next if $noderef->call eq $main::mycall;
next if $noderef->isolate; # maybe add code for stuff originated here?
next if grep { $_ eq $noderef->call } @{$ref->{gotit}};
+ next if DXUser->get( ${$ref->{gotit}}[0] )->isolate; # is the origin isolated?
# if we are here we have a node that doesn't have this message
$ref->start_msg($noderef) if !get_busy($noderef->call) && $noderef->state eq 'normal';
# and are not themselves isolated, this to make sure that isolated nodes
# don't appear outside of this node
@nodes = DXNode::get_all();
- @nodes = grep { $_->dxchan != $self && !$_->{isolate} } @nodes;
+ @nodes = grep { $_->dxchan != $self && !$_->dxchan->{isolate} } @nodes;
my @s = $me->pc19(@nodes);