4. reduced necessary privilege to use 'MSG' command to 6.
5. Correct the count of spots and wwv for a merge.
6. Allow decodes of DK0WCY-3 WWV data beacon announces
+7. rewrote send so that an SB doesn't send a buckshee bull to NOPRIVATE!
+8. Changed default colouration on console so that all spots >= 50Mhz are red
1. changed help command so that it works correctly with multiple title lines.
2. added to address to the list of things a message checks to see whether it
is a duplicate (how on earth did it take _this_ long to find this one?).
-3. Changes S CC so that the callsign it says it has sent to is the real one.
+3. Changes S CC so that the callsign it says it has sent to is the real one
+(request from G8TIC)
1. allow zero messages to be stored (request from G4PDQ)
2. make DX more flexible and change spotter syntax to be consistant with
# $Id$
my ($self, $line) = @_;
+return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->remotecmd;
my @out;
-my $loc;
+my $loc = $self->{loc} = {};
+my $notincalls = 1;
+my @to;
+# set up defaults
+$loc->{private} = '1';
+$loc->{rrreq} = '0';
# $DB::single = 1;
# any thing after send?
return (1, $self->msg('e6')) if !@f;
- $f[0] = uc $f[0];
- # first deal with copies
- if ($f[0] eq 'C' || $f[0] eq 'CC' || $f[0] eq 'COPY') {
- my $i = 1;
- my $rr = '0';
- if (uc $f[$i] eq 'RR') {
- $rr = '1';
- $i++;
- }
- my $oref = DXMsg::get($f[$i]);
- #return (0, $self->msg('esend1', $f[$i])) if !$oref;
- #return (0, $self->msg('esend2')) if $i+1 > @f;
- return (0, "msgno $f[$i] not found") if !$oref;
- return (0, "need a callsign") if $i+1 > @f;
- # separate copy to everyone listed
- for ($i++ ; $i < @f; $i++) {
- my $msgno = DXMsg::next_transno('Msgno');
- my $newsubj = "CC: " . $oref->subject;
- my $newcall = uc $f[$i];
- my $nref = DXMsg->alloc($msgno,
- $newcall,
- $self->call,
- $main::systime,
- '1',
- $newsubj,
- $main::mycall,
- '0',
- $rr);
- my @list;
- my $from = $oref->from;
- my $to = $oref->to;
- my $date = cldate($oref->t);
- my $time = ztime($oref->t);
- my $buf = "Original from: $from To: $to Date: $date $time";
- push @list, $buf;
- push @list, $oref->read_msg_body();
- $nref->store(\@list);
- $nref->add_dir();
- push @out, $self->msg('m2', $oref->msgno, $newcall);
+ while (@f) {
+ my $f = uc shift @f;
+ # first deal with copies
+ if ($f eq 'C' || $f eq 'CC' || $f eq 'COPY') {
+ my $rr = '0';
+ if (@f && uc $f[0] eq 'RR') {
+ shift @f;
+ $rr = '1';
+ }
+ if (@f) {
+ my $m = shift @f;
+ my $oref = DXMsg::get($m);
+ return (0, $self->msg('m4', $m)) unless $oref;
+ return (0, $self->msg('m16')) unless @f;
+ # separate copy to everyone listed
+ while (@f) {
+ my $newcall = uc shift @f;
+ my $msgno = DXMsg::next_transno('Msgno');
+ my $newsubj = "CC: " . $oref->subject;
+ my $nref = DXMsg->alloc($msgno,
+ $newcall,
+ $self->call,
+ $main::systime,
+ '1',
+ $newsubj,
+ $main::mycall,
+ '0',
+ $rr);
+ my @list;
+ my $from = $oref->from;
+ my $to = $oref->to;
+ my $date = cldate($oref->t);
+ my $time = ztime($oref->t);
+ my $buf = "Original from: $from To: $to Date: $date $time";
+ push @list, $buf;
+ push @list, $oref->read_msg_body();
+ $nref->store(\@list);
+ $nref->add_dir();
+ push @out, $self->msg('m2', $oref->msgno, $newcall);
+ }
+ }
+ DXMsg::queue_msg();
+ return (1, @out);
- DXMsg::queue_msg();
- return (1, @out);
- }
- # now deal with real message inputs
- # parse out send line for various possibilities
- $loc = $self->{loc} = {};
- my $i = 0;
- $f[0] = uc $f[0];
- $loc->{private} = '1';
- if ($f[0] eq 'B' || $f[0] =~ /^NOP/oi) {
- $loc->{private} = '0';
- $i += 1;
- } elsif ($f[0] eq 'P' || $f[0] =~ /^PRI/oi) {
- $i += 1;
- }
- $loc->{rrreq} = '0';
- if (uc $f[$i] eq 'RR') {
- $loc->{rrreq} = '1';
- $i++;
- }
- # check we have some callsigns
- if ($i >= @f) {
- delete $self->{loc};
- return (1, $self->msg('e6'));
- }
+ # private / noprivate / rr
+ if ($notincalls && ($f eq 'B' || $f =~ /^NOP/oi)) {
+ $loc->{private} = '0';
+ } elsif ($notincalls && ($f eq 'P' || $f =~ /^PRI/oi)) {
+ ;
+ } elsif ($notincalls && ($f eq 'RR')) {
+ $loc->{rrreq} = '1';
+ } else {
- # now save all the 'to' callsigns for later
- # first check the 'to' addresses for 'badness'
- my $t;
- my @to;
- splice @f, 0, $i-1 if $i > 0;
- foreach $t (@f) {
- $t = uc $t;
+ # callsign ?
