile(time);
for (@wwv) {
- my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
+ my $duptext = substr $_->[3], 0, $pc11duptext;
+ my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$duptext$_->[4]";
$wwvdup{$dupkey} = $_->[1];
# do some de-duping
my $freq = $field[1] - 0;
- my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$text$spotter";
+ my $duptext = substr $text, 0, $pc11duptext;
+ my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$duptext$spotter";
if ($spotdup{$dupkey}) {
dbg('chan', "Duplicate Spot ignored\n");