the debug files now.
3. changed print statements in to dbg('err',... so they go into
the debug files as well.
+4. Altered the logic around duplicate spots, reduced the length of comment
+checked to 20 characters (this should solve some problems including those
+people sucking ar-cluster spots with prefixes in the extreme lh end).
1. fixed problem with binary characters from cluster->client
2. added set/echo and unset/echo commands
$pc23_dup_age = 3*3600; # the maximum time to keep the wwv dup list for
$pc12_dup_age = 24*3600; # the maximum time to keep the ann dup list for
$pc12_dup_lth = 60; # the length of ANN text to save for deduping
-$pc11duptext = 27; # maximum lth of the text field in PC11 to use for duduping
+$pc11duptext = 20; # maximum lth of the text field in PC11 to use for duduping
%spotdup = (); # the pc11 and 26 dup hash
%wwvdup = (); # the pc23 and 27 dup hash
@today = Julian::sub(@today, 1);
push @spots, Spot::readfile(@today);
for (@spots) {
- my $dupkey = "$_->[0]$_->[1]$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
+ my $duptext = length $_->[3] > $pc11duptext ? substr($_->[3], 0, $pc11duptext) : $_->[3] ;
+ my $dupkey = "$_->[0]$_->[1]$_->[2]$duptext$_->[4]";
$spotdup{$dupkey} = $_->[2];
# now prime the wwv duplicates file with just this month's data
my @wwv = Geomag::readfile(time);
for (@wwv) {
- my $duptext = substr $_->[3], 0, $pc11duptext;
- my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$duptext$_->[4]";
+ my $dupkey = "$_->[1].$_->[2]$_->[3]$_->[4]";
$wwvdup{$dupkey} = $_->[1];
# strip off the leading & trailing spaces from the comment
+ my $duptext = length $field[5] > $pc11duptext ? substr($field[5], 0, $pc11duptext) : $field[5];
my $text = unpad($field[5]);
# store it away
# do some de-duping
my $freq = $field[1] - 0;
- my $duptext = substr $text, 0, $pc11duptext;
- my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$duptext$spotter";
+ my $dupkey = "$freq$field[2]$d$text$spotter";
if ($spotdup{$dupkey}) {
dbg('chan', "Duplicate Spot ignored\n");
$buffered = $line; # set buffered or unbuffered
} elsif ($sort eq 'Z') { # end, disconnect, go, away .....
- }
+ }
+ # ******************************************************
+ # ******************************************************
+ # any other sorts that might happen are silently ignored.
+ # ******************************************************
+ # ******************************************************
$lasttime = time;
Log('cluster', "DXSpider V$version started");
# banner
-dbg('err', "DXSpider DX Cluster Version $version\nCopyright (c) 1998-1999 Dirk Koopman G1TLH");
+dbg('err', "DXSpider DX Cluster Version $version", "Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Dirk Koopman G1TLH");
# load Prefixes
dbg('err', "loading prefixes ...");
# this, such as it is, is the main loop!
dbg('err', "orft we jolly well go ...");
-Log('err', "DXSpider version $version started...");
#open(DB::OUT, "|tee /tmp/aa");
} elsif ($sort && $sort eq 'Z') { # end, disconnect, go, away .....
+ # ******************************************************
+ # ******************************************************
+ # any other sorts that might happen are silently ignored.
+ # ******************************************************
+ # ******************************************************
$lasttime = time;