+ $notincalls = 0;
- # is this callsign a distro?
- my $fn = "/spider/msg/distro/$t.pl";
- if (-e $fn) {
- my $fh = new IO::File $fn;
- if ($fh) {
- local $/ = undef;
- my $s = <$fh>;
- $fh->close;
- my @call;
- @call = eval $s;
- return (1, "Error in Distro $t.pl:", $@) if $@;
- if (@call > 0) {
- push @f, @call;
- next;
+ # is this callsign a distro?
+ my $fn = "/spider/msg/distro/$f.pl";
+ if (-e $fn) {
+ my $fh = new IO::File $fn;
+ if ($fh) {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $s = <$fh>;
+ $fh->close;
+ my @call;
+ @call = eval $s;
+ return (1, "Error in Distro $f.pl:", $@) if $@;
+ if (@call > 0) {
+ push @f, @call;
+ next;
+ }
- }
- if (grep $_ eq $t, @DXMsg::badmsg) {
- push @out, $self->msg('m3', $t);
- } else {
- push @to, $t;
+ if (grep $_ eq $f, @DXMsg::badmsg) {
+ push @out, $self->msg('m3', $f);
+ } else {
+ push @to, $f;
+ }
+ # check we have some callsigns
if (@to) {
$loc->{to} = \@to;
} else {
- return (1, @out);
+ delete $self->{loc};
+ return (1, $self->msg('e6'));
# find me and set the state and the function on my state variable to
my $call = shift;
my $ref;
my $clref;
- my $dxchan;
my @nodelist = DXProt::get_all_ak1a();
# bat down the message list looking for one that needs to go off site and whose
next if $ref->{waitt} > $main::systime;
delete $ref->{waitt};
+ # deal with routed private messages
+ my $noderef;
if ($ref->{private}) {
- if ($ref->{'read'} == 0) {
- $clref = DXCluster->get_exact($ref->{to});
- unless ($clref) { # otherwise look for a homenode
- my $uref = DXUser->get($ref->{to});
- my $hnode = $uref->homenode if $uref;
- $clref = DXCluster->get_exact($hnode) if $hnode;
- }
- if ($clref && !grep { $clref->{dxchan} == $_ } DXCommandmode::get_all) {
- $dxchan = $clref->{dxchan};
- $ref->start_msg($dxchan) if $dxchan && $clref && !get_busy($dxchan->call) && $dxchan->state eq 'normal';
- }
+ $clref = DXCluster->get_exact($ref->{to});
+ unless ($clref) { # otherwise look for a homenode
+ my $uref = DXUser->get($ref->{to});
+ my $hnode = $uref->homenode if $uref;
+ $clref = DXCluster->get_exact($hnode) if $hnode;
- } elsif (!$sort) {
- # otherwise we are dealing with a bulletin, compare the gotit list with
- # the nodelist up above, if there are sites that haven't got it yet
- # then start sending it - what happens when we get loops is anyone's
- # guess, use (to, from, time, subject) tuple?
- my $noderef;
- foreach $noderef (@nodelist) {
- next if $noderef->call eq $main::mycall;
- next if grep { $_ eq $noderef->call } @{$ref->{gotit}};
- next unless $ref->forward_it($noderef->call); # check the forwarding file
- # next if $noderef->isolate; # maybe add code for stuff originated here?
- # next if DXUser->get( ${$ref->{gotit}}[0] )->isolate; # is the origin isolated?
- # if we are here we have a node that doesn't have this message
+ if ($clref && !grep { $clref->{dxchan} == $_ } DXCommandmode::get_all) {
+ next if $clref->call eq $main::mycall; # i.e. it lives here
+ $noderef = $clref->{dxchan};
$ref->start_msg($noderef) if !get_busy($noderef->call) && $noderef->state eq 'normal';
- last;
+ # otherwise we are dealing with a bulletin or forwarded private message
+ # compare the gotit list with
+ # the nodelist up above, if there are sites that haven't got it yet
+ # then start sending it - what happens when we get loops is anyone's
+ # guess, use (to, from, time, subject) tuple?
+ foreach $noderef (@nodelist) {
+ next if $noderef->call eq $main::mycall;
+ next if grep { $_ eq $noderef->call } @{$ref->{gotit}};
+ next unless $ref->forward_it($noderef->call); # check the forwarding file
+ # if we are here we have a node that doesn't have this message
+ $ref->start_msg($noderef) if !get_busy($noderef->call) && $noderef->state eq 'normal';
+ last;
+ }
# if all the available nodes are busy then stop
last if @nodelist == scalar grep { get_busy($_->call) } @nodelist;
my $tested;
# are we interested?
- last if $ref->{private} && $sort ne 'P';
- last if !$ref->{private} && $sort ne 'B';
+ next if $ref->{private} && $sort ne 'P';
+ next if !$ref->{private} && $sort ne 'B';
# select field
$tested = $ref->{to} if $field eq 'T';
+ my $at = $ref->{to} =~ /\@\s*(\S+)/;
+ $tested = $at if $field eq '\@';
$tested = $ref->{from} if $field eq 'F';
$tested = $ref->{origin} if $field eq 'O';
$tested = $ref->{subject} if $field eq 'S';