+1. fixed reply so that reply b or reply nop generate a bulletin with the
+correct address.
1. Translated all the subroutines of minimuf into perl as Minimuf.pm
2. Limited the length of an ANN that is saved for de-duping to $pc12_dup_lth
=== 5^READ-^
As a sysop you may read any message on the system
-=== 0^REPLY^Reply to the last message that you have read
-=== 0^REPLY <msgno>^Reply to the specified message
-=== 0^REPLY PRIVATE <msgno>^Reply privately to the specified message
+=== 0^REPLY^Reply (privately) to the last message that you have read
+=== 0^REPLY <msgno>^Reply (privately) to the specified message
+=== 0^REPLY B <msgno>^Reply as a Bulletin to the specified message
+=== 0^REPLY NOPrivate <msgno>^Reply as a Bulletin to the specified message
=== 0^REPLY RR <msgno>^Reply to the specified message with read receipt
You can reply to a message and the subject will automatically have
"Re:" inserted in front of it, if it isn't already present.
You can also use all the extra qualifiers such as RR, PRIVATE,
-NOPRIVATE that you can use with the SEND command (see SEND
+NOPRIVATE, B that you can use with the SEND command (see SEND
for further details)
=== 0^SEND <call> [<call> ...]^Send a message to one or more callsigns
if (!($oref = DXMsg::get($self->lastread))) {
delete $self->{loc};
return (1, $self->msg('m5'));
- #return (1, "need a message number");
# now save all the 'to' callsigns for later
- my $to = $oref->from;
+ my $to = $loc->{private} ? $oref->from : $oref->to;
$loc->{to} = [ $to ]; # to is an array
$loc->{subject} = $oref->subject;
$loc->{subject} = "Re: " . $loc->{subject} if !($loc->{subject} =~ /^Re:\s/io);
# keep calling me for every line until I relinquish control
- #push @out, $self->msg('sendsubj');
-# push @out, "Reply to: $to";
-# push @out, "Subject : $loc->{subject}";
-# push @out, "Enter Message /EX (^Z) to send or /ABORT (^Y) to exit";
push @out, $self->msg('m6', $to);
push @out, $self->msg('m7', $loc->{subject});
push @out, $self->msg('m8');
Log('ann', $target, $field[1], $text);
if ($decode_dk0wcy && $field[1] eq $decode_dk0wcy) {
- my ($hour, $k, $next, $a, $r, $sfi) = $field[3] =~ /^Aurora Beacon\s+(\d+)UTC,\s+Kiel\s+K=(\d+),.*ed\s+K=(\d+),\s+A=(\d+),\s+R=(\d+),\s+SFI=(\d+),/;
- my $wwv = Geomag::update($main::systime, $hour, $sfi, $a, $k, "R=$r, Next K=$next", $decode_dk0wcy, $field[5], $r);
+ my ($hour, $k, $next, $a, $r, $sfi, $alarm) = $field[3] =~ /^Aurora Beacon\s+(\d+)UTC,\s+Kiel\s+K=(\d+),.*ed\s+K=(\d+),\s+A=(\d+),\s+R=(\d+),\s+SFI=(\d+),.*larm:\s+(\w+)/;
+ $alarm = ($alarm =~ /^Y/i) ? ', Aurora in DE' : '';
+ my $wwv = Geomag::update($main::systime, $hour, $sfi, $a, $k, "R=$r, Next K=$next$alarm", $decode_dk0wcy, $field[5], $r);
return if $field[2] eq $main::mycall; # it's routed to me