2. Make sure that the 'over midnight' distance calculation actually does what
is required!
3. Tart up version number reporting in sh/node.
+4. Pass the correct number of parameters in pc93 -> pc12 conversions which
+should stop returning PC12s coming out as SYSOP announces.
1. Try to make sure that the node config broadcasts are actually sent...
foreach my $text (@msg) {
next unless $text && $text !~ /^\s*#/;
- if ($target eq 'ALL' || $target eq 'LOCAL' || $target eq 'SYSOP') {
- my $sysopflag = $target eq 'SYSOP' ? '*' : ' ';
- if ($target ne 'LOCAL') {
- send_announce($main::me, pc12($main::mycall, $text, '*', $sysopflag), $main::mycall, '*', $text, $sysopflag, $main::mycall, '0');
- } else {
- Log('ann', 'LOCAL', $main::mycall, $text);
- DXChannel::broadcast_list("To LOCAL de ${main::mycall}: $text\a", 'ann', undef, DXCommandmode->get_all());
- }
+ if ($target eq 'ALL' || $target eq 'LOCAL' || $target eq 'SYSOP' || $target eq 'WX') {
+ my $sysop = uc $target eq 'SYSOP' ? '*' : ' ';
+ my $wx = uc $target eq 'WX' ? '1' : '0';
+ my $via = $target;
+ $via = '*' if $target eq 'ALL' || $target eq 'SYSOP';
+ Log('ann', $target, $main::mycall, $text);
+ $main::me->normal(DXProt::pc93($target, $main::mycall, $via, $text));
} else {
- my $msgid = nextchatmsgid();
- $text = "#$msgid $text";
- send_chat($main::me, pc12($main::mycall, $text, '*', $target), $main::mycall, '*', $text, $target, $main::mycall, '0');
+ $main::me->send_chats($target, $text);
my $wx = uc $to eq 'WX' ? '1' : '0';
my $local = $via eq 'LOCAL' ? '*' : $via;
- $self->send_announce(1, pc12($from, $text, $local, $via, $sysop, $wx, $pcall), $from, $local, $text, $sysop, $pcall, $wx, $via eq 'LOCAL' ? $via : undef);
+ $self->send_announce(1, pc12($from, $text, $local, $sysop, $wx, $pcall), $from, $local, $text, $sysop, $pcall, $wx, $via eq 'LOCAL' ? $via : undef);
return if $via eq 'LOCAL';
} else {
# chat messages to non-pc9x nodes