--- /dev/null
+# Process and import for mail SIDC Ursagrams
+# This program takes a mail message on its standard input
+# and, if it is an URSIGRAM, imports it into the local
+# spider msg queue.
+# Copyright (c) Dirk Koopman G1TLH
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+use Mail::Internet;
+use Mail::Header;
+my $import = '/spider/msg/import';
+my $msg = Mail::Internet->new(\*STDIN) or die "Mail::Internet $!";
+my $head = $msg->head->header_hashref;
+if ($head && $head->{From}->[0] =~ /sidc/i && $head->{Subject}->[0] =~ /Ursigram/i) {
+ my $body = $msg->body;
+ my $title = 'SIDC Ursigram';
+ my $date = '';
+ foreach my $l (@$body) {
+ if ($l =~ /SIDC\s+SOLAR\s+BULLETIN\s+(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+20(\d\d)/) {
+ $date = "$1$2$3";
+ $title .= " $date";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ open OUT, ">$import/ursigram$date.txt" or die "import $!";
+ print OUT "SB ALL\n$title\n";
+ print OUT map {s/\r\n$/\n/; $_} @$body;
+ print OUT "/ex\n";
+ close OUT